Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Nine and a Half Minute Groan…and Other Bits

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final press conference (we can only hope!) this week was a pathetic display of frustration and spite.  I have previously pledged to say no more about Mueller and his merry band of Democrat lawyers; but this last little dalliance by him is too much to resist.  Here is the transcript of his short little message:

This is what we get from this man after two years.  Read once again what he had to work with: 
This is obstruction?

What, exactly, did the Mueller Report involve and cost

Time: 22 months (or 675 days). The Justice Department appointed Mueller on May 17, 2017. The investigation ended on March 22, 2019.
Length: 448 (redacted) pages
Indictments: Mueller ultimately indicted, convicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies.
Team: Mueller employed 19 lawyers, who were assisted by a team of about 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other professional staff.
The investigation: The Mueller team issued more than 2,800 subpoenas and executed close to 500 search warrants.  The team also obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers to monitor electronic communications, and made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence. The special counsel interviewed approximately 500 witnesses, according to a letter sent to Congress by Barr.
Cost: The total cost of the investigation is still unknown.  But so far, Mueller’s office has released three expenditures statements. Direct and indirect costs totaled $25.2 million through Sept. 30, 2018, from the start of the investigation (May 17, 2017). Although Mueller turned in a proposed budget to the Department of Justice in July 2017, officials declined to make it public, instead committing to releasing reports of the team’s expenditures every six months
Starving for attention, seeing the walls close in on his futile and partisan attempt to take down a sitting President, and in his last days…ole Bob could not resist flipping everyone off on  his way out the door and stirring up some Congressional ish for everyone else to deal with.  What a sad, sad chapter in American history.  The facts of the matter speak for themselves:

Attorney General Barr’s letter regarding public release of the Mueller Report:

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One of the most intelligent writers about national health care is Avik Roy.  He presents an objective and practical picture of the situation we find ourselves in regarding health care in our country.  His latest piece is very illuminating to anyone who is interested in this subject…and we should ALL be interested:

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And finally, a short piece on the potential abuses of power that exist in our government.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The Nixon and Obama Administrations will aptly demonstrate this to anyone who cares to consider it objectively.  It is not a partisan issue.  It is not a political issue.  It is a simple question of understanding that all people are fallible human creatures and we, as a people, cede our rights and liberties to our government at a very great risk.  That risk is the loss…the slow and deliberate erosion over time…of those very rights and liberties.  What Obama’s Administration did to the Trump Campaign and Presidency is anathema to the principles upon which our nation was founded.  What they did to Donald Trump can be done to any of us.  That should keep you up at night.  Read:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Restating Abortion, Mueller, and RussiaGate

There is a growing list of states that are passing what most consider extreme laws relating to abortion.  The pro-abortion states are allowing abortions up to and (some) following the delivery of a baby.  The anti-abortion states are prohibiting abortions, with varying and few exceptions, from a very early point in the pregnancy when a fetal heartbeat can be detected.  As I have stated before in my blog, this is a very emotional debate and given the sincere opinions held on either side, it can become highly irrational on occasion.  To address again a topic that is increasingly divisive and timely, I resubmit for your consideration

For those who continue in denial about whatever Mueller was investigating…get over yourselves.  Read again .  You had your best shot.  You had your anti-Trump sweetheart in the person of Mueller who was blessed with extreme adoration from all Democrats, 95 percent of the media, and the majority of non-partisan bystanders.  He whiffed.  He zoomed.  He came up with nothing.  Nada.  He was shut out, shut down, closed up, and blanked.  He had unlimited resources and an all-star team of Trump-hating lawyer mechanics.  If there was something to the Russia Collusion thing, he would have found it.  In fact, they spent well over a year knowing there was no collusion and trying to come with some way to invent it…and failed.  Volume I of his Report makes it abundantly clear that they found nothing.  NOTHING.  Volume II of his Report reads like a sour grapes fantasy of a bizarre “just because we couldn’t find it doesn’t mean it ain’t there” kind of logic.  This was your shot; your best shot.  It was clear, unobstructed, and wide open.  You came up empty.  Let it go.  You want to hate on Trump; debate him on the policies.  Stop clinging to this infantile Ahabesque pursuit of the Trumpian white whale. 

