Sunday, October 13, 2013

Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid.

Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid.  I have wondered on several occasions since last November exactly what it is that motivates our president to do some of the things that he does.  He is clearly childishly petulant sometimes, reacting without thinking in ways that are spiteful and sophomoric.  This is his true nature and he does these things in a natural way without thinking.  But beyond those moments of infantile behavior, why does he continue to play political brinksmanship games with the Republicans?  It would seem that a man who is no longer going to stand for election would be far more interested in his legacy and getting something substantial in a bipartisan sense accomplished than in winning small battles with the opposition party.

There is only one answer that makes any sense whatsoever.  Everything that Obama does is targeted towards one thing.  If nothing else, he and his minions have the ability to bring a laser type focus on something when they are properly motivated; look no further than their masterful job at getting re-elected.  So, what might it be that is drawing their laser focus at this time?  The only explanation for his inexplicably confrontational and partisan activity is that he is wholly consumed by the 2014 mid-term elections; the goal of holding the Senate and wresting control of the House.  With that objective in hand, he and Reid and Pelosi can begin the completion of the vision they had only begun with the passage of Obamacare.

Whether you be a Republican, an Independent, a Libertarian, a Democrat, or a non-party citizen who votes for the candidate regardless, think about what “Obama unleashed” would be like.  Consider all of his community organizer and activist activities that have come to light since his election.  Consider how his foreign policy has sought to transform  not only the posture of our nation as the beacon of hope for freedom and democracy, but also his shift away from historic allies to a naïve friendship extended to some of the most dangerous governments and organizations in the world today.  Look at how the economy has performed since his election.  Look at how our society and culture has changed since his election.  Consider how your life and the lives of your family members have changed since his election.  Consider how your views and dreams of your future have changed since his election.  Do you feel a sense of pride when he stands behind the podium, beneath the presidential seal, glancing towards his ever-present teleprompter, and dishing forth his meaningless partisan pap about how everything that is bad is someone else’s fault and has nothing to do with him?  Is Russia impressed with him or laughing at him?  Has he reassured Israel or forced them to consider radical autonomous actions to insure their own survival? 

If the Democrats maintain control of the Senate in 2014 and take control of the House, and then continue to be lapdogs for Obama and his activist agenda for America, how much damage can they manage in the two years left to them with unfettered control of our government?  This dream of transformation is what drives our president on a daily basis.   All he does, all he says, and all he plans is performed with the 2014 mid-terms foremost in his mind.  Want a preview of what could happen if their dreams come true?  Look no further than what happened the last time they had control of all three elected offices of government; Obamacare.

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