Saturday, September 21, 2013

Oh, For Lack Of A Leader.

Oh, For Lack Of A Leader.  If there was any doubt about what motivates Obama and makes him tick, the answer was made abundantly clear on the day of the Washington Naval Yard shooting.  On that day of tragedy, our president made one of his typical partisan speeches, filled with venom and spite.  On a day that called for leadership and brotherhood, he gave us pettiness and narcissism.    The truly unfortunate thing is this: It has become so typical that hardly anyone noticed.
As poison as the water has become on Capitol Hill, there still exists the possibility for true statesmen to step up and get some government business done in a responsible and respectable fashion.  Ours is a marvelous model of government and for all of its weaknesses, its strengths are ever redeeming.  Where do we look for these potential leaders?  One can never be sure that Harry Reid even knows what day of the week it is, much less conduct Senate business.   “Let’s Make A Deal” John Boehner is much more interested in keeping his job than in promoting efficiency in government.   And the White House; well, the White House is what it is and shall remain for another 3+ years.  It is full of incompetent and inexperienced idealists whose grasp on reality is as tenuous as a spider web on your front porch.  And to make things even more discouraging, they are all led by a man who is likely the shallowest, most unprincipled and incompetent president in the history of country.  Can this government be saved?
Let’s look at history.  The political spectrum has to stretch out to great lengths in order to place Tip O’Neil at one end, Ronald Reagan at the other, and expect them to coexist in civil fashion.  Yet they somehow managed to pass some of the most significant legislation in history and preside over our country through some of its finest hours.  Bill Clinton and Al Gore came into WDC like a hurricane, blowing to the sound of Fleetwood Mac that heralded a new and shiny future in their vision.  But after his mid-term comeuppance, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gingrich figured out how to win/win and actually balanced the budget of this government. 
It CAN be done; but WHO will do it?  Do you see a Republican out there now who can rise above this partisan gulf, win the nomination of the party, get elected, and then work across the aisles with Democrats to actually get things done?  What Democrat will have the courage to take the chance of destroying the winning strategy of Obama and his minions in order to run an honest presidential campaign?  The bad news is that Obama is with us for another 3+ years; the good news is that we have another 3+ years to try and find some true statesmen on both sides of the political spectrum to run this country.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Plays From The Book Of Whimsy.

Plays From The Book Of Whimsy.  There have been some very odd occurrences in WDC over the last few weeks; one must wonder exactly what playbook the quarterbacks are using.  Given the inexplicable, nonsensical, and illogical actions of our President, his minions, and our Congress, I am thinking they are all pulling their audibles from the Book of Whimsy.

Certain Republican members in the House continue to dwell in the kingdom of denial, failing to acknowledge that the Affordable Care Act is now the law of the land.  Instead of addressing their primary duties of passing appropriations bills, they continually obsess with crazy schemes to derail Obamacare.  Instead of addressing the critical debt ceiling issue that is rapidly approaching and threatening the very function of our government, they play to the press with odd comments about the bizarre foreign policy of our President.

What but whimsy describes the foreign policy decisions by Obama.  He has descended to a level where he addresses the nation and presents a one-on-one debate…with himself.  Not only is he facile, unprincipled, and clearly in over his head; he is also so clearly devoid of any actual strategy that he cannot express his own positions without contradicting himself within the same speech.  As many have written in the last week or so, this is what America gets when we put a community organizer in charge of our government. America must learn to elect office holders the same way we hire employees; select the best qualified candidate.

Obamacare was perhaps the single worst piece of legislation ever passed in this country; but it was passed.  Get on with the business of fixing it, in part or in whole, and quit trying to rewrite history.    And Mr. President, please swallow your pride and acknowledge your inadequacies.  Please find some people who you trust that are capable and competent to make foreign policy decisions and…wait for it…BEGIN TO LISTEN TO THEM.  The colossal mess Obama has made of domestic policy is causing great damage to the country and pain to many people, but it will be overcome in time; the healing aspects of a growing economy are amazing indeed.   As bad as it has been, this country will learn from Obama’s presidential tenure about how not to run a government.  But for heaven’s sake, do not continue to conduct world affairs using the same playbook.  The President thinks that the visions that dance through his head are somehow ordained and all the powers that be will see that they become reality.  Unfortunately, his naïve world view combined with his arrogance and ignorance has formed a deadly cocktail that is rapidly bringing our nation to the brink of global military confrontation.  If our President wants to be a liberal, then by all means, be a liberal; you did win.  But find some of the liberals out there that have some experience in foreign affairs and listen to their advice before you continue calling your audibles from the Book of Whimsy.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

You Cannot Lose What You Do Not Have.

You Cannot Lose What You Do Not Have.  Following the ongoing discussion about whether or not Congress should support President Obama in a military strike on Syria, it appears to me that it comes down to one central point: Be he right or be he wrong, he is our president and we must therefore support him; to do otherwise will damage the credibility of our leader and our nation.  Say what?

Is there anyone out there, other than Eric Holder/Valerie Jarrett, who actually believes that our president has any credibility?  No Republican takes him seriously.  No Democrat takes him seriously, even though they will not publicly acknowledge this.  The nations of the world laugh at him…and not behind his back.  Putin treats him with such disdain that it is embarrassing.  The leaders of Middle Eastern Arab countries do not respect him, fear him, or even understand what he is trying to do.  Israel gave up on him long ago and, like the rest of us, is simply biding its time (hoping they have enough time) until he is gone and there is a new sheriff to deal with; someone perhaps a bit more competent.  After four plus years of weasel diplomacy, there is no respect for America or our president left out there; so what exactly do we have to lose?

Mr. Senator or Mr. Representative…if you have a fundamental belief that a military strike against Syria will in some form or fashion serve the national interest of our nation in a positive way, then by all means support this resolution.  But by all that is holy, do not do so simply because our president let his ass overload his mouth, painted himself and this nation in a corner, and is now seeking cover to wiggle his way out.  Do not let a string of bad decisions lead us into making another, much worse decision that holds the potential to take us into great harm and jeopardy.  Is it a bad thing for our country to be perceived by the world as split apart because our Congress will not support our president?  Yes, of course it is.  The only thing worse would be for our country to intervene where it has no security interest and put at risk the lives of our soldiers and other innocents, all because our leader is foolish enough to play fast and loose with his rhetoric, is too incompetent to play like an adult on the world stage, and too arrogant to admit when he has screwed up royally.

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...