Friday, January 5, 2018

Moving the Goalposts and Renaming the Rose.

Radical environmentalists and liberal Democrats are both engaged in that old game of switcheroo; the former pretty much a fait accompli and the latter a work in progress.  Both parties have benefited greatly, basically been enabled, by a liberal media that has been more than willing to carry their water in any fashion they deign.  And unfortunately, even in today’s world where audio and video exists like air to breathe, most of the public has swallowed these bait and switch schemes lock, stock, and barrel.

How many of us can recall the term global warming?  Can you remember when the “One” proclaimed that he would single-handedly stop the rise of the oceans?  What about all of those polar bears that would be floating down the east coast due to the ice caps melting?  And please…do not ask the people along the Atlantic from Florida to Maine about global warming; better to ask them about the bomb cyclone.   After building mega fortunes (looking at you, Al Gore) on hype and running all over the planet warning of the coming apocalypse, the environmental carpetbaggers realized at some point that their falsified data and bogus research would eventually be exposed for the fraud that it was…and is.  At some point, they began to slyly substitute the term climate change for global warming.  Think about that for a moment…when was the last time you heard the term global warming?   Global warming is a pretty definitive term; it entails a consistent rise in temperatures and can be pretty well quantified.  On the other hand, climate change is a much more generic term and can be bent or shaped to suit.  Who in their right mind can deny that the climate is changing?  Forget that there are decades of archives detailing all of the Chicken Littles running around the world crying about global warming; they will now tell you that it was always about climate change.  I suppose that all of that historical fact is nothing more than just…An Inconvenient Truth.  So the next time you see some environmental radical espousing the imminent catastrophes that will be forthcoming from climate change, just remember that these people are actually thinking global warming and saying climate change.  Of course the climate is changing; the pertinent question is “why is it changing”?

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And now we fast forward to the most recent chapter in this game; that of switching the conversation from Russian Collusion to Obstruction of Justice.  It has been nothing short of HI...LAR…I…OUS to watch the old gray rag herself, the New York Times, switch its holy grail from the Steele Dossier to a drunken and puffed-up campaign juvenile named Papadopoulos.  Six months ago, the NYT was telling us all that the Steele Dossier, a shoddy tabloid composite of salacious lies and fables (just ask Mr. Comey), was the Rosetta Stone for all this Trump Campaign/Russian Collusion stuff.  They breathlessly parroted anything the most honorable Mr. Schiff leaked to them and were…so…damn…certain…that they had Mr. Trump dead to rights.  But in the last couple of weeks, curiously just as their key piece of evidence was being exposed for the shameless product of the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and corrupt DOJ officials that it is, the ignoble NYT now simply pooh-poohs the Dossier and says that it was never the genesis of all this Trump Collusion business.   Of course not, they say; it all began with the drunken braggadocio of a 30-year old campaign staffer in a London bar to an Australian diplomat.  Now if you are getting a sense of déjà vu, please feel free to indulge the impulse.  The same old global warming/climate change metamorphosis is taking place.  Refusing to acknowledge that their world-shattering, Pulitzer Prize seeking expose on the Steele Dossier has flown south; the liberal media now is attempting a smooth transition from collusion to obstruction.  Once again, as in the former episode, they expect folks to simply transfer all that was previously reported under the guise of collusion to the new flavor of the month headline…obstruction of justice.  Fortunately, they are making a fatal error this time around.

Whereas the term climate change is a generic term that is sufficiently deep and wide to eliminate any possible disproof; the term obstruction of justice is sufficiently precise as to require supporting facts in order to claim legitimacy.  The NYT, the Washington Post, and all the pompous and self-important television networks that have created this Resist Trump cottage industry have now boxed themselves in a corner.  They must back up their wild allegations of obstruction with actual proof or else admit, in likely the most evasive and subtle ways possible, that…well…they didn’t actually mean to use the term obstruction of justice; they were actually meaning…something else.  I many times can someone move the goalposts and remain in the game?

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