Sunday, May 27, 2018

For Obama, Aloof was Analogous to Asleep at the Wheel.

The nefarious group of deep state, Obama Administration bureaucrats who have conspired to sabotage the Trump Administration are becoming increasingly desperate as their Machiavellian ball of twine continues to unwind.   It is nothing short of hilarious to watch Brennan, Clapper, and Comey try various word craft tricks to talk around getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  It is especially rich to watch them spin political spies as human resources for the public good; yeah…good luck with that one.   Aside from the continual drip, drip, drip of lurid details about their political espionage, the emerging detail that seems most interesting is the fact that this effort was initially organized not in the late fall of 2016 as an insurance policy or reaction to Trump’s unexpected election victory; but was apparently begun in the spring of 2016 as a exercise of pure, political hubris.

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was a chameleon of immense proportion.  He was a pathological liar who escaped conscious realization of that fact by his self-inflicted unawareness regarding his own untruthfulness.   This somehow allowed him to be boldly untruthful without the accompanying guilt that most people with a conscience would feel.  The further we get from his two terms as president and the more details we discover about the actual facts surrounding his actions in office, the more we discover about exactly what he knew, what he did not know, and what he chose not to know too much about.  When he made the infamous Obamacare statements about keeping your doctor and keeping your health care plan, he obviously knew that these were false statements.  How in the world could a man stand before people and repeatedly tell such bald faced lies?   Somewhere inside, somewhere in the DNA that made this person tick, there was a process in place that actually allowed him to believe his own foolishness.  His aloofness and arrogance betrayed a self defense mechanism that was actually little more than being intentionally asleep at the wheel. 

All the stuff that Lois Lerner was doing over at the Internal Revenue Service; all the stuff that idiots Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were running around the globe and pumping out as wise foreign policy initiatives; all the corruption and shameful abuse that was taking place in the Veteran’s Administration in their unforgiveable treatment of our nation’s heroes; and all the idealistic zealotry that Holder and Lynch were conducting in the DOJ were not just liberal ideologues run amok on their own initiatives.  They were politically motivated warriors who had found a willing idiot in their boss who put them in positions to do their business.  He enabled them through the fact that there were never any indications that their abuses of power were unacceptable, and then had the results of their inexcusable actions defended and celebrated by himself and his Administration, top to bottom.  All the while, his stammering, never-ending oratories and fawning press provided a cover for the aberrations that were occurring in our government departments and agencies just below the surface. 

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And now that the disgusting facts about how governmental ethics took a backseat to political ambition during Obama’s eight years are coming out, are we to believe that all of this…activity…took place without his knowledge?  Whether he had his hands on the wheel and was directing traffic or was asleep at the wheel and simply going where the vehicle took him, he was the president and is responsible for the business that took place during his tenure.  If he was truly the genius that his admirers make him out to be, he was guilty as sin.  If he was fully unaware of the overwhelming degree of unethical behavior taking place by his underlings, he was hopelessly clueless.  Either way, he was pathetic.

I believe the reality of Obama lies somewhere between these two extremes.  I am convinced he knew exactly where his political special forces of civil servants were going, while being intentionally unaware of exactly how they were going to get there.   His willingness to accept this rot and decay in the Executive Branch of our government makes him as culpable as any person who served beneath him.  When you see Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates, Rhodes, Power, Rice, and Holder making the rounds on the mainstream media outlets, just remember that their daddy was Obama.  They are what he made them and allowed them to become.

The real story of Obama is that he was an extremely lucky man who was in the right place at the right time and will never want for money because of that circumstance.  He was a very unremarkable individual who was promoted to inflated status by an adoring following that fell in love with what he represented and not what he was.  He came into the Presidency wholly unprepared for the job that he was expected to perform; an unserious man in an extremely serious position.  He irresponsibly allowed his personal and political ideals to rule his pragmatic judgment and thus set back this nation for decades in many cultural and civil areas.  If the process we are currently witnessing with this whole Resist Movement hopefully concludes with a full disclosure of its origins and details, it could be a “chickens coming home to roost” moment of classical proportion.  And justice served.

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