Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Republicans and Democrats Think It’s Christmas, and then There is California.

There are times when the behavior of Congressional Republicans simply defies reason.  After enduring the Left’s hypocritical hyping of the immigration family separation problem for days, the House Republicans have in their hand the politically delicious option of passing a legislative solution to this particular issue, sending it over to the Senate, and thus daring the Democrats not to vote for it.  Instead, it appears that once again the Republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and allow their internal feuding to prevent passage of any new immigration law.  I do believe that if the Democrats chained and padlocked the door to the United States Capitol and gave the Republicans the key to the lock; the Republicans would tear down the building looking for bolt cutters. Just as they fumbled away a golden opportunity to repeal and replace Obamacare in the Senate, they are now on the verge of relinquishing an equally favorable chance to pass much needed immigration reform in the   House. 

On another WDC political note, the dust from the introduction of the DOJ’s Inspector General’s report has now somewhat settled and there is at least one inescapable conclusion that any rational person must make.  The leadership at the DOJ was dominated by rogue ideologues that literally hated Donald Trump and permitted their bias to corrupt not only their own work as civil servants, but the entire Department and Agencies where they worked.  It is difficult to imagine how the entire leadership of such a critical governmental Department could become so perverse and create an environment that would permit abuses of this type.  With bias this pronounced, the work product of anyone associated with these people in the Clinton Server, the Trump/Russia Collusion, or the Special Counsel Mueller investigations is absolutely lacking in credibility.  These gloriously idiotic haters have given Donald Trump a gift that he could never have obtained from any other source.  They have now guaranteed that even if their investigations were to turn up some serious misbehavior or acts by Trump, his Campaign, or his Administration; there are sufficient grounds to challenge the findings based on the source of the reports.  Judging from the apparent findings thus far by these efforts, such a gold plated escape clause does not appear to be needed by Trump.  But if in fact there is some substantive charge that has not yet become public that exposes bad actions by Trump or his people, he now has all the cover he needs to simply challenge the accusations on the basis of political bias.

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And finally, there is the amusing effort by some in California to split that state into three new states.  The mind explodes at all the possibilities of names for these three potentially new states.  Let us count the ways: Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest; Left, Lefter, and Leftest; Larry, Daryl, and the Other Brother Daryl; Unconscious, Subconscious, and Hyperconscious; and See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak…wait, that one won’t work!.  For California, there is no limit to the madness that is the liberal nirvana of our nation.  From the classic movie that should be California’s theme for everything…
“Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this…and totally redeem yourself”.

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