Sunday, May 22, 2016

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.  As Donald Trump continues his apparent primary victory tour in an effort to consolidate Republican support, Hillary Clinton continues to lose primary contests to Bernie Sanders; and yet, everyone has apparently moved on to the national Presidential race between Trump and Clinton.  There are occasional articles about what happens if Hillary is indicted, or what happens if her poll performance continues to deteriorate, or what happens if there is a right-wing Republican effort with an alternative candidate; but it appears the electorate at large is coming to terms with what likely shapes up to be an extremely entertaining, and perplexing, 2016 Presidential contest.

Kentucky held its Democratic primary this past Tuesday.  Bernie Sanders is an avowed, 74 year old Democratic socialist from New England who has at times proposed income tax rates up to 90 percent and endless federal social programs that will literally explode an already burgeoning federal debt.  On Tuesday in Kentucky, this man received over 200,000 votes and lost the primary to Clinton by approximately 2,000 votes.  A SOCIALIST received over 200,000 votes for PRESIDENT in KENTUCKY this week.  You tell me…is Bernie that good, is Hillary that bad, or are Kentuckians that crazy?  I can see Bernie winning Louisville and Jefferson County, but running this well statewide is nothing short of remarkable.  Sanders has now defeated Clinton in 11 of the last 14 Democratic primaries, yet Clinton remains the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination.  I continue to marvel at those who perpetually portray the Republican primary process as a strange brew while accepting the Democratic primary as normal.   There is nothing normal about either party’s primary campaigns and the message that appears to come through loud and clear on both sides is that…people…want…change.

Just a few months back, the NRA was trying to decide which conservative they would support this year.  Would it be Ted Cruz, or Rick Perry, or Marco Rubio, or some other right-wing-card-carrying disciple that espoused their mantra in an acceptable fashion?  This week, also in Kentucky, the NRA enthusiastically embraced The Donald and gifted him with their 2016 Presidential Endorsement.  This is the same candidate that over the last several months has held no fewer than half a dozen different positions on gun rights.  This is the man who has likely contributed as much, or more, campaign dollars to anti-gun-rights Democrats as he has to pro-gun-rights Republicans.  Once again…is Trump that good, were his Republican opponents that bad, or is the NRA that crazy?  Like the NRA, we have seen several individuals and groups who had previously vowed NEVERTRUMP break over and begin to cozy into the Trump enclave.  To  his credit, Trump has changed his campaign message to provide cover for these wayward conservatives to come home to Trumpland; the latest being his list of potential Supreme Court nominees who all just happened to be Republican nominated conservatives.  Just how effective can Donald Chameleon Trump be in bringing these disgruntled conservatives back into the Republican fold?  Will he bring home more Republicans than Hillary will bring home the Sanders supporters?

Just a few weeks back, Hillary was well ahead of Trump in national polling and national Democrat leadership was nothing short of smug in their anticipation of running against the Donald.  Now, the majority of most recent national polls (Rasmussen, Fox, ABC/WP) show Trump leading Clinton and panic is beginning to seep into the Democratic establishment; the very same panic that has been growing in the Republican establishment ever since it became obvious that Trump was going to be their nominee.  Hillary Clinton likely has the largest amount of negative baggage that any national political candidate has every possessed.  It is hard to imagine a scandal or charge that could not be leveled, not proven, against her.  This is a result of her experience; her record as an activist college student, conniving attorney, Gubernatorial First Lady, Presidential First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State.  She is the bad choice that is known.   She is the proud possessor of a double-edged sword that simultaneously represents her greatest asset and her greatest weakness.  Since he has never served in public office, Trump’s past record is mostly suspicions based on very public events and circumstances that produced fleeting headlines, but very little investigation.  You can bet your farm that those investigations are well under way as we speak; and you can rest assured that there is plenty of ammunition in there to keep Trump under a constant barrage until the first Tuesday in November…with heavy artillery.  But until these forays into Trump’s past bear fruit, Trump’s baggage will fall into that zone of accusation and innuendo; he is the bad choice we suspect.   Ultimately, either candidate will be quite able, and certainly willing, to hurl any and all slimy, nasty, immoral, corrupt, illegal, fantastical, well grounded, and baseless accusations towards the other with absolutely no reservation.  Can you just imagine the upcoming debates between these two?  It will be like having two knights in armor with an endless supply of small rocks to throw at each other.

At this point in the process, there exists the possibility that the ultimate Presidential contest might even feature someone other than Trump or Clinton; but as things stand today, they are the contestants.  It is going to be entertaining, as well as disgusting, to observe whether the American voter prefers the devil they know or the devil they suspect as their next President.   Either way, I suppose we will end up with one hell of a President.

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