Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tragic Comedy.

Tragic Comedy.  I awoke this morning to the dueling stories of Russian hacking and the fall of Aleppo.  There are so many levels of hypocrisy going on with Obama and his band of idiots that one is puzzled when considering where to begin with this bunch.  I was going to wait until January 20 to write my farewell blog to Obama; but this latest escapade on his part has accelerated my timeline.  Juxtapositioning Obama with his Russian hacking nonsense and the horrors occurring in Aleppo is such a clarifying moment, such a perfect illustration of his presidency, that I moved his goodbye up on the schedule. 

While events in Syria continue to spiral out of control and are just small steps away from genocide; while people worldwide stare aghast at the tragic pictures of suffering in this war-torn country; while the viscous and despotic Assad continues his reign of terror; what do we find our president is indignant about…This man who is the Commander in Chief of the planet’s most powerful military force and whose ineptitude bears major blame for the Syrian tragedy?  The Russians have hacked our government!  What?  They did what?  You mean this stuff that all nations, including America, have been dabbling with for the last ten years or so and that has been pointed out to you, Mr. president, for about two years by various U.S. intelligence departments and agencies?  Are you talking about this high-tech issue that you have repeatedly referred to as minor and not worthy of action because it might upset the Russians and Iranians?  Is this another of your red lines that cannot be crossed…Well, maybe you can cross them if you sit down at the table and promise not to do it again, at least not too many times again?  Not only has Obama proven to be a spineless leader for human rights and freedom, but he is a toothless tiger with no guiding or fundamental philosophy of right and wrong.  With no resolve and with his credibility destroyed by prior acts (or lack thereof), he rhetorically parades around like an end-zone celebration, playing the tough guy when everyone knows he has no stones.  It is so bleeding pathetic for him to be suddenly outraged by Russian/Chinese/(fill in the blank) tech-mischief, while real-life tragedies are exploding in the Middle East, that one has to wonder…When was the last time this man actually got out of the house?  Look…Should Russia or any other country be hacking into our government’s or citizenry’s records?  Of course not.  But that is an issue best addressed by Congress and the intelligence agencies under whose authority it falls; not by a spur of the moment tantrum of the chief executive.  Does any rational person actually believe that Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election because the Russians wanted him to?  Really?  Putin and his band of thugs seems to have done pretty well since Hillary presented them years ago with her little red reset button. Why...why would Putin want to gamble on a wildcard like Trump?

I understand loyalty to a political party.  I understand allegiance to principles of governing and the fight to see them instituted.  If you sincerely believe in something, you should fight to defend it.  I can even understand how so many Clinton supporters remain in denial about losing the election to Trump; it hurts to lose.  It especially hurts to lose when you are so cocksure that you were going to win, you had an overwhelming advantage and lost because you played it safe, and you were beaten by an obviously flawed candidate that never should be President.  But any objective person, any logical thinking human being, must face the reality that when considering: The human tragedies in the Middle East, the ever-increasing global boldness of China and North Korea, the bald-faced aggression of Russia towards its neighbors and the world in general, the domino-effect failures of South American socialist governments, the Middle Eastern refugee disaster that is occurring in Western Europe, the colossal failure that is Obamacare, the rapidly diminishing usefulness of the zero-rate interest fed policy that has artificially propped up our economy, the exploding national debt that has doubled over the last eight years, the hateful divisions that have seeped into our culture between races/classes/genders, the huge numbers of people who have dropped out of the workforce and turned instead to government support, the surrendering of long-held principles of freedom upon which this country was founded in exchange for politically-correct pabulum, the continuing dysfunction of our infantile government which is setting new highs for inefficiency and ineffectiveness, the politicizing of what should be independent government agencies being used for partisan agenda purposes, the obvious disdain for our nation’s military accomplishments since its birth and the human sacrifices that made those victories possible, the constant probing and prodding into the private lives  and liberties of U.S. citizens, the disregard for our nation’s border integrity and the security threat that disregard poses for our populace…There is only one word that can adequately describe the two-term reign of Obama as president.  Cluster*&#@! 

A specious, narcissistic, shallow, unprincipled community organizer who was elevated to an office for which he was clearly unqualified and unprepared for… Obama became president.  He was acclaimed for genius when there was only ego; he was heralded as a great orator when he was only adept at reading words from a teleprompter and simply stuttered, paused, and stammered when required to speak extemporaneously; he was hoisted up to the leadership of the Democratic Party, only to shepherd its decimation over his terms to its lowest point of influence since the Depression years; he presided over a lessening of the dignity and integrity of the office to which he was elected, instead prancing around with his nose in the air, on the balls of his feet, and donning an air of imperial majesty; he filled his administrations with ideologues and unqualified, sophomoric yuppies who believed they were infallible and that the ends always justified the means; he cluelessly ran about the globe thinking himself to be grand when foreign nations and leaders were finding him comical, and even laughing at him behind his back.  He leaves office thinking himself to be a legend in his own mind, when most sensible people see him as the emperor bereft of clothing.  And now, at the end of his little play, when the curtain begins to lower on this tragedy in American politics, he engages in a vigorous effort to rewrite history; urging people to ignore what is on the video and transcript, cherry-picking various factoids to build flimsy arguments of success and accomplishment, desperately announcing last-minute initiatives and appointments that are apparently results of last minute and miraculous epiphanies, and throwing snarky shade towards his successor.

There is only one appropriate assessment to make of this president, this small man, who I find to be the absolute worst Chief Executive in my lifetime of sixty-four years; that being…Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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