Friday, March 31, 2017

Like a Case of Arson.

There are three political/legal issues swirling about us these days that strike me as being somewhat interconnected.  Federal Judges in Hawaii and Maryland have blocked President Trump’s travel vetting policies from being implemented; that will move forward another space or two next week.  Senate and House Committees, and apparently the FBI, are looking to see if the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential race.  And finally, Senate and House Committees are trying to determine if President Trump’s tweet accusation about being “wiretapped” by Obama has any legs.  I believe I detect a common approach by the media and the Democrats to all three stories; and that approach is very similar to an arson investigation.

In any arson case, the primary concern for all concerned is to deal with the smoke and the fire and to put out the blaze in an effort to limit the damage.  Once that is accomplished, then the ashes and remains are sifted in an effort to determine the cause.  Was it organically spontaneous or was it arson?  In the three stories aforementioned, the fire is still burning. 

In the travel vetting episode, it has become pretty clear that the lifetime appointment autonomy enjoyed by Federal Judges has emboldened these two black-robed individuals to elevate their personal political philosophies to an equal or greater plane as their judicial standards.  Piecing together the stories that have been released on this matter, it seems very likely that Obama-holdover persons in the intelligence community have put together a wholly unofficial “report”, leaked that report to the mainstream media and the two Judges in question, and given them phantom bullets to put in their legal guns in an attempt to foil a new and different Trump policy initiative.  You do not have to be a lawyer to be bemused by the opinions rendered by the Judges when they stopped the implementation of the Trump initiative.  I have never before seen legal reasoning that cited campaign statements, leaked and unofficial intelligence reports, and sheer personal political opinion used to adjudicate an issue that clearly has national security implications.  This matter has taken partisan politics to a level heretofore unseen.

I remain convinced that given a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for U.S. President, the Russians would select Hillary Clinton every time.  When you consider the infamous red reset button that Hillary presented to the Russians, the way Obama turned his head the other way when Russia invaded its neighbors to the southwest, the way SOS Clinton assisted the Russians in cornering the uranium market, the way that Obama invited the Russians back into the Middle East party and then left the affair’s arrangements in their hands, and the basic weak-kneed and spineless approach that Obama took to all US/Russia relations; why in the world would the Russians want to change the rules of a game that was going so much in their favor?  Based on the lack of evidence that has been so desperately sought for months on end, one can reasonably conclude that the Russians were simply interested in meddling in anything US and anything cyber, rather than trying to accomplish the nigh-impossible feat of actually influencing the US Presidential election.  Simply because Hillary and the DNC’s lax cyber-security allowed their files to be hacked while the Republicans were able to rebuff such intrusions, are we to assume that only Hillary and the DNC were targeted?  I think not. 

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And finally, is it so outrageous to think that President Trump would have his campaign organization and Administration spied upon by the Obama Administration?  Can anyone with a straight face submit that the ethical purity of the Obama folks was of such magnitude that they were above using the intelligence resources available to them to help insure the continuance of the policies that they had worked so hard on for eight years?  Remember; these are the same Obama people who politically weaponized the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, wiretapped the phones of foreign leaders (are you listening, Angela?), had their Attorney General meet with Hillary’s husband while she was under active investigation,  and maintained a literal river of strategic leaks to the mainstream media over their eight-year tenure.  If you want to be a wordsmith and adjust your standards to literal words and their meanings (a first for the Obama Administration and the mainstream media); then President Trump’s wiretap tweet was, in fact, flat out wrong. On the other hand,  if you apply a reasonable, common sense interpretation to Trump’s tweet, the clear meaning is that he is accusing the Obama Administration, with the expressed approval of Obama himself, of surveilling the operations of his campaign and new Administration during the time period pre-election through inauguration, by utilizing the intelligence resources available to them.  When you consider the Executive Action taken by Obama just days before his White House departure that dramatically broadened the accessibility to sensitive intelligence, it is hard not be believe that any subsequent improper (and perhaps illegal) leaks to the mainstream media were anticipated and, most likely, intentional.  For Obama and his ilk, it seems very poor (and inadvisable) form to be hurling dense objects from within the fragile structure that they inhabit.  I have said before that absolute power corrupts absolutely; and the Obama Administration at its close was tripping on the closest thing to absolute Executive Power corruption that I have seen in my lifetime.  There is every reason to believe that they would do everything…everything…in their power to preserve their self-formed legacy; looking at YOU, Ms. Farkas.

Now here is the tie-in back to the arson deal.  As things stand right now, the mainstream media and the Democrats are consumed with the process, not the fundamental concerns, of all three matters.   The Federal Judges want to talk about Muslim discrimination and splitting families apart; as opposed to constitutional law and authorities.  The Democrats want to talk about the meetings between Russians and Trump representatives; conveniently omitting any perspective about Clinton or Obama meetings of a similar nature.  Regarding Obama Administration possible spying on Trump folks, Congressman Schiff has his undergarments in a sufficient wad as to prevent his wife (or whoever does his laundry) from ever doing a thorough cleansing on them again.  In all three cases, all of the attention is being placed on the smoke and the fire and the heat; but that will soon pass.  Very soon, the fire will die down to embers, the smoke will dissipate, and the heat will become tolerable.  Once that occurs, attention will properly turn to hard facts, truth, and evidence.  It is a fool’s errand to predict political game outcomes in today’s partisan environment, but do not be surprised if the law does not overturn the Federal Judges and the Trump travel vetting policy is implemented.  Do not be surprised if there is no evidence found to support any type of election collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign; that whole notion simply makes no sense.  And most critically...Do not be surprised if the mainstream media is put to the extreme test of trying to paper over one of the most serious abuses of Executive Power we have ever witnessed; that being the improper (illegal?) surveillance of an opposition political party and a duly-elected President, with a bare-knuckled and a sucker punch approach to partisan politics labeled “winning at all costs”.

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