Thursday, June 20, 2019

TrumpMania in Florida and California Dreaming

A brief note on Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff in Orlando…  I did not watch the event live.  I have a limited tolerance for TrumpBluster and the length of his speech far exceeded that limit.  I have read several assessments of the event and watched numerous clips.  This morning (the morning after),  I was struck by the reactions of the talking heads from all of the recognized media sites…Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP, WE, WSJ, etc.  Now I don’t know who is going to win the 2020 Presidential Election; I’m not even certain who will be opposing Trump.  But the difference between me and these talking heads is that I know I don’t know.  These people are so wrapped up in their egos and certitude that they have failed to learn anything whatsoever from the last Presidential Election.  You know the one…the one where everyone (EVERYONE!) predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide victory…even well into election night for some. 

There are two themes that stand out to me that best illustrate the arrogant cluelessness of the media in this instance.  First is their dogged allegiance to polls.  Burn me once, shame on you.  Burn me twice, shame on me.  ‘Nuff said.  Secondly, I have repeatedly heard words out of commentators’ mouths about how Trump must grow his base; how he must expand his electorate to win re-election.  Excuse me, but didn’t Trump win the last time around?  I could be wrong here, but I will venture to say that in order to defeat him this time around, it is the Democrats who must expand their vote totals.  Like I said earlier, I do not know who will be our President after the 2020 Election; but I am certain of one thing: These political fools on television and in the media don’t know either. 

Now let us shift from Florida to California.  Out of all the news items that have been written over the last few years about California, I have recently read two articles that really frame my thinking on the situation in LaLaLand.  The first is a speech from California Governor Gavin Newsom.  Here is an article about that speech  Now here is an article that depicts the actual situation in California these days  I don’t know how thick the tint is on Mr. Newsom’s glasses, but it is likely sufficient to insulate a big house in a cold climate. 

For my entire life of sixty-six years, I have heard that all the new trends begin in California and work their way east.  Based on most of my life observations, there has always been a lot of truth in that philosophy.  But that little nugget of wisdom lost some of its sparkle when California decided to allow itself to be ruled by a single political party.  The total progressive Democratic domination of state politics has changed the nature of California and placed its trend-setting prominence in jeopardy.  The trends it has been setting lately are not likely to be looked upon with envy. 

As Victor Davis Hanson chronicles in his article, California has set itself upon a path that squanders away all of its natural endowments and lays to waste the promise of all things being possible.  In today’s California, those with realistic expectations of an earned future with accomplishment and accountability are leaving the state for new homes elsewhere.  Just as single party rule has corrupted the civic leadership of California and turned its promise of tomorrow into a curse of the present, so would single party rule in WDC wreak havoc on our nation’s future.  Left to their own devices and a free hand to do as they will, radical Conservatives or radical Liberals alike will silence their critics, turn a deaf ear to those with differing opinions, and sink into the ignorant realm of certitude. 

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Perhaps California is sending a signal once again to the east; but this time, it is not a preview of what is come.  It is not a new trend in beachwear, a new wave of popular music, or the newest marvel of modern technology.  This time it is a warning of what can develop when government becomes politically monolithic.  A much larger concern than the stark indictment of socialist policies gone wild is the environment that led to that west coast malignancy.  The fact is that when one party can rule a state without serious challenge to its ideals and policies, it will become enthralled with the sound of its own voice.  It will take its political agenda to extremes that defy logic and reason.  It will lose sight of its own infallibility and limited vision.  It will serve only those who blindly adhere to its dogmatic directives and push others towards irrelevance and obsolescence. 

The decay of the Golden State is a harbinger that goes far beyond an indictment of overly-zealous liberal politicians.  If our government in WDC cannot find its way out of the political gridlock and death-match mindset that has seized it, is it so far-fetched to conceive of a future where the only national government that can function in our culture is one that literally dominates its opponents into oblivion?  With discussions of packing the SCOTUS and loading up the federal judiciary with ideologues, is it really so hard to imagine a society whose leaders see that the end will always justify the means?    To what extent were federal agencies weaponized under the Obama Administration?  Will our government continue to expand private sector operations under FISA?  Will Congress continue to cede its legislative power and responsibilities to the Executive Branch?  If we continue to diminish the rights of the minority Party in our political system and fail to return to some reasonable level of civility in our legislative discourse, are we not headed headlong into the coronation of an American King, rather than the inauguration of an American President?  There desperately needs to be a restoration of bipartisanship in our government; one that preserves the necessary and principled convictions of each Party while willingly bending to the critical need for compromise and statesmanship. 

California took many years to get to where it is today.  And as it appears to be approaching its Zero Hour; the speed and consequence of its political misadventures seem to be increasing in speed and chaotic effect.  The law of unintended consequences has unleashed forces and trends in California that none of its vain-glorious leaders of recent years anticipated.  And now that these issues are churning and boiling in a volcanic upheaval of culture, those same leaders are either in denial about what is happening or ignorantly clueless about the impacts of their disastrous decisions.  When a situation turns suddenly south to this degree, it is difficult to find solutions.  It is literally impossible to find the perpetrators of these idiotic policies. 

Politicians can effectively disclaim responsibility when terrible consequences arise in a spontaneous fashion.  They naively condemn the calamities they created and scurry about with idealistic solutions to cure the very ills they created.  The fact is that politicians control the environment that organically creates these issues and that is what must be laid at their feet.  A perfect example of this is the border issues arising from the detainment of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.  The real issue is border security; not the detainment specifics and the humanitarian crisis that arises from it.  Our government, just as we have seen in California, has developed a habit of obsessively debating the symptoms of a problem and completely ignoring the cause of the problem.  They set the building on fire and then run around shouting about how to put the fire out.  California (the state) can look to its mother country for support and direction.  WDC (the nation) will be there to pick it up if and when it falls.  The larger question is this:  If this same scenario plays out in WDC, who will be there to pick up America?

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