Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Dems’ Coming Attractions and the WWE

The first three years of the President Donald Trump Administration have been clouded.  First there was the Mueller Investigation; then there was the Impeachment Investigation/Trial.  Both of these farcical and partisan misadventures were perpetrated by the same cabal of clowns.  There was the Abbott and Costello team of Schiff and Nadler; each attempting to exceed the idiocy level of the other.  There were the speech-ripping and sophomoric antics of Pelosi; the President of San Francisco who thinks she is Empress of the USA…an Ice Queen for the Ages.  There was the pathetic and floundering Schumer; a little brother wannabe always trying to achieve equality with his big brother Mitch.  And finally, there is the Cirque de Stupid (a.k.a. The Democratic National Committee); who in its unholy partnership with the Mainstream Media and the Iowa Democratic Party leadership manages to somehow make a joke out of the simplest of tasks.  All of these folks have served a very useful purpose for some very bad people.

While serving as the bright and shiny objects that distracted public attention away from the nefarious scheming taking place within the dark halls of the WDC Deep State, they have managed to provide their media team mates with sufficient fodder to shift focus away from the worst political scandal in American history.  That scandal was the abuse of power by members of the Obama Administration in collusion with the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.  It was realized through their weaponization of our Department of Justice to target and cripple first the Donald Trump for President Campaign and then, upon the heels of that failure, a further effort to impede the incoming Trump Administration.  These Machiavellian coups were severely damaging to our nation; the sum total and real purpose of the scummy enterprise is now about to be laid bare.  What started out as an insurance policy to win an election and then morphed into an illicit behind the scenes opposition to a legitimate President has now come full circle to a plain and simple cover your ass effort by a bunch of crooks.  Now that the Democrats have apparently fired all of the rounds in their partisan pistol, the larger question is: What will be next? 

No doubt, the aforementioned reincarnated team of Abbott and Costello will continue their House investigations into all things Trump.  But in spite of some punditry predictions, I cannot imagine that they would be able to muster sufficient enthusiasm to mount another impeachment effort.  Here is the unavoidable question: What else is out there that you have not yet investigated?  Without creating new layers of oversight redundancy, there is sufficient Impeachment Fallout to be dealt with by both Republicans and Democrats…as outlined by the indispensable Andy McCarthy here: .  You can only regurgitate this foolishness so many times before its shelf life expires; and based on public perception, that time is nigh. 

To a larger point…the time has come when it is insufficient for Democrats to simply stand on the sidelines and criticize the players on the field; hurling insults, criticisms, and playing Monday Morning Quarterback.   With a Presidential Election coming up in about nine months, it is time for them to select their own champion to put up against the opposition.  From the looks of things, that in and of itself should be sufficient to keep the Democrats fully occupied.  Based on the following story, they are finding that chore rather challenging: .  In short order, the Democrats will complete the transition of playing full-time offense against Trump and begin to play full-time defense for their Democratic Presidential Nominee.    It might be a bridge too far, but there is a chance that the Democrats will be so consumed with the selection of their own presidential candidate over the next few months that they will actually allow the real President to do his job.  Gracious…what a concept!  The Circus may have to shut down in order to train their new Ringmaster.

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With the Mueller Report and the Impeachment Trial serving as symbolic bookends around the Democrats’ Trump Scandal Chronicles, there is a space in time…a vacuum to be filled.  It is entirely likely that with some of the usual distractions removed from the stage, a greater focus will be placed on exactly what created this colossal waste of time and resource and who were the scoundrels behind it.  What am I talking about here?  Perhaps a short review would prove useful: .  And of course, there is the infamous and self-ordained moral and ethical compass for U.S. foreign policy who has proven to be quite the useful idiot: .  I am certain we have not heard the last of this episode.

I suspect that there will be plenty more revelations to fill this interlude that exists between now and the November election.  Attorney General Barr and his partner Mr. Durham will no doubt weigh in soon to clarify some of these outstanding issues.  Perhaps the real question is whether or not there is sufficient time leading up to the Presidential Election to get the full story to the public and dole out the accountability.  If I were one of the people involved in this skulduggery, I would be fervently praying for a Democrat in the White House when January of 2021 arrives and not four more years of Trump and AG Barr.  I expect they are sleeping with one eye open looking out for that Judicial drone that might be circling the house.

Notwithstanding all of these events, there is still a government to run and a national election to conduct.  On the first item, a critical topic for the upcoming election will certainly be health care reform.  Who amongst us has not witnessed the terrible consequences of exorbitant health care costs in this country?  You can stand in the line waiting for your prescription to be filled and see people paying out hundreds of dollars in cash for the medicines that keep them alive.  You can see the evidence of friends and neighbors doing without basic health care because they simply cannot afford it.  The answer is not to simply give away these drugs and services for free to anyone and everyone.  The entire industry needs to be recalculated.  

Contrary to what the media might lead us to believe, there is a good deal of serious debate going on behind the scenes for meaningful health care reform in America.  Here is another in a handful of sincere, bipartisan efforts to further that discussion: .  And for added context, here is a recent reform effort put forth by the Trump Administration: .  For all of the partisan animus that surrounds this issue, there clearly appears to be a lot of room for common-sense agreement and compromise.  Here’s hoping some of it bears fruit.

