Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Liberating Elixir?

A Liberating Elixir?  Over the last several months, I have wondered in print how long it would take for moderate Democrat leaders to speak up regarding this administration’s shenanigans.  Like many, I have marveled at how invested the Democratic Party had become in the One and his uncanny ability to win political races.  Perhaps a perfect storm is developing that will finally push some of these folks to step up, call this bunch of White House political hacks out on their behavior, and restores at least a shred of integrity to their party.  It may have to wait until a potential debacle occurs in the mid-terms, but the storm is coming; and it will not arrive one day too soon.

There can be no doubt that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by a very liberal wing of the party.  Even though they represent a minority of the membership, they are certainly the tail wagging the dog.  As many have lately written, the traditional constituency of the Democrats has been replaced with a collection of pie slices that co-exist in the same pan but somehow never realize that they are baked together.  The challenge of holding this fragile bakery product together with its conflicting interests and agendas is fraught with peril and is a balancing act well worth watching.  To a very large extent, Obama and his political ilk have been the architects of this recipe; but their time in the kitchen is rapidly coming to an end and they apparently not very interested in leaving an orderly environment in their wake.  They have created a mess in every corner, have done little if any mopping up, and don’t even think about cleaning off the counters and tables.  They will be leaving WDC with grease on the appliances, flour on the floor, and the sink full of dirty dishes.

Obama’s abysmal failures in the economy, the global order, and the legislative arena are now very obvious to everyone, devoid of any fall guys (Bush anyone?) to blame, and the hopey/changey bullshit has run its course.  His narcissistic obsession with his, and only his, vision of the way things ought to be is rapidly becoming as uninviting to members of his own party as they have always been to Republicans and most Independents.  Couple the sheets being pulled back on his executive performance with the list of his wannabe cabinet members and their misadventures and you have a devil’s brew that is undrinkable for many reasonable Democrats in the House and the Senate.  Perhaps the straw that will break the camel’s (donkey’s?) back is Obama’s apparent disregard for any limit to his executive authority and actions and his apparent disregard for any semblance of respect or dialogue with Congress.  His quest for supreme power has become so naked that many Democrats have finally decided to break their silence and call him out for the incompetent that he is. 

The mid-term elections are still a lifetime away, but if it continues to look like a Republican wave in November, look for more and more Democrats to begin jumping ship on this lame duck cruise.  And if, in fact, the Republicans gain control of the Senate this fall, don’t be surprised if a significant handful of Senate Democrats decide it is in their best interest, and in the best interest of this nation, to begin working across the aisle with McConnell instead of the clown in the White House.  Finally, Obama’s rhetorical and ridiculous chickens are coming home to roost and perhaps Democrats are finding this an opportune time to find their own long-lost voices; Obama’s cavalcading failures may prove a powerful liberating elixir for some Democrats who remember they should be serving the people instead of the buffoon on Pennsylvania Avenue.   

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