Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Riders on the Storm.

Riders on the Storm.   I haven’t put up a blog in quite a while; honestly, I do not know what to say about this world we live in.  Every day brings a new high level of stupidity, absurdity, shallowness, idiocy, and simple chaos.  I turn on Mike and Mike and get Oscars Discussion.  I turn on the Oscars and get Trump Politics.  I turn on Trump and I get…not real sure what I am getting there.  Is there no one who sticks to their area of expertise anymore?   Is it necessary to include political and partisan commentary in every single aspect of our waking hours?  Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?

As evidenced by the most recent developments in the Trump/Russia escapade and the Obama/Wiretapping escapade, President Trump and the Mainstream Media simply cannot restrain themselves from engaging in a maelstrom of anonymous sources, unfounded accusations, outrageous displays of hypocrisy, and general infantile behavior.  Why can’t we have a media entity that simply reports the facts and names their sources (Andrew C. McCarthy acknowledged; the man is laser-straight)?  Can we have a television channel where the opinion-giver is clearly separated from the fact-presenter?  Can we have a world where sports reporters report on sports, news reporters report the news facts, political pundits acknowledge what they are, and celebrities once again inhabit this planet and have a clear understanding of exactly how they obtained their claims to fame?  There are many George Clooney and Meryl Streep movies I enjoy; they are great actors.  I can even enjoy their personal reflections, within limits….and as long as they are on a flat screen and I have a remote in my hand.  I don’t ask my banker to fix my sore foot.  I don’t ask my mechanic how to treat my sick heifer.  I don’t go to my County Ag Agent for retirement or financial advice.  I don’t watch a TV show to be told how to live my life.  I don’t listen to music to be lectured to about my social responsibilities and shortcomings.  And, as unfortunate as it is, I now do not listen to the President or Congress to find out about what is happening in government; because…they obviously do not have a clue.  And what about the mainstream media?  Well, what can you expect when chaos reports or comments on chaos?  Chaos begets chaos and bias begets bias and corruption begets corruption. 

As for President Trump…would someone on the White House staff or in his inner circle please take away his tweets?  The reality TV star shtick was fun for a while and he skillfully managed it into acquiring quite a political prize.  But acquiring the Presidency and executing the Presidency are two entirely different things.  Now that you are The Man, Donald…put away the playthings and get serious.  Your comments like “health care is complicated” are ridiculous on their face.  No one said anything about the Presidency being an easy job.  Obama has already tried coasting through eight years and we know how that worked out.  Get on the job, get over to Capitol Hill, demonstrate some leadership, and pull the Republican Party together.  MOVE on health care reform. MOVE on tax reform.  MOVE on immigration reform.  MOVE on an infrastructure bill.  MOVE on shrinking government and making it more efficient.  MOVE on getting conservative judges in the Federal Court System.  Are we to accept that the Republican leadership in Congress can only address one big issue at a time?  Can we not allow the Congressional Committee System to function as it should so that all of these issues could be addressed simultaneously on parallel tracks?  I realize we as voters have placed some clunkers in Congress over the lasts few elections; but surely that can walk and chew gum at the same time. 

The Republicans are assured of two years to operate as the controlling legislative entity in this government.  Every day the clock on that two years is ticking and every time the President allows the media to pull him into these childish games is another day of lost opportunity to create some positive, fundamental change in how this country operates.  Mr. President…no matter how provoked or entitled you feel about it, stop the histrionics.  Grow some callous on that paper-thin skin of yours and keep your eye on the prize.  This is not about you, Donald; this about stopping the descent into liberal lunacy.  This is about the outrage and limits of patience that a mass of voters expressed last November.  This is not about your ratings (or the Terminator’s ratings) on the Apprentice; it is about serious and responsible administration of our nation’s business. 

Two months out of twenty-four is over eight percent.  That is how much time has been expended towards the possibilities that had so many folks excited last election day.  Every month that goes by is another four percent.  The clock is ticking and if nothing gets done, who do you think wins?  Riders on the Storm was one of the greatest hits from Morrison and the Doors.  It is eerily tragic that in some ways, our society is beginning to emulate his dark and manic life.  Are we all just…riders on the storm?

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