Today, Speaker Pelosi is running around the media murmuring and stuttering about the biggest cover-up in history.  There was NOTHING to cover up.  Mueller got everything he wanted for his investigation from the White House except a Presidential interview.  And on that count, the President responded, in writing, to all of the Mueller team’s questions.  Most of Mueller’s indictments were on foreigners who will never stand before a judge; and Mueller knew this.  They were simply scalps on the wall.  The others were liars and wannabe power brokers who were simply hoodwinked into legal technicalities over a crime that never occurred; certainly nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion.  The horse is a pulp; stop beating it.  You…look…pathetic.  You want international collusion in American elections?  Look at Fusion GPS, the Steele Dossier, the Democratic National Committee, and the Hillary for President Campaign.  You want a sitting Administration actively attempting to influence the election of their successor?   Look at Obama’s.  Remember…Who was in charge when this election occurred?

Actual work needs to be done in Congress.  Our nation has some serious problems that need to be addressed.  This Democratic Obsession is bringing House business to a standstill.  It poisoned the Infrastructure talks between the President, Pelosi, and Schumer.  Immigration Reform and Border Security are critical subjects that need to be addressed.  The President has put forth a detailed proposal for some changes.  Nothing is happening while the crisis worsens.  The recent Trade Agreement that was hammered out with Canada and Mexico is awaiting House consideration.  Pelosi will not even allow the bill to come to the floor for discussion.  Congressional support for this agreement would greatly increase the leverage that the US has in the ongoing China trade talks.  Once again…these trade talks are critical and time is of the essence.  Even National Security is taking a hit from this Democratic diversion.   Administration defense officials could not even update Congressional personnel without the meeting being poisoned by investigative questions and interruptions.  This meeting was dealing primarily with Iran and the ongoing tensions the US is having with that rogue nation in the Middle East.  The Democrats in the House are fiddling while the American legislative process burns.  The solution to this problem is the ballot box. 

A fair question to ask: What is the difference between the current Democratic House incessant investigations into the Trump Administration and the past Republican House incessant investigations into the Obama Administration?  All things being equal; there is no difference.  But all things are not equal.  There was no Special Counsel with carte blanche and unlimited resources spending two years investigating every nook and cranny of Obama’s Administration.  But that is exactly what we have had with the Mueller investigation.  And that is enough. 

Update: A valuable addition from a lifelong Democrat

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As for the actual international collusion that Mueller chose not to investigate; let us consider what Obama’s small band of overzealous bureaucrats have engaged in.  As the onion is slowly peeled and the carefully guarded secrets begin to unravel, the what happened is becoming more obvious as each day passes.  Soon the focus will turn to the how it happened and the why it happened.  And of course, it will be exceedingly delicious to finally discover who made it happen.  A good read on these developments is found from Sharyl Attkisson.  This lady knows a thing or two about the abuse of power in the DOJ, having been a victim of it herself.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Beware the Siren’s Call of Normalcy

Beware the entreaties from the Democrat Party…especially from the Biden sector…about a return to normalcy.  Normal is a very relative term and it means very different things to different people.  Our government is designed to feature a certain degree of tension between people who hold different ideas and opinions about policy and law.   This tension exists in a very natural and appropriate state when Congress considers legislation and promulgates, along with the Executive Branch, law for the citizenry of our nation.  The balance of this tension needs to be maintained in a certain zone in order for government to function as it was designed.  Recent history has found this tension residing in one end or the other of a reasonableness spectrum; not in the middle zone as it should be.

If the balance is too extreme one way, we can have absolute gridlock and open warfare between the two national parties.  This is the condition we find ourselves in today and, in my opinion, it can be directly traced back to the poisonous and partisan Obamacare debate.  As I have stated many times before, Obama came into office with more good will and potential than any President in my lifetime.  So much was possible.  But instead of parlaying this good will into bipartisan legislation that clearly would have been heavily weighted towards Democrat ideals, Obama and his ilk in Congress would settle for nothing less than 100 percent of their agenda in the legislative process.  Because they controlled both Houses of Congress in Obama’s first two years of office, the Democrats were able to ram the pure formula of Obamacare down the throats of Congressional Republicans and the American public.  It was a costly victory and it was short-lived.

