The Morphing Of “Global Warming” Into “Climate Change”. The capacity of the liberal media in this nation to rationalize their suppositions and the certitude of their sanctity is nothing short of breath-taking. The latest example is the slow move from uttering Global Warming to the now chic phrase Climate Change. Without having sufficient knowledge to make a scientific assessment of the issue, I will nonetheless draw on my compilation of reading, listening, and pondering what has been written and said about the subject over the last couple of decades: More fortunes have been made off of this farcical scenario than off of any other scam in my lifetime. The hype of global warming has spawned a global industry that is built on nothing less than a self-perpetuating circle of scientists, politicians, and liberal do-gooders. Kudos to them; they sure pulled it off in a tidy fashion.
However, this recent pivot from global warming to climate change is going to test their agility and they better hope that their fat and lazy days of extreme success hasn’t taken the edge off of their competitive juices. A few folks have called them out on their attempted jujitsu, but so far there is no widespread exposure of their preposterous shift. Even though it was based on complex science, the overall concept of global warmists was pretty simple to grasp. Ice caps melting, the oceans rising (I thought the One was going to stop that?), and steadily rising global temps were supposed to signal the coming Armageddon for all of mankind. The problem is… it was a house of cards. And in this, one of the most severe U.S. winters in recent history, those atmospheric con-artists decided to attempt a sleight-of-hand: Let’s start calling it climate change instead of global warming. If you can get past the audacity of this move, one must admit that it is remarkably simple. After all, who can deny climate change? Saying the climate will change is like saying one team will win and one team will lose in a basketball game. It is undeniable. It is inevitable. It is also true that it will happen whether or not mankind inhabits this planet or not. It takes no science or research, no brilliant deduction, and certainly no academic risk to stand before the public (or the Congress of the United States) and state that climate change is settled science. Duh; “water is wet” is settled science.
If the global warming apostles are able to pull off this vaudevillian act, then it will pretty much cement my opinion that any remnant of an objective, serious-minded, and inquiring free press in this nation is dead and gone. This will be interesting to watch.
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