Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Obama Administration's DOJ Penile Obsession.

The Obama Administration’s DOJ Penile Obsession.  Our current Administration in WDC will go down in history as being AWOL on many of the issues that needed to be addressed during their term.   They will also be remembered for the inordinate attention they have paid to other issues in an effort to advance their liberal agenda.  Among their glorious record of nonfeasance or malfeasance in so many areas, I find the Department of Justice’s most recent legal misadventure amusing, if not downright ridiculous.  The DOJ’s ongoing suit/countersuit battle with the state of North Carolina over transgender rights and public restrooms is truly in the arena of the absurd. 

The DOJ seems to believe that refusing to allow a man who believes he is a woman to use a woman’s restroom, or refusing to allow a woman who believes she is a man to use a men’s restroom, is a violation of their civil rights.  This DOJ obsession with exactly who does and does not have a penis is fascinating.  Most males that I know consider their penis to be a useful biological tool to relieve oneself of bodily waste and, on occasion, it serves a very useful purpose for some recreation and procreation.  However, there are apparently others in society that view a penis as something that can be added, deleted, or if one is to believe media advertising, something that might be greatly enhanced.  I confess to befuddlement as to how the presence or the absence of a penis (or any other penis-related topics) entered into the formulation of the Civil Rights Act, but the DOJ has apparently found a magical connection hidden away in all that legal text.  I always thought a penis was one of those things that, when a person possesses one, they tend to get rather comfortable with it.    Obviously, there are some who never quite achieve that reconciliation with their body; and that is OK with me.  What a person does or does not do with their own penis is their own business; as long as they keep it to themselves.  But when they want to bring their junk into a public restroom where my wife, daughter, or grandchild is present, then it becomes another matter entirely.  When my daughter or grandchild has to share their dressing room at school with the guy who thinks he is a gal, then it becomes another matter entirely.  Why in the world does Obama’s DOJ want to take everyone who has a problem with their penis, or lack thereof, and make them everyone else’s problem?  The human mind is a complex creature and there are no doubt psychological ailments that are beyond understanding.  If a person has the desire, and the wherewithal, to change their current penis arrangement, then they certainly have the right to do that.  But it is equally certain that is their own private business and there is really no need for the government or the non-associated public to become involved with their personal decisions.  Additionally, it should go without saying that there are absolutely no grounds for taxpayer resources to pay for surgeries that enable or disable these penile aspirations.

With all of the many problems that exist in the world and this nation, one marvels at how this Administration finds the time and the resources to pursue this type of campaign.  You would think that the DOJ would have enough to do with all of the white collar, blue collar, civil, uncivil, and governmental law breaking that is going on today; apparently not.  You know…things might work out better if this Administration would quit dicking around with what’s inside of peoples’ pants and bedrooms and instead focus on making this country’s government functional again.

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