The arrogance and obstinance exhibited by the Democrats during the Obamacare passage poisoned the political waters in WDC so badly that Obama’s remaining six years as President were paralyzed by partisan rancor and gridlock.  Oh, what could have been?  Had Obama and the Democrats settled for the 75 to 85 percent of Obamacare that they could have achieved with Republican support, who knows what might have been accomplished in those next six years?  That poison still remains in the WDC water and the sequel to the Obamacare debacle has played out in Trump’s first two years.  This time, the Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and settled for nothing less than total and complete domination of the Democratic Party.  Just as the Democrats were ill-served by their end zone celebration, so were the Republicans.  And now two years into Trump’s first term, with the Democrats having wrested control of the House of Representatives from the grip of the Republicans, we are once again in the throes of full-fledged gridlock in our legislative process.  Sincere bipartisanship is a forgotten virtue in today’s WDC.

And now comes the Democrat Party in their approach to the 2020 Presidential election.  They trumpet calls for a new-found civility in government.  They want to restore calmness and productivity to the function of our national bureaucracy.  Joe Biden says that he does not need to be angry to be President.  Inherent in their calls for change is the charge that President Donald Trump is the sole cause of the current chaos we see in WDC.  They say remove the Donald, replace him with a Democrat, and all will be sweetness and light.  Also inherent in their argument for a Democrat in the White House is the fact that somehow…the only way we can achieve bipartisan nirvana in government is with a Democrat President; that simple action will somehow, someway, and in a miraculous fashion, return our federal structure to optimum performance.  DO NOT BELIEVE this for a moment.  Old Slow Joe is saying stop fighting and start fixing.  Maybe he needs to have a serious conversation with Chuck and Nancy about how Congress needs to start acting.

If you watch and listen very closely, you will discover that Joe Biden and all the other 20-some-odd Democrats that desire to be President wants everyone to sing Kumbaya together; but only if they are holding the microphone.  At some point in the last few years, the Democratic Party adopted a position, privately-held and not for public consumption, that they would only allow this government to function in a normal state if there was a Democrat in the Oval Office.  The obvious fact that the Democrats control the House of Representatives and could generate bill after bill of positive and substantial legislation is apparently lost on this return to normal Democrat brigade.  Sadly, this attitude is pretty well reflected in the Republican Party also.  Such is the state of our national politics that a 60/40 content in your favor is unacceptable in new legislation.  In order to qualify as a win nowadays, it has to be 100 percent in your favor.  Things can only be normal if I am in charge.  We can sing the song of unification; but only if I am on stage leading the song and you are in the crowd singing. 

You might ask…If both parties are adopting this type of behavior, then why is Trump a better choice than any Democrat?  Why should we expect any more production from Republicans than we would from Democrats?  That is a good question and the answer is not simple.  Neither party has done much to instill confidence in their willingness or ability to reach across the aisle to the opposing party.  The Republicans and the Democrats have both demonstrated the desire to dance on the other’s grave rather than have a civil debate about national policy.  The difference that I see is in the person of Donald Trump.  With the exception of Bernie Sanders, every single Democrat running for their party’s nomination is willing to say or do anything necessary to gain the party’s slot on the next presidential ballot.  Like him or not, Bernie has been consistent in his positions for decades and he is sincere in his policies.  What you see is what you get.  He offers a clear choice for voters.  For all of his faults…and they are many…President Trump is equally driven by a set of sincerely-held principles.  Trump’s policy positions are not as well-developed and defined as Bernie’s.  Trump has not been a lifetime politician and he has not spent decades developing a political platform.  In fact, it is probably fair to say that several of Trump’s policy ideals are still being formulated on the fly.  But after two years in office, one can draw a fair impression of what President Trump stands for.  His political instincts have often co-mingled with his policy instincts in a rather volatile fashion; but the result has been an effective, free-market based, capitalist approach to a smaller and less intrusive government.  Sometimes it is difficult to witness his personal and professional behavior and rhetoric; but President Trump is typically on the right and proper side of the policy arguments in which he chooses to engage. 

As for Congress…we are back to the all is well as long as I am on top logic.  In a perfect…no, simply a normal…world, a divided Congress would be a decent arrangement.  The minority would respect the will of the voters who placed their opponents in power over them.  The majority would conduct business with respect for the legitimate and substantive input from the minority; acknowledging that their majority status is temporary and that the minority does, in fact, represent a lot of people.  However, in order for Congress to once again function in a productive state while divided, it will require a change that must be ushered in by new and bold leaders from both parties.  It is difficult to see people of that caliber on either side of the political aisle these days. 