On the second subject, it is possible that we might have a fairly distinct choice between a liberal or conservative approach to governing come this fall.  We should never lose sight of the fact that we have New York (state and city), California, Chicago, and (soon to be a full-fledged member of the club) Virginia to demonstrate for us in real terms what truly liberal government is all about.  As a famous television Judge often says…Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

Here is another good article on the great west coast of America liberal nirvana petri dish experiment: .  As a side note here…keep your eye on what’s going on with the city government in Austin, Texas.  It is always intriguing when an isolated city within a state departs in political civic philosophy from its larger context.  It is one of the things that makes democracy so damn interesting…and vital.

Equally disquieting is the specter of Donald J. Trump becoming the first impeached President in history to be re-elected.  If you thought his White House affair spiking the old acquittal football was raucous, how unleashed do you think he will become if he remains in the White House for another four years?

And now…are you ready to ruuuummmmble?  Here is a WWE (World Wide Election of 2020) assessment following the big New Hampshire Democratic Smackdown.  To set the stage…this was a no time limit, no holds barred match with all five wrasslers in the ring at one time.  Well into the event, here is where we are…

Elizabeth (My hair is short and my arms are waving; don’t come near me!) Warren:  Ole Liz is lying face down in one corner of the ring.  If you look real closely, you can see she has one eye closed and the other eye is barely open.  Squinting through her one eye, she is wondering whether or not it is worth it to get back up on her feet again only to get knocked back down.  RealTime…She bet the house on Iowa and came up empty.  NH gave her a home court advantage and she whiffed.  Hard to see how she makes any kind of comeback in Nev or SC.  Is it worth the effort?

Joe (I was never the Man but I used to be a Tag Team Partner with the Man!) Biden:  Ole Joe got thrown out of the ring in the first ten minutes and has been walking around since then talking alternately with the fans and the wrasslers inside the ring.  Occasionally, he will pick up a chair and head up to the ring; but will then get distracted by a fan and wander back down.  He never seems to get through the ropes.  He was overheard calling one spectator a lyin’ dog-faced pony soldier and challenging her to a push-up contest.  RealTime…If the polls will keep him in the neighborhood of Bernie, Pete, and Amy, he will limp through Nev and call SC his big Final Event.  If the polls tank for him before that, he may never enter the ring again. 

Amy (Who’s your Silverware Mama?) Klobuchar: With Bernie and Pete in a mid-ring clinch, Amy is circling both of them trying to figure out who to double team.  She wants to get it down to mano-a-womano; but she’s just not sure which mano she wants to take on.  RealTime…After NH, Amy is on the poster for the main event.  She has moved up from the preliminary card; but NV and SC will show us whether or not she belongs on the big stage.

Pete (I am not a Cyborg!) Buttigieg: Back to that clinch in the center of the ring…Bernie has him in a headlock, but Pete is nowhere near submission.  It looks like he might have a move or two left in him.  Because of his newcomer status, no one quite understands his style or his moves and his opponents are pretty wary.  If Bernie is too careful with him, ole Pete may pull off a surprise move and flip the hold on him.  RealTime…Pete has been hiding in plain sight for the entire event.  Once the other wrasslers are eliminated (with the exception of Amy, who continues to circle), Pete will get full attention and then….THEN…we will see what he is made of.  It is rumored that he was not all that great in the junior leagues before coming up to the WWE and he apparently has some convincing left to do.

Bernie (a.k.a. The Wild-Haired Terminator!) Sanders: Bernie seems to have a pretty good grip on that headlock; he appears to have Pete right where he wants him.  But early in the match, he went for a body slam on Pete and when he picked him up…he couldn’t quite get him all the way over his head.  The slam didn’t quite have the pop that it would’ve had about four years ago.   The WHT has a fan base like no other; but as the other wrasslers are eliminated, the allegiances of the fickle fans are shifting.  I am just not sure that at this stage in his career, ole Bernie has what it takes to be the last one standing.  RealTime…Bernie is in the best position to win this match; but it is not over yet.  Liz and Joe look down and out; but Pete and Amy still have blood in their eyes.  Bernie’s been around long enough for everyone to be familiar with his moves; they might just team up against him.  Watch your Back, Bernie!

Wait a minute… Who is that sitting in the middle chair at the commentators’ desk?  Why, I do believe it is The Donald (a.k.a. Mr. Perfect!).  He’s running off at the mouth with his usual string of insults towards the competitors in the ring and threatening to go in and whip them all.  RealTime…He is licking his chops hoping that one of the three in the center of the ring comes away the winner with a bad injury.  He has no doubts about Bernie; his career is an open book…he knows all of his moves.  The fans seem to think that Pete and Amy are about the same, but they are not.  If it gets down to only the three of them, it will soon become clear that Pete is way more innovative (i.e. liberal) than many realize and that Amy is pretty darned old school (i.e. moderate)…more like a middle-of-the-road fighter.    Mr. Perfect is thinking to himself…I know I can beat Bernie and I am pretty sure that Pete is just a Bernie wannabe; but this Amy…that silverware shtick kinda worries me.  She might consolidate the female fans against me and wrasslin with a woman is a tricky proposition indeed.  I didn’t have much trouble with the last one, but this one might be a different story.  Hmmmmmm….

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