Sunday, April 13, 2014

Can't You See That This Emperor Has No Clothes?

Can’t You See That This Emperor Has No Clothes?  Obama is a remarkable president.  Remarkable in that he focuses so much on himself and so little on our nation’s business.  Remarkable in his ability to construct straw men to knock down when setting forth his questionable policies.  Remarkable in that while serving midway through this second term as president, he continues to campaign and fund-raise as if he were on the ballot this fall.  Remarkable in the way he takes such a cavalier approach to foreign policy while maintaining such a laser focus on his pet domestic rhetoric.   Remarkable in the fashion that on almost every single issue, his message is one that divides and highlights our differences, as opposed to our mutual concerns and characteristics.  Remarkable in the fact that his total emphasis is on his vision of how this world should be, not about how the world is or how it got that way, or how it might change in a democratic and constructive manner.  Remarkable in how he trumpets his honesty and transparency while consistently deceiving, telling partial truths, and hiding the machinations of his administration from the public.  Remarkable in how he selects his appointees not from a pool of highly qualified Democrats, but from liberal ideologues with no practical experience and devoid of ethics.  And I think most of all, remarkable in how he has utterly no concept of accountability and gleefully fiddles while Rome burns; blithely golfing, vacationing, posing, and playing the star, while the times cry out for a leader that can unite our government, be a voice for freedom and justice in this uncertain world, and set an example for our society.

“It is Bush’s fault” has outlived its shelf life.  Although it remains reticent, deficient in its obligation, bereft of any integrity, and complicit in its conspiratorial consequences, the mainstream media does not fawn as much as it once did; even they are finally realizing that the “hope and change” glow has faded.   Never in my lifetime of sixty plus years have I seen a President perform in this fashion; with such utter disregard for neither the sanctity of the office nor the importance of the job description.  Is it any wonder that our society, from top to bottom, from grade school to Wall Street, from rich to poor, from California to Kentucky to New York, has adopted his philosophy and refuses to accept the wages of their own behavior, choices, and decisions?  Accountability...What the hell is that?    If Obama can do one thing, call it another, and get no apparent pushback in the media, then why should we as citizens worry about dealing with reality?  This “get it while you can” mentality has become pervasive in our country and although it has always existed to some extent, there is absolutely no question that Obama has dramatically increased its presence in our population and the lack of shame that accompanies its display. 

It is pathetic to see a President behave with this lack of seriousness.  It is equally pathetic to see our national media acquiesce in this debacle.  It is sad to see our country devolve as a democracy and a just society.  It is dangerous to see America become irrelevant in global affairs and to see evil men filling the vacuum left by our malfeasance.  But most of all, it is just wrong, in so many ways, to see our institution of government devalued in such a fashion and to see the citizenry losing respect for it.  Although many symptoms will disappear and many aliments will go away when Obama finally leaves office, the damage done to this nation by this administration will take generations to repair.  

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