Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Tragic Perversion of the Justice System.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or a Trump opponent, you should be very concerned about the developments that have occurred in Special Counsel Mueller’s Trump Campaign/Russian Collusion investigation.  As reflected in my writing, I am increasingly inclined to believe that the whole Steele Dossier Fantasy is a house of cards that is beginning to crumble.  Time will tell.

Notwithstanding the twists and turns taken by Mueller’s escapade over the last year or so, we are now at a critical moment in this nation’s history.  The NYTimes is reporting that there are several questions that the Special Counsel wants to present to the President.  And per that report, and if the President refuses to comply with his wishes, the Special Counsel is prepared to subpoena the President to force his deposition.  Contrary to some reports, there is no precedent for this situation.  This is an attempted abuse of power, a blatant demonstration of unequal justice, and a shameful example of placing personal politics above national concerns.  There have been presidential subpoenas in the past; but not involving the circumstances that we are witnessing with President Trump and this Special Counsel.  If this test of wills is brought to a head, there can be little doubt that the SCOTUS will eventually decide this issue.  And based on some SCOTUS decisions from recent years, that outcome is dicey at best. 

Two current articles by two of the most able observers available have addressed this most recent issue.  I would urge anyone interested in this episode to read them.  Victor Davis Hanson @ and Andrew McCarthy @  These are men that are objective, intelligent, and well qualified to comment on this subject.

There are two incredibly important points that I find are repeatedly ignored in the discussion of this business.  The first is that the DOJ is subordinate to the Chief Executive; they work under his supervision.  The patronage appointments in the Department and its Agencies serve at the pleasure of the President.  Based on the behavior of Mueller’s team and many of the deep state holdovers in the DOJ, that is a fact that is either lost or ignored.  The simple truth is that our President is elected by the People; while DOJ appointees are elected by…nobody. They are appointed by individuals.  If you are a government employee and disagree with the President’s policies, it is not an option to subvert department and agency operations in order to sabotage the President’s initiatives.  The choice is to either do your job or resign; choosing instead to strongly oppose the President in the public sector as a private citizen.  Secondly, it remains absolutely remarkable to me that this entire Special Counsel carnival has no stated crime at its nucleus.  It is the very definition of an investigation in search of a crime.  It is based on a questionable document that was funded by the President’s political opponents.  It has been kept on life support by a rabidly anti-President media, a recalcitrant Democratic portion of Congress, and deep state renegade holdovers from the Obama administration.  It has crippled the legitimately-elected President of our nation for his first year and a half in office and shows every indication of doing so well into the future. 

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If actual crimes have been committed by President Trump or his campaign; then justice must be served and those guilty should be held accountable.  But if, as seems increasingly likely, this entire charade proves to be nothing more than the vindictive and treacherous strategy of a defeated Democratic presidential effort…it will surely go down in history as the greatest perversion of the justice system that has ever occurred.  And if that is the case, it is to the everlasting shame of those Democrats who have stood by in silence, and their media cohorts who have sold their souls to the Resist Trump Devil, while this mockery was committed in their name.  Also, there can be little doubt that it will be to the eternal detriment of our nation and its system of government.  If the will of the People, as expressed by their votes, can be supplanted or subverted by a handful of well-placed bureaucratic ideologues and a partisan and unprincipled press; then we no longer live in the country our founders envisioned. 

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