Saturday, November 2, 2013

Well....Here We Are.

Well…Here We Are.  The Obamacare rollout has premiered to, how can I say this, less than rave reviews?  What are we now left with?

·        There is, for the present, a new God-given right to all Americans: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness….and free health insurance if you can’t afford it…and only as prescribed by Uncle Sam.
·        We have a president who is not only a shallow, unprincipled, narcissistic, sophomoric, spiteful incompetent; he is also a liar who will say or do anything, to anybody, at any place, at any time, in order to win a political game.
·        The Republicans are slowly coming to the realization that rather than pursue the “David vs. Goliath” goal of defunding Obamacare, they are much better advised to get out the way and let it deconstruct itself.
·        The mainstream media (I hate that phrase but how else do I refer to them…flock of fools, sniveling groupies, blind following the blind, fools to the fool), based on their coverage recently, remain solidly in the tank for Obama and will rationalize to the max to try and save his hide.
·        The Citizenry of America can be hoodwinked on many issues which do not directly impact their daily lives; they are quite content to be sublime in the abstract.  But doctor bills, hospital bills, prescription bills, and insurance premiums hit home real quickly and this bitter pill is not going down real well.
·        Although one event cannot adequately define an issue, on rare occasions one event will really bring an issue into focus.  The rollout of Obamacare was a chance for its supporters to prove to the public that…yes, the government can competently administer health care for this nation; that government knows better than you what is best for you.  Epic fail.  Anyone who had any illusions about the government’s administrative competence should now realize that if they can’t even get the website right with over 3 years to prepare, how in the hell will they manage a program that reflects one-sixth of this nation’s economy?
·        And then there is this little nugget.  In an arena that has seen command performances from players both Democrat and Republican, this outfit has set new standards for cronyism.  It is nothing short of hilarious that the company that was originally contracted (no-bid, BTW) to construct the ACA website has now received a new ADDITIONAL contract to repair it.  You can’t make this stuff up!
·        Thoughtful Democrats are beginning to have serious doubts about the wisdom of Chicago-style politics.    After ramming Obamacare through the legislative process using every abnormal play in the book (and some new ones heretofore not thought of) on a straight party-line vote (NOT ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE!), they now roam around whining that the other party will not sit down with them to “fix” Obamacare.   How many ways can you say…”that train has left the station”?
·        Many people, from both political spectrum sides and the middle, are beginning to reflect on the wisdom of Democratic/Progressive/Socialist policies.  They were fooled twice by Obama.  They briefly put the Democrats in full control of government; just long enough to pass Obamacare.  They must now be wondering….”if they can do this to our health care system, what can they do to the rest of our country?”.  The 2014 mid-term elections will be interesting indeed.
·        As much as we all despise excessive Capitol Hill hearings and investigations that seem to go on forever and feature bloviating, self-aggrandizing buffoons from both parties parading themselves before any camera that might be operating, no Administration in my memory of over 60 years needs a thorough cleansing more than this one.  After 5 years of being left to its own devices and having the run of the kingdom, this arrogant king and his minions have created a cesspool that is dire need of draining.  I fear the only way to do this is to shame the media into legitimate investigations.  And the only way I see that happening is if the Republicans gain control of the Senate, hold the House, and begin their infuriating rounds of hearings.  Only if the public is force-fed a taste of this administration’s mode of operation will it raise a clamor sufficient to shame the media into doing its duty.

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