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And if we are to have a divided Congress, it is fairly clear that the Senate should be aligned with the White House.  Whichever party we place in the Presidency, that person should have the right to nominate qualified and competent personnel to help them achieve their political ideals.  This appointment process is largely controlled by the Senate and it should occur in a fairly expedited fashion.   In a historical and fundamental sense, it is said that all legislation should begin in the House and then move over to simmer in the saucer of Senate consideration and deliberation.  The partisan rancor that is so pervasive in the House these days, combined with the renegade attitudes of incoming freshmen from both parties, has led the House down a road of wasting enormous amounts of time and political energy on issues that have little or no real legislative impact regarding our country.  They rush to the cameras, posture for the spotlights, and sell their souls to the media and identity factions that permeate Capitol Hill.  As poorly as the Senate has performed in this post-Obamacare era, the House has completely fallen off the cliff.  The Senate appears to be content to live their lives of semi-royalty and privilege with their noses properly posed high in the air while the clown circus in the House proceeds.

Therefore, as much as it chaffs me to advocate for it; I believe that given the condition of our nation’s realpolitik these days, the best government we can have is a unified government under one party.  This is the other extreme, as opposed to the gridlock mentioned earlier, in regards to the legislative tension that should naturally exist in our form of government.  I realize full well that there is little reason to expect a Republican-controlled Congress to do anything less than exercise complete disdain for the Democrats in the minority.  The only redemption to this situation would be the fact that results expectations would be greatly clarified and the success or failure of government performance over the next six years would be laid squarely at the feet of the Republican Party.  Both parties seem to relish the role of criticizing their opponents-in-charge and campaigning in an eternal anti mode; they would rather be obstructionists than constructionists.  Perhaps the way to change this pattern is to put them in charge, remove the excuses, and see how they behave when they actually have to do something productive.  Both parties have had brief experience in this area with our last two Presidents.  Have they learned anything at all?  Judging from the results in both cases…not much.

The only reason I think there is a possibility that this time may be different is Trump.  The lines between the Democrat Presidents and the Republican Presidents have been blurred.  While it is certainly true that the last few Republican Presidents have talked different than Democrats, they have governed in much the same fashion.  Over the last several decades, the Democratic Party has succeeded in moving the national political center to the left; pulling the Republican Party with it.  The last Republican President that actually presided over our government like a conservative was Ronald Reagan.   I do not pretend that Donald Trump is the second coming of Ronald Reagan.  When it comes to leadership, Trump is not up to carrying Reagan’s briefcase.  But Trump is a legitimate outsider; I believe his instincts are basically conservative; and while he is lacking in the intestinal fortitude exhibited by Reagan, his bluster and ego lead him headfirst into policy decisions where other Republicans fear to tread.  As bizarre as it might seem on the surface, this man of privilege and entitlement, who was actually raised as a liberal Democrat, provides a much clearer alternative to the Democrat’s liberal agenda as any other Republican standing.  Perhaps the best course is to keep the Republican Senate, give Trump back a Republican House, and see if they (the Republicans) can walk the walk.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Grab-bag Full of Goodies

                                                                         What we need….

·       Promotion without Spite

·       Advocacy without Attack

·       Debate without Venom

           What we’ve got….

·       Climb up anyone’s back to get to the top of the ladder you might be climbing.

·       The best way to promote your position is to destroy the person who holds a differing opinion.

·       When discussing policy, take full and irresponsible liberties with the presentation of half-truths and outright lies in the most snarky and devious manner possible.

Come on Congress; Come on Prez; come on People….we can do better than this.

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This date, Monday, May 13, 2019, the Dow slides down about 600 points in response to China threatening tariffs on American goods…in response to America threatening tariffs on Chinese goods.  Now really…is this a response to the direct and real impact these actions might have on the economy…or is it simply an excuse for the power brokers to run the market down, buy a bunch of stock at a lower price, and then…miraculously see the market rebound on…what?...perhaps an American/Chinese trade deal?  The rich and powerful…this is their world and we just live in it.

