Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Call It What It Is.

Call It What It Is.  The entire Ferguson, MO shooting episode has been a bit surreal.  Most of the people who have been covered or quoted by the media have had their own agendas and that is what has driven their comments on the issue.  But after careful consideration of the evidence available, there are some undeniable points that should be stressed.

·      Anytime a life is lost. it is tragic; even more so when the loss is a youth.  There is so much special about every child and the world will never fully realize what is lost with that particular person.  Regardless of the circumstances that took his life, Michael Brown’s death is a tragedy.

·      By all indications, the Grand Jury in Ferguson did their job thoroughly and carefully.  The system worked.  The officer in question was judged by his community peers to be innocent of criminal actions.  The obvious temptation to indict on lesser charge(s) for political reasons was resisted, as was the temptation to bypass the Grand Jury process for a trial. The constitution was followed and justice prevailed.

·      No matter what statistics you wish to quote, Michael Brown’s skin color did not put a target on his back; his act of thievery did.

·      Based on the Grand Jury’s body of evidence, there were three obvious and indisputable opportunities to avoid this episode:

1.   Michel Brown, under the influence of weed, could have chosen not to steal a box of cigars from the convenience store.  When caught red-handed by the store clerk, he could have handed back the cigars and that might very well have eliminated any search for him by the police.

2.   At the time he was stopped by the officer while walking down the middle of the street, Michael Brown could have stepped over to the side of the road, as instructed, peaceably and surrendered to questioning.  Instead, he chose to struggle with the officer.

3.   Following the chase from the shooting that occurred at the police vehicle, Michael Brown once again chose not to surrender peaceably and exhibited aggressive behavior towards the officer, resulting in his fatal shooting.

·      Michael Brown made a terrible mistake by choosing to steal.  He paid for that decision with his life.  Even after committing the initial crime, he was given multiple opportunities to end the matter peaceably.  He chose not to.  As tragic as his death is, the blame for that death must rest with Michael Brown and the actions he took.


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