Sunday, March 2, 2014

Russian Reset And Retro Foreign Policy.

Russian Reset And Retro Foreign Policy.  There is little in this life that is more satisfying than seeing a smart-ass know-it-all get their comeuppance in stark terms that are both undeniable and public in nature.   That moment has arrived for our president.   It has also arrived, in not so stark terms, for his water-carrying ex-secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Rewind to the Presidential candidate election debates in 2008.  On October 22, 2012, seated side by side at a table and discussing geopolitical threats faced by America, and in response to Romney’s selection of Russia as our preeminent geopolitical threat, the One sarcastically noted…”the 1980’s called and wants their foreign policy back”.  This was widely heralded by liberals and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) as the primary zinger of the debate.  In the same breath, Obama accused Romney of pulling his economic ideas from the 1920’s.  The relish that was evident in both Obama and his disciples was so typical of his condescending, arrogant, and self-aggrandizing manner.  Fast forward to today.  Memo to the White House: The 1980’s called and you should be listening.  Romney was not only spot on with his response, but he was prophetic in how he framed it.  The naivety that Obama carries with him 24/7 makes him not only a fool but a dangerous fool.  His narcissistic inclinations led him to believe that he could…”stop the rise of the oceans and allow the planet to heal itself”.   That same ego-centricity has now led to a Russia run wild and chaos on a global scale.  If you are reading this and voted for Obama, I urge you in the strongest terms to Google this debate.  Go back and see for yourself how you were deceived.  Not only should our president have listened respectfully to his opponents views on foreign policy, it is abundantly clear that Romney could have schooled him considerably on economics as well.  How’s that “Hope and Change” working for you now?

Now let’s move on to the other point.  Upon his coronation, Obama began dismissing his predecessors as amateurs and mere charlatans in foreign policy.  Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threw out the file on Russia.  Dispatched by her superior to Russia, Hillary presented her Russian counterpart with the famous RESET button.  Apparently, the healing process was going to go Siberian.  Dripping with certitude and conceit, the One and Hillary acted as if Mr. Putin would see them as the answers to all Soviet concerns and thus convert to the type of good faith diplomacy never before experienced by any American president…in all of history.  How’s that “RESET” working for you now?

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