Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Words Of Wisdom From JCM.

Words Of Wisdom From JCM.  Johnny Cougar sang…”I need a lover that won’t drive me crazy”.  Listening to Jon Stewart the other day, it occurred to me that this is pretty much what is going on in WDC these days.  Stewart, while criticizing the Obamacare rollout to Sebelius, referred to the Republicans as “crazies”.  It is not uncommon to hear conservative-leaning journalists refer to Democrats in a similar fashion.  But the reality is that this is pretty close to the bone.  The old saying about…”He might be a devil, but he’s our devil” is pretty much in vogue.  There is an abundance of blind loyalty to extreme principles by moderate folks that is feeding the polarizing environment we see in our government.

This is especially true for Democrats; only because they control the White House and their leader is so definite and visible.  Of all the things we need in our government these days, highest on that list is the courage for some prominent Democrat to step up and disagree with the gamesmanship of the Obama administration.  That is not to say the Republicans aren’t engaging in gamesmanship themselves.  The simple fact is that they have a good deal of dissension in the ranks and no clear-cut national leader with which to disagree.

We need a Democrat that won’t drive the Republicans crazy and a Republican that won’t drive the Democrats crazy.  I’m not talking about a RINO or a Blue Dog; I’m talking about someone who wears their party brand clearly and is recognized as true blue; someone whose dissension would be significant and bring into question the wisdom of the leader’s message.  So far, Reid and Pelosi have managed to prevent the appearance of such a Democrat.  Mr. Boehner would likely say he could do with a few less of them.  Here’s hoping that one will soon appear in the U.S. Senate and we can get down to the serious and necessary business of running this government.

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