Saturday, September 21, 2013

Oh, For Lack Of A Leader.

Oh, For Lack Of A Leader.  If there was any doubt about what motivates Obama and makes him tick, the answer was made abundantly clear on the day of the Washington Naval Yard shooting.  On that day of tragedy, our president made one of his typical partisan speeches, filled with venom and spite.  On a day that called for leadership and brotherhood, he gave us pettiness and narcissism.    The truly unfortunate thing is this: It has become so typical that hardly anyone noticed.
As poison as the water has become on Capitol Hill, there still exists the possibility for true statesmen to step up and get some government business done in a responsible and respectable fashion.  Ours is a marvelous model of government and for all of its weaknesses, its strengths are ever redeeming.  Where do we look for these potential leaders?  One can never be sure that Harry Reid even knows what day of the week it is, much less conduct Senate business.   “Let’s Make A Deal” John Boehner is much more interested in keeping his job than in promoting efficiency in government.   And the White House; well, the White House is what it is and shall remain for another 3+ years.  It is full of incompetent and inexperienced idealists whose grasp on reality is as tenuous as a spider web on your front porch.  And to make things even more discouraging, they are all led by a man who is likely the shallowest, most unprincipled and incompetent president in the history of country.  Can this government be saved?
Let’s look at history.  The political spectrum has to stretch out to great lengths in order to place Tip O’Neil at one end, Ronald Reagan at the other, and expect them to coexist in civil fashion.  Yet they somehow managed to pass some of the most significant legislation in history and preside over our country through some of its finest hours.  Bill Clinton and Al Gore came into WDC like a hurricane, blowing to the sound of Fleetwood Mac that heralded a new and shiny future in their vision.  But after his mid-term comeuppance, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gingrich figured out how to win/win and actually balanced the budget of this government. 
It CAN be done; but WHO will do it?  Do you see a Republican out there now who can rise above this partisan gulf, win the nomination of the party, get elected, and then work across the aisles with Democrats to actually get things done?  What Democrat will have the courage to take the chance of destroying the winning strategy of Obama and his minions in order to run an honest presidential campaign?  The bad news is that Obama is with us for another 3+ years; the good news is that we have another 3+ years to try and find some true statesmen on both sides of the political spectrum to run this country.

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