Saturday, December 23, 2017

What Is Really Troubling the Democrats?

What is to be made of this nonsensical, irrational, inexplicable, and monotonic resistance of the Democrats, the Liberals, and the Mainstream Media (ah, but I repeat myself) to all things Trump?  It reminds one of the new television commercial that features people who perversely enjoy activities that inflict pain on themselves.  For some unknown reason, they continue to touch the hot iron…and pull away a throbbing finger each time.

Many, if not most, of the Democratic voters know that Obama was a colossal failure.  His only accomplishment of note was breaking the skin color barrier to the White House.  So…they know that he left behind eight years worth of mistakes, mismanagement, administrative anarchy, and departmental/agency politicization.  They know this was wrong.  They were uncomfortable with it.  They know it has to be cleaned up.   But…they wanted, at best, one of their own to clean it up.  At worst, they wanted a very moderate Republican (RINO?) to clean it up.  They sure as hell did not want a rank outsider like Donald Trump to clean it up.

And that, my friends, is exactly what is eating away at the Democrats.  They knew from the beginning that Hillary was a terribly flawed candidate and they strongly suspected that she likely did not represent their best chance to win the Presidency.  Yet they could find no way to derail the Clinton train that was being constantly fueled by money and influence.  And one by one, as the election neared and as public opinion coalesced around the notion of an ultimate Clinton victory, they leapt aboard the Clinton Express.  Some leapt with some trepidation; but most leapt with anticipatory glee of what her eventual rise to power would bring to them in terms of patronage goodies.

And then…the unexpected happened.  Lo and behold, Donald Trump was elected President.  The American voters clearly recognized Hillary Clinton as the despicable and corrupt individual she is and turned instead to a reality TV star; the obvious lesser of two evils.  The imperfection of Trump as a presidential political candidate simply adds credence to the notion that Clinton may very well have been the worst presidential candidate in history.  As thick as the American electorate can be at times, they damn sure recognized Hillary for what she was (and they scored an encore with their rejection of Moore in Alabama).

Now it was bad enough that the Democrats lost a presidential election that they and everyone else thought they had locked up.  It was exacerbated by the Republicans gaining control of the House and the Senate and a Republican wave sweeping across the nation in state houses.  The thought of having a…dare I say it…a Republican cleaning up this Obama train wreck, with all of its hidden and  secret collateral doings exposed for all to see was simply unacceptable…totally UNACCEPTABLE

And then, who should be in the center of the perfect electoral storm but Mr. Personality himself, the Donald; a man who is literally a caricature of their worst Republican nightmare.  They could have lived with a Bush, or a Romney, or just about anyone but…Donald Trump.  “We lost to this…this blow-dried, pompous, loudmouthed, inexperienced, born with a golden spoon in his mouth, immoral, unethical, media personality? “   Oh, the horror…the horror; the indignity; the…EMBARRASSMENT.

It is a tragic pile of pathetic, immature, selfish, irresponsible, and unforgivable feelings upon which the Democrat/Liberal-sponsored “Resist” movement is based.  And ultimately, it comes down to being embarrassed.  Well, it is time to get over it.  It is time to jump in with the amateur President, help him and his able-bodied appointees to clean up the Obama civil carnage, put this Humpty-Dumpty government back together again, and restore some effectiveness, efficiency, and integrity to our nation’s structure.  If the Democrats continue to allow the Republicans to single-handedly uncover the accumulated corruption of the Obama carnage, it will not end well for them.  They would be much better served to jump into the clean-up effort, use their limited power as the minority party to its maximum potential, and be a part of setting this government back on its rightful bipartisan course.  And then, when (not if) they transition back to the majority status, they will be in much better position to implement some of their own policy initiatives.

Don’t miss the next post!  Follow on Twitter @centerlineright.  If you enjoy the blog, pass it on to your friends.

This whole “Trump Campaign/Russia Collusion” deal is daily dissolving while the “DNC/Clinton Campaign/Obama Administration/Russia Collusion” thing is steadily gelling.  The page of blanks that tells the story is beginning to fill and the dots are becoming easier to connect.  There are three years left in this Trump Administration and that is more than adequate time for the remaining mysteries to be revealed.  As much as I have despised Obama and how he operated as president, I now fear that the unethical and corruptive nature of his ilk ran far deeper than I thought.  If the web of deceit that surrounds the “Steele Dossier” ends up where it increasingly appears to be heading, this will likely prove to be the worst political scandal in the history of our nation.  As Andy McCarthy has so clearly pointed out, the Democratic Conglomerate was so convinced of Trump’s unsuitability for the presidency and Hillary’s impending victory that they threw all caution to the wind and transformed our government into nothing less than a full partner with the DNC/Hillary Clinton Campaign.  The cast of characters who sold their professional soul to the partisan devil is long…Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Yates, Rhodes, Rice, Comey, all their numerous underlings and, god forbid…maybe even Mueller and Obama themselves.  The details yet to come will doubtless be breathtaking in their sheer arrogance and shamelessness.  I believe it will be very interesting indeed to see at what point the few mainstream media institutions that still retain a glimmer of integrity choose to leap off of this Democratic Titanic and begin to actually report and investigate this historic abuse of power.

Let’s say you are living in a house with someone that you might not like a whole lot.  You find a snake skin in the basement, which tells you that somewhere in the house, there is likely a bad character lurking about.   Now even though you might not think a whole lot of your housemate, you damn sure will jump in and help find the snake in your midst.  Looking at you, Democrats. 

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