Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Vote: Stick To Your Guns.

My Vote: Stick To Your Guns.  Well, they shut it down.  Where do we go from here?  For this one, small, insignificant guy…I say to the House of Representatives: Stick to your guns. 

First off, it is entirely reasonable to delay Obamacare; it is a colossal mess and given the length of time they’ve had to prepare for this rollout, the fact that it is so troubled is ominous indeed.  It was passed into law by extraordinary means by classifying it as a budget item.  It is only fitting that the first real challenge to it comes within the budget process.  Secondly, and as I have stated before in this little blog, our best government is sometimes is our least government.  For my money, we can stand some time with the bureaucracy frozen in time.  It has obviously become dysfunctional and there is apparently nobody in town who has any notion whatsoever of how to fix it.  Instead of letting it continue to tumble out of control, let’s put it on hold for bit; stop it in its tracks and see if that doesn’t provide some perspective on how to repair it.   

As usual, the mainstream media is carrying the administration’s water on this whole deal.  While there is plenty of blame to go around, all the press wants to talk about is how the Republicans in the House are approaching this crisis.  Is there no blame to be placed on a Senate who tells its co-equal partner in legislation: My way or the highway?  Ultimately, as Woodward has said, the blame rests with our president.  For better or worse, he is the leader of this nation.  He has more executive control than any president in recent memory and he has party control of the Senate; how can he not be held accountable for this fiasco?

For my money, the only real tragedy in this shutdown is the possibility that some of our good federal workers and military service members will not receive the paychecks that they rely on.  It is not their fault that we have elected incompetents in WDC who behave more like petulant children rather than statesmen.  They, like all other working people in this pitiful economy, live from paycheck to paycheck and when one comes up missing in part or in whole, it quickly puts a family’s economy in crisis. 

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