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Are you not sick and tired of the media…ALL OF THE MEDIA…CNN, FOX, CNBC, ETC… breathlessly leading their broadcasts with the cataclysmic story of the moment without any sense of context?  The talking heads hyperventilate about the most recent school shooting, possible terrorist attack, Presidential tweet, House investigation, wild stock market gyration, mysterious rise in gas prices, a train wreck in the Ukraine, the price of milk in Venezuela, or any other episode that might serve as a podium upon which to climb and scream “Bloody Murder!”.  Is there not one person, on one channel, somewhere and somehow, that can approach the news with a sober and thoughtful, fully unemotional, presentation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the event?  Is the media in the business of news or the business of drama?  It is very hard to tell.

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Sunday night’s NBA Eastern Conference Playoff game between Toronto and Philadelphia offered up one of the greatest moments in sports I have ever witnessed.  Check this out  Call it what you will; but with Embiid in your face and the deciding game 7 on the line, this shot had some kinda pressure on it.  Talk about a shooter’s touch…..

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When the media assesses the state of the national economy, they always like to look at GDP, trade deficits, inflation rates, unemployment, and business inventories.  In rural America, every spring brings a new opportunity for economic success.  Without that natural optimism, there is no rural America; and without rural America…no one eats.  Spring time in the country brings the replenishing spectacle of new calves on the ground by their mamas.  It is the planters in the fields putting seed into the ground; relying on the eternal promise of good weather and decent markets.  The spring hay crop is constantly being evaluated…early or late...tall and thin...heavy or light?  One of the most beautiful sights you will ever see is a large country yard freshly mowed, framed by red buds and dogwood blooms, with the scattered flower beds showing signs of the glorious colors to come.  It is the annual rite of renewal that is unique to the country and for all of the unique qualities that American cities can be proud of, springtime in the country is the exclusive territory of country folks.  As a nation, we should never forget that the ability of this nation to feed itself, and much of the free world, is among the greatest strengths we can possess.  Agriculture has evolved and like all other industries, it is very dissimilar in many respects to what it was 30 years ago.  But some things remain constant.  Our country’s reliance on farmers to put food in our bellies and the faith that those farmers have to place seed in the ground in spite of all the inherent perils are critical elements to our nation’s very existence.  There are two precious components to our glorious land that we sometimes ignore at our own peril; those being fresh water and the bounty of food.  Our society and culture forces us to join up in the money chase and all it entails…the markets, the interest rates, taxes, etc.  But at the end of the day, it will all come down to the basic elements of food and water.  Agriculture is everyone’s business.

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One thing that Donald Trump has done for presidential politics…he has opened up the possibility that anyone, anywhere, with whatever experience can run for, and possibly win, their party’s presidential nomination.  I just read this morning that the Governor of Montana has thrown his hat into the crowded ring of those seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.  Time will tell if this is a good thing or not.  While bringing a fresh perspective to the Oval Office can be of redeeming value; it goes without saying that being President is a big job and a bit of prior experience in government and management can help the person assuming the position.  I suppose it is fair to say that while Trump opened the door for all of the outsiders; the jury is still out on how great an idea it is in reality.

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Stare decisis is the SCOTUS principle that precedent should rule in similar cases.  The monumental political battles that we have witnessed over the last several SCOTUS nominations have been precursors to the drama that is now unfolding in the high court.  While many observers are still trying to figure out the conservative bona fides of Kavanaugh, most people will agree that the SCOTUS has now reached a watershed moment with a decided conservative bent to its majority.  This recent action could well be the opening volley in upcoming battles to re-examine prior decisions; many of which were determined by a SCOTUS with a decided liberal bent.  The premise of stare decisis is clearly in the crosshairs and the debate about how prior SCOTUS decisions bind, or do not bind, the current Court is going to be robust and enlightening.  Factor in the upcoming presidential election combined with the status of the more elderly SCOTUS members and you have a legal drama that might even rise to Law and Order heights.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Bird in the Hand; The ??? in the Bush

OK America, there is an election coming up.  It will not be until November of 2020; but whether you realize it or not…it has already begun.  There are basically three questions that all voters will need to consider.  First, do you want the Republicans to maintain control of the Senate?  The Senate is the body of Congress that, along with the President, will determine the identity of the federal judiciary.  Secondly, do you want the Democrats to maintain control of the House?  We as Americans have developed a preference for divided government; but with the politically-poisonous environment we now have in WDC, a divided Congress simply leads us to legislative gridlock.  Some might prefer that; but I submit that changes need to be made and that requires legislation be passed.  A unified Congress at least gives us the option to vote up or down on the policies of the party in control.  That is a preferable choice to the gridlock we have watched the last two presidents deal with.  Third, do you want President Trump for another four years?  There is a literal lifetime between now and when you will cast your vote and things…important things…will likely change during that time period.  But the fundamental issues regarding the aforementioned three questions are pretty well cast in stone.  Look at the facts for yourself.  Read the following news reports and note that they come from both sides of the political aisle…liberal and conservative sources.

