Thursday, March 6, 2014

America. The Final Frontier.

America.  The Final Frontier.  These are the misadventures of the administration Obama.  Its 8 year mission…To push the limits of executive privilege…To seek out new bureaucratic  programs and expand regulations…To carelessly go where responsible government has never gone before.

Led by B Hussein Kirk, the uniformly ideological crew of the administration Obama flounders through time and politics, seeking always to promote the prime directive: Liberals always know best.  Early on in the voyage, that alien-like figure of Spock Emanuel came up with that alien-like national health care plan that a previous crew had attempted and failed.  This time, however, the federation controlled all three houses of the universe and the stars and planets were truly aligned.  With the wind at her back, Sebelius McCoy joyfully threw herself into the challenge with vim and vigor.  It is rumored that in future episodes, she may have a new assistant named Chapel.  Don’t sweat the tech; they got that covered...don't they?

In the background,  EPA’s Scott and Sulu made certain that all of that magical and reliable equipment in engineering was discontinued, outlawed, regulated into obscurity, and replaced with solar windmills.  Now there is a propulsion system!

There was much concern that a journey of this import and complexity might be rift with dissension and independent-minded crew.  Not to worry.  Security chief Pavel Holder will run a tight ship; making certain that secrets are kept secret, that troublemakers are singled out for very special attention, and that all of the crew are thinking correctly.  Wonder if Pavel could help Yeoman Hagel out with that Russia thing?  What’s their commander’s name…Kahn?  And as to those rumors that as we approach the later stages of the 8 year voyage, Kirk is really only a figurehead and the real power behind the comm is Valerie Uhura…Well, those are simply unfounded.   B Hussein Kirk remains the master of chaos and if none exists, that is only a pretax for creating new episodes. 

So beam me up, Lord.  This is one vessel that is truly messed up and it is difficult to see how we will navigate through the meteor field that lies directly ahead.   There may be a Janice Rand out there somewhere that is ready, willing, and able to step up and save the ship; but he or she certainly doesn’t stand out from the crowd at this time.  

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