Thursday, December 15, 2016

After the Thrill is Gone.

After The Thrill is Gone.  Everyone knew it would be entertaining if Donald Trump ran for President; but I don’t believe anyone realized just how truly entertaining it would turn out to be.  I’m not as enthralled with the Donald as many, but I must admit to the guilty pleasure of relishing the liberals’ gnashing of teeth and tearing of flesh.  After spending decades constructing a politiosphere inside the WDC bubble where their liberal bureaucracy could flourish, they are now faced with the potential of having it systematically dismantled.  Even worse, the dismantling will be performed a man they have dismissed with the ultimate display of condescension and contempt.  Sweet!

Now…back to the reality of having to govern once you win the election.  The giddiness of the right, the thrill of a conservative-filled cabinet, and the opportunities presented by simultaneous control of Congress and the White House has led many to overlook the fact that the Donald is still the Donald.  The character flaws and arrogant bluster that led many Republicans to criticize him during the primary season still remain and if you look closely, there is no indication that they have been mitigated.  If anything, the electoral success that Trump has realized will magnify many of the less desirable traits of his persona.  The Republican’s new trophy President may turn out to be rather high maintenance, awkward company at social gatherings, and rather capricious in his fidelity. 

Based on his cabinet selections, Trump is apparently laying the groundwork to follow through on his promise to take a new, business-like approach to government.  Whether we are examining domestic policy or foreign policy, a change in approach must be welcomed; the recent past policies from both parties have been dismal failures.  The larger questions remain: Are we draining the swamp only to replace it with a different type of polluted water?...While we have certainly reached our tolerance limit regarding career politicians, how can we manage to separate full time office holders from their vested business interests?...Can a corporate mogul season his business management with a necessary sprinkling of civics reality?  A break with failed policies is a good thing; but only if the break is deliberate, thoughtful, and results in improved policy.  Trump likes to talk about winning; I do believe it is his favorite word (other than Trump).  Can Trump accept the fact that even though he heads up a party with clear control on the levers of political power; it is nonetheless necessary in a government such as ours that a certain amount of consideration be given to the opposition party and an occasional compromise on practice (not principle) will be necessary.

When the time comes that the Donald Way is not the accepted way, either by Republicans, Democrats, or both, how will Trump deal with this new concept?  Having lived a life of privilege, having had full and ultimate control of Trump Universe; how will this egomaniac of a man react when he is told….No?  Will he react as a child, blow up the process, and expose himself to be the self-centered opportunist that many suspect him to be?  Or will he exhibit a new-found maturity late in his life, fully grasp the enormity of the Office, and engage in honest and productive discussions about governmental policies and practices? 

Can you imagine the frustration one must experience when they lead their whole life having things strictly their way, only to find that once they achieve perhaps their greatest accomplishment, things can no longer be just their way?  There will ultimately be those moments when President Trump sits in the oval office, looks back at the good old days when his world waited with anxious anticipation for his (and only his) direction, and thinks to himself… Why am I doing this?  Why can’t I just tell France to go screw themselves?  Why can’t I take profit from a National Park system that is more than adequate for recreational purposes?  Why can’t we just eliminate this social program and replace it with that one?  Why do I have to subjugate myself…MYSELF…to these infantile fools in the House and Senate? 

How the Donald reacts when these inevitable moments arrive will define his Presidency.  And based on the victory dance understandably being executed by the Right, which vests them intrinsically with Trump, conservative government will significantly rise and fall with his success or failure.  A hard lesson we have all learned from our youth is that sometimes, it is difficult to dance with the one that brung ya.  As difficult as it is for some in the Republican establishment to admit, Trump is the one who has brought their party to this position of opportunity.  It will either become a marriage of evolving maturity and accomplishment or it will be a deteriorating dissolution of an ill-advised union.  "What can you do when your dreams come true and it's not quite like you had planned.  You're not quite lovers and you're not quite friends...After the thrill is gone."  Only one thing is for certain…it will be interesting.

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