Monday, October 21, 2013

The Path Forward For Republicans.

The Path Forward For Republicans.  I have been fascinated by all the talking heads rendering their opinions on “who won and who lost” in this recent CR and debt limit struggle; which by the way is not yet completed.  Frankly, I think it a regrettable indictment of the media that we are discussing the issue in these terms and not in the true substance of the arguments.  It is simply just another indication that the media is as shallow as our politicians.

To me, the way forward for the Republicans is very clear.  There is nothing to regret about allowing the diverse elements of your party to have their say; even when it unwise to say it.  True democracy and debate demands that various views are aired in their entirety before any final decision is made; and the very conservative members of the House and Senate who are so adamantly opposed to Obamacare pursued a path they selected based on principle (giving them the benefit of a doubt).  But now, having had the debate and confrontation, it is time to develop a game plan that has a reasonable expectation of bearing some type of substantial benefit.  For that to happen, I believe the Republicans in the both the House and Senate should pursue the following strategy:

·        You do not have the votes to undo Obamacare.  This is reality.  Let it self-destruct.  Do not aid in patching it up with band-aid and scotch tape legislation.  Allow it to fail and then, when that is obvious to all involved, come together with reasonable Democrats and pass a bill that will morph it into what it should have been to start with.  Republicans must accept that Obamacare was passed and cannot be rescinded in whole.  Democrats must accept that Obamacare, as passed, was a train wreck and has to be gutted in order to make it workable.  This is the ultimate win/win in the health care debate.
·        Do your jobs and pass appropriations bills prior to the fiscal year in which they apply.  There is simply no excuse not to do the primary job for which U.S. Senators and Representatives are elected to do.  For the current CR, that means a half-ass bundle job that simply plugs a hole.  For the future, just…do…your…job.  Using a term the Democrats are fond of, the sequester is now “settled law” and we should just let it do its work.  It is a modest step in the right direction.
·        The debt ceiling should not be raised to accommodate additional national debt.  Any increase in that ceiling must be accompanied by appropriate language that will address, at a minimum, an equal reduction in federal spending as compared to the increase. 
·        These three issues should be the foreseeable future agenda for the Republican Party.  They control the House; that is one of three votes.  There are times when they have leverage (debt ceiling) and times when they do not (CR); they really do need to come to terms with recognizing those times.  This nation elected Obama in a swoon.  This nation re-elected Obama out of ignorance.  This nation deserves what it is getting.  Get out of this administration’s way and let it demonstrate, once and for all, to the American public what ruin liberal policy can wreak on our country.  Once that realization becomes mature, be ready with a plan to pick up the pieces and begin to set things right.

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