Tuesday, February 11, 2014

When Did Congressional Democrats Tire Of Governing?

When Did Congressional Democrats Tire Of Governing?  Once again, the Obama administration has decreed that the actual legislation passed by Congress and signed by the president has no binding authority or standing; with a stroke of the pen (where’s the phone?), Obama chooses to change the law of the land in a manner that is more politically palatable and in line with his agenda.   Like many others, I thought when the ACA was passed in the dead of night without a single Republican vote, that it was bad legislation.  I did not agree with the governmental mandate that one must obtain health insurance.  I did not agree with the government dictating terms to free market entities like insurance companies.  I did not support the subsidy aspects of the law.  But even with all of these reservations, and with Ms. Pelosi’s cogent announcement that “we must pass it  to find out what is in it”, I accepted that the program had been promulgated into law through our governmental process and that Congress would work its will on necessary changes as time played out.  Boy, were we ever wrong.

Through executive fiat, the One has repeatedly and unilaterally changed the fundamental health care law of this country; a segment of our community that represents anywhere from 15 to 17 percent of our entire economy.  Who knew that the huge pile of paper that was the ACA was simply more than an accession of authority to the president to become the health care dictator for America?  My question is: When did the Democrats in Congress become tired of governing, or doing the jobs they were elected to do, and decide to simply turn that job over to Obama?  I suppose one could argue that it began that fateful night when the ACA was passed in the House and the bigger question is: How long will they stand by and abdicate their responsibility and authority in this fashion?

Of all the mysteries, contradictions, outright idiocies, and poor rationale contained in the ACA episode, the most puzzling to me is how can any serious, democratically-principled Democrat stand by and watch this president repeatedly abuse his power, treat Congress (which happens to include a LOT of Democrats) with such disdain, and simply subvert the fashion in which our government was envisioned to function?  Many, including the president in his recent SOTU address, have asked the legitimate question to Republicans: If you are against the ACA, what exactly are you for?  There are three fundamental reasons why you will not hear an answer to this question any time soon.  First, the Republicans will deservedly have their pound of flesh in return for the extraordinary legislative measures used to pass the bill.  Secondly, the Republicans control only one house of Congress and cannot push any bill through the Reid majority in the Senate.  And third and finally, until some Democrat… some serious, recognized, respected Democrat stands up and calls out this president on his outrageous abuse of executive power… nothing will change between now and the mid-term elections.  After that…who knows how the tea leaves will read.   But I will guarantee, there are Democrats on the hill today who are absolutely simmering inside over how they have been marginalized and demoted to administration water boys and girls.

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