Sunday, July 15, 2018

A Day in the Life.

Per the Beatles: I read the news today, oh boy…and though the news was rather sad…well, I just had to laugh. For anyone who follows such things closely, the geo-political and national political developments this week were sources of total dismay.  What sober-minded individual, regardless of political bent, could have watched the House Committee hearings with Peter Strzok without a strong case of stomach spasm?  Our President in Europe and England was a spectacle to behold; perhaps just a bit too much spectacle.  Mueller’s All-Star Democrats indicted twelve Russians who are laughing over their vodka at his legal threats.  The Liberals are shouting out to the heavens that we should “catch and release” all illegal aliens and then abolish the very federal agency which exists to enforce the immigration laws that we have on the books.  Can you say “open borders”?  Hillary Clinton is running around dropping hints that she may run again in 2020 and the mainstream media is actually covering this.  Hillary…just go away.  And then there is the cherry on top; Trump sits down with Putin.  Republicans want the meeting canceled and Democrats want “adult supervision” in the room during the meeting.  Now…one at a time…

What can you say about the Strzok hearings that the visuals don’t clearly reveal?  Nothing.  There is no mystery here; what you see is what you get.  Obama and his runaway DOJ allowed a bunch of self-righteous and overly-zealous ideologues to seize control of their Department and Agencies at the highest level and operate with impunity, seeking their vision of a “politically correct and acceptable” President and future Administration.  The Democrats on the House Committees behaved like children; stupidly disrupting the proceedings when they held no substantive cards to play.  The Republicans fed right into the disruption; behaving like high school adolescents in their questioning and attitudes.  As for me, it is nothing short of absolutely chilling to realize that individuals like this smirking, bourgeoisie fool Strzok are actually in charge of our highest levels of law enforcement and basically running free to use our legal system to try and implement their own personal political agendas.  And the most frightening thing about it is...They don’t see the problem; they have no real sense of self.   From Comey to McCabe to Brennan to Clapper, it is disgustingly obvious that Strzok believes that he and his political allies in the DOJ firmly believe in their self-perceived and superior intellect and ethical bearings.  They think this makes them uniquely qualified to determine for all of us normal, hapless citizens (who, by the way, can be olfactorially-detected at shopping centers...but only by selected and superior beings) what is best for our nation.  Their conceit and arrogance emanates from their very pores; it drips from them.  How can anyone have any respect or confidence in a government that allows people like this to serve in positions of high influence and authority for decades and continually rewards them with job advancements and increased professional freedoms?

For all of his bluster and personal arrogance, President Trump speaks truth to power when he tells our NATO allies that we are paying way more than our fair share in this deal.  While it is clear that the defense of democracy and freedom in Western Europe is in America’s national security interest; it is even more obvious that Western Europe’s interest is greater than ours.  They SHOULD be paying more towards the collective defense effort; their actions should show a greater awareness of who their friends and enemies are; and they need to neatly tuck away their global elitists’ attitudes where the European sun don’t shine.  The Nord Stream project is a disgrace and illustrates corruption at the highest level.  It is an abandonment of the Baltic nations who were shamelessly deserted by Obama; it is a slap in the face to the very structure and purpose of NATO; and the shameless denial of its fallacies by German leaders demonstrates an arrogance of astronomic proportions.   For a rare moment, I thought President Trump had stumbled onto a crumb of humility during his press conference with PM May; but he recovered quickly and reassumed his typical persona of hyperbole, bluster, and over-simplification.  Oh how I wish he could figure out a way for his personal rhetoric and behavior to match the wisdom of his policies.

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Once again, Special Counsel Mueller has indicted people on actions having no connection whatsoever with the Trump Campaign or the Trump Administration.  While it is clearly appropriate and essential that foreign government meddling in our elections is a concern and should be enthusiastically investigated; it is not necessary to pay a bunch of Democrat ideologues tens of millions, give them free reign to disrupt a legitimate President in every fashion imaginable, and allow them to frolic about WDC in an unfettered and unaccountable manner.  DAG Rosenstein is a huge joke, likely as big an ideologue as Strzok, and is a complete and perfect gift from AG Sessions to the Democratic left.  The masterful conflating by the Democrats and the media of Russian election meddling with Trump Campaign collusion is perhaps the greatest political farce ever perpetrated on the American public.  If there is a shred…one single morsel…of integrity in Robert Mueller, he will stop spending millions of taxpayer dollars indicting foreigners who will never set foot in an American courtroom, wrap up this three-ring circus that he ringmasters, and go back to making millions in the swamp from whence he came.

I am extremely skeptical about any and all polling, but I have supreme confidence that President Trump is spot-on with his four immigration policy principles.  He needs to stick to his guns, keep pressing the argument, and help the Republicans in Congress find sufficient backbone to actually pass legislation that reflects these ideas.  Punch drunk from their media public relations success with legal and necessary family separation policies, the liberals have now taken the remarkable position of eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  As is typically the case with the Democrats, they are allowing their fringe elements to pull them to an extreme leftward position when a much more measured and reasonable approach would serve them better.  ICE should be reformed; ICE should be reconfigured; and ICE should be reconceptualized.  And the right and proper way to do that is with legislative immigration reform based on the President’s four principles.

As bizarre and surreal as it may appear, I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton harbors the ambition to once again run for President in 2020.  And frankly, when you look at the current field of Democrat presidential hopefuls, she is on par with most of them.  For anyone who holds appropriate contempt for Hillary Clinton and all the sliminess she represents, it will be nothing short of pure delight to watch how the Democratic Party and its national leadership deal with a concerted effort by Hillary to once again run for Chief Executive.  Keep the popcorn supply ample and accessible.

While I am an avid fan and supporter of most Donald Trump policies, I am really disappointed in his rhetorical approach to Russia and China.  While the practical application and effects of his policies towards Russia and China are appropriately severe (much, much more severe than his predecessors), his rhetoric towards the leaders of these two rogue nations is oftentimes hypocritical and tepid.  President Putin and General Secretary Xi are nothing but thugs and their policies are brutal and savage.  They have no respect for human rights, human dignity, or international law.  While it is understandable that a certain degree of conversational civility is sought to facilitate diplomatic pursuits, the fact remains that these guys are tyrants and should be called out, clearly and consistently, for what they are.  For a man that takes so much obvious pride in his frank and honest dialogue, President Trump occasionally goes awfully soft on these two guys.  While I don’t buy into the Russian Collusion nonsense for a moment; I do find it extremely discomforting when Trump speaks of Putin in terms that approach a positive or glowing sense.  These are power-hungry egotists who contribute nothing positive to the world community and anything less than open and honest recognition of that fact by the world’s most powerful leader is unacceptable.

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