Saturday, December 20, 2014

After Three Quarters...Trailing Hopelessly and Flailing About Shamelessly.

After Three Quarters…Trailing Hopelessly and Flailing About Shamelessly.  It is a mystery of life that oftentimes events coalesce in such a way that brings a new clarity and focus to a truth that has been obscured for some time.  To me, that is where we find ourselves with the combination of the state of international affairs, domestic affairs, political affairs, and cultural affairs and how all of these taken together reflect on our president and Liberal philosophy.  Taken individually:

·      And now our president has turned his deft diplomatic skills (tic) southward to the island of Cuba; changing with a few pointed words what has been USA policy towards that government for over 50 years.  As with so many of his foreign policy actions, he has once again stumbled into the right thing for the wrong reasons.  A strong argument can be made that an easing of the trade and commerce barriers between the US and Cuba holds the potential of impacting their social fabric in a positive way.  But that is not Obama’s primary concern.  Once again, his past rhetoric is contradictory to his actions; he changes his mind depending on wind gusts in Oklahoma (and the wind blows a lot in Oklahoma!).  His effort on Cuba is made largely to put an exclamation point on his executive initiatives and his liberal bent in foreign policy.  And once again, he takes a sweeping foreign policy initiative without any semblance of consultation with Congress or those minds in and around government who might have a valuable opinion on the matter.  Combine this Cuba escapade with Putin/Ukraine, the Middle East, and China/Nork and the spontaneous brew simply gets more bizarre.  What we have is a president who allows passing whims to dictate his impactful actions and decisions.  Pathetic.

·      Race relations are at their lowest point in the last 25-30 years.  Obama and Holder have squandered the opportunity to heal some racial wounds and have instead injected racism into every conceivable aspect of our society; into many places where it do not previously reside.  His treasury policy continues to drift, based on the premise that if the idea appeals to him, then there is no reason not to spend the money to finance it; the end justifies the means.  Legislation be damned; Obama chooses to rule by fiat and God forgive the heathens that oppose such glorious wisdom.  Less than half of our population now supports not only themselves, but the other half as well.  Entitlement is the new battle cry of the left and much of our youth.  Obamacare continues to eat away at our nation’s health care system, while inflicting terrible financial costs on our people and our government.  Young professionals now graduate from college with crippling debt, a head full of liberal nonsense, and the prospect of moving back in with their parents.  Yes…our president has done a remarkable job of pouring gasoline on the fires he found and creating many new ones to go along with them.

·      It is difficult to conceive of a political environment that promises to be as unproductive and chaotic as the one we now have.  And instead of stepping forward to provide leadership that attempts to address that situation, our president is hell-bent on seeing how far he can expand executive authority.  He has always been lazy when it comes to the heavy lifting of making law; but now as he enters his final two years, it appears he is simply going to do all he can to totally wreck the hotel room before moving on to the next gig.

·      The media bias towards the Left has been somewhat subdued since the humbling effects of the recent mid-term elections; but Obama’s Friday press love-fest has got them standing and cheering on the sidelines.  First off, this administration has zero credibility on any manner of data that they release.  They lie.  They cannot be trusted.  So the folly of extending that data to conclusions that put administration efforts in a positive light should be of little surprise to anyone paying attention.  As the polls and our lying eyes continue to tell us all, the public is not buying the “wonderful and booming economy” fairy tale being put forth by this administration.  Entitlements continue to erode the ethics of our population; the debt continues to balloon; in spite of record tax revenue, our federal spending is totally out of control; government is evermore dysfunctional each day and made more so with the rash of executive narcissism that builds the wall between the Executive and the Legislative even higher.  Obama is like a  petulant child who has been rebuked by his parents, goes to his room, looks around to see how many toys he can mangle, and sets forth to do the maximum amount of damage in the least amount of time; all the while screaming “Look at Me!”.  It is fascinating to me that while the press credits Obama policy (extremely convoluted logic) with rendering Putin impotent, the same impotency-rendering of Obama by the mid-terms simply strengthens his hand and “reinvigorates” his leadership.  The fact is that Obama opposed the very market directions that have devalued the ruble; this has all happened in spite of his policies.  Though they are both fraught with peril, I fear the “wounded bear” much more than the “reinvigorated weasel”.

The “fourth quarter” analogy being put forth by this administration is a stark reminder to all of us of exactly how Obama and his ilk view his job; it is a game to them.  They overly-celebrate the wins, exaggerate the victories, shamelessly hype their perceived achievements, and simply ignore their failures and shortcomings; all the time aided and abetted by the mainstream media.  This pathetic child and his loyal friends have turned our White House into a playroom for six years.  He has now publicly declared that he will do his dead level best in the time remaining to lose a few pieces of every puzzle, break an arm or leg off of every action figure, lose a wheel or two off of every vehicle, and mark up the pages in every storybook.  As much as we can celebrate that his time in office is 75 percent over and Congress will provide a bit of firewall between him and his maddening agenda, we should all shudder at the potential damage he can continue to inflict on our nation over the next two years.  We can only hope that the fourth quarter passes quickly, common sense can maintain possession through an effective ground game, and the referees don’t come up with too many bizarre calls to make the score closer.

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