Friday, November 21, 2014

Let It Lay, Foks; Just Let It Lay.

Let It Lay, Folks; Just Let It Lay.  I have been extremely amused by all of the Republican hand-wringing over Obama’s recent immigration executive action.  Much of it has simply been Obama’s media hacks placing the onus on the Republicans to deflect attention from the real constitutional questions (Now the Republicans have to show they can govern).  However, the Republicans themselves have fed into the frenzy by repeatedly warning against the action before it was taken, by loudly and accurately pointing out the potential costs and pitfalls of such an action, and by making disparate threats in case it did happen.  A few on the far right are screaming “Impeach”; a non-starter for any person with any sense of realism.  A few of the more moderate-inclined are campaigning to use the “Power of the Purse” and to try and squeeze the life out of this new policy by starving it for funds.  This would never work because any president brazen enough to take this action in the first place will have no reluctance to shuffle funds around, legally or illegally, to accomplish what he wants.  It may actually turn out that the “Legal Challenge”, as far-fetched as it seems, will be the downfall of this policy.  The Courts have become so much more politically involved over the last several years.  But this course would be very time-consuming and would likely conclude after Obama has already left office. 

I submit that the best solution is two-fold.  First, knowing that a Republican president elected in 2016 would reverse this action, just leave it alone; let it lay.  Just like Obamacare, it is bad policy and it will create nothing but trouble for as long as it exists.  Any possible benefits will be far outweighed, in a very obvious fashion, by the costs to our nation and our society.  Let the pain soak in.  Let the Democrats embrace this policy; MAKE the Democrats own this policy.  Remind the public at every opportunity who is responsible for this action and the implications that will bleed out over the next few years.  The fact is that Obamacare cost the Democratic party nearly 30 Senate seats.  It is entirely likely that this new immigration action will turn out to just as expensive.  Instead of running around and crying about the sky falling, the Republicans should put McConnell and Boehner in front of the microphones and set out the case that this was the wrong approach, it is an affront to our government, it is bad policy, but…elections have consequences and this what the people did to themselves when they re-elected this man in 2012.  How much damage can this new policy do in two years?  Time will tell.  

Secondly, take selected actions in areas where you have clear control.  Take account of how Obama did this and file it away.  Make it as clear as possible through the appropriations process that this is his baby and he must find the funds to accomplish it.  Fund the involved agencies as if this new policy did not exist and let them scuffle to get it done.  Obama has once again publicly demonstrated that he has no interest whatsoever in bipartisan efforts.  Fine; let him stew in his executive action juices.  Find your Democrat partners where they may exist in the House and the Senate.  Work with them at every opportunity to get some business done.  And, at every opportunity, remind this president that even though there are some things he can accomplish without the consent of Congress through executive action, there are also many areas where Congress can be a “pain in the ass” when he tries to do his job.  Let the people judge how wise Obama’s policy is.  Let them see if the Democrats in Congress continue to enable him in his efforts.  Let the public weigh the real value of a Republican president to go with a Republican Congress in 2016.  Let it lay; just let it lay. 

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