Do you like what you’ve got now?

By any measure you would like to choose, the U.S. economy is performing in an outstanding fashion.  It is no accident.  Trump campaigned on tax reform, fair trade deals, and less regulation.  That is what he has delivered and that is what he is continuing to pursue.   This is what it has resulted in.

Working people are finally seeing more real dollars in their paychecks.  Jobs are opportunities.  A paycheck instills pride and ambition.  The ability to financially support oneself and dependents establishes a strong foundation for the growth and development of families.

Ambitious people who want to find better employment now have greater opportunities than ever to seek those jobs; all people from all walks of life.   Working people can now aspire to fulfill their dreams and ideals…to actively seek better-paying and more fulfilling vocations.

Notwithstanding all the dire consequences trumpeted by the liberal media, the booming economy is marching forward without the dire consequences of hyper inflation.  Economic growth is truly effective when it outperforms the rate of inflation.  This is real growth.  This is gain that leads to a stronger society and a better quality of life. 

American tax rates are the envy of the world these days.  Now if we can just get Congress to handle those tax proceeds in a more responsible manner.  It is not the time to fall back to higher tax rates that will fund new spending that will, in turn, simply add depth to the already-cavernous federal deficit and debt.  It is time to establish priorities, eliminate redundancies in government, and address the needs of the people that are uniquely governmental in nature.  Leave the rest to our society.  We must begin to shrink the burgeoning beast that is our government.

Do you like what the Democratic Party is promising?

Call them what you will, the new policies being proposed by the  powerful left wing of the Democratic Party are neither free-market or capitalist oriented.  They betray the founding principles upon which this nation was formed.  They remove incentives to work hard, to be held accountable for one’s actions, and to accumulate wealth through generational efforts. 

If this is what you want, you really need to understand how it is paid for.  There is NO FREE LUNCH in this world.  There can be a legitimate debate about how our government should function…what programs it should handle and which might be left to the people.  What cannot be denied is that government has a cost and the more government you have…the higher the cost.

Every…single…Democratic Presidential candidate is being pulled leftward.  Do not be fooled by Joe Biden or anyone else; there is not a moderate in the bunch.  It is a fool’s errand to think that a presidential aspirant can run on one set of principles to obtain their party’s nomination and then do a one-eighty degree turn to a new set of policies for the general election.  Trust your instincts.  Listen to the candidates.  What you see is what you will get.

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Now here are some current issues with shared blame between Democrats and Republicans that need addressing; but which party can handle them best?

This man was hired by Obama and retained by Trump.  Why and how are people like this allowed to serve in government?   Why are they even allowed to walk free among us?  Can there be any doubt whatsoever that money and raw power rules our country?

Both national parties love themselves some corporate welfare and the Ex/Im Bank delivers it in spades.  This program should be dead and buried.

No matter what they may say during campaigns, neither political party has the intestinal fortitude to actually be honest about the federal deficit and begin to address it seriously.  It is a curse that is being manifested on future generations. 

The decision in November of 2020 will be yours.  Think hard about your choices.

President Trump clearly needs to improve his Presidential image, and performance, in some regards.  His threats, his tweets, and his bombastic rhetoric do not move the WDC political needle in a positive direction.  But given the absolute improvements that we have seen over the last two years in domestic and foreign policies, I believe it is a clear choice to give Donald Trump an opportunity…at least at this point in time…to grow into a better image while continuing to implement effective policies.  Without a doubt, he has had to function during his first two years in office with the anti-Trump cabal that has literally tied one of his political arms behind his back.  Now that he is freed up, perhaps…and hopefully…we will see a more amiable, reasonable, effective, and mature President Trump in days to come. 

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...