Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saying Good Bye

Whether it be the loss of a loved one to death, the end of a relationship that breaks your heart, a painful separation from someone or something that has become a part of you, or simply the passage of a chapter in your life that is a sea change and causes you to reflect inwardly….saying good bye can be so hard.

I consider music to be one of the greatest blessings we have.  A certain song performed a certain way and experienced at a certain time can be salve for a wounded soul.  During the holiday season, it seems that our vulnerabilities are somehow magnified and intensified.  For those who are seeking solace from a loss or for those who can simply appreciate great artists, here are some meaningful songs.

Leading off with a beautifully haunting song from Blackhawk: .

Listen closely to these lyrics…so very true and uplifting: .

Haven’t we all had that one person in our life that had a huge influence on the person we became?... .

This one can address so many needs and concerns: .

Lessons from our fathers, we take them so for granted: .

Somehow we never realize what we have until it is gone: .

Sometimes our loved ones leave, and we can only pray for their return.  Close your eyes and let this one take you there: .

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?... .

Kenny Chesney does such a great job on these types of songs: .

Celebrate life while you still have them around; nothing is forever: .


Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Credit where credit is due; he did it first and he did it best: .

What greater hope can we hold?... .

When music is done right, you don’t even need to understand the lyrics to get the message and appreciate it: .

We’ve all known tortured souls who moved on to a better place.  Such feeling… .

So many have given so much; our gratitude goes out to those who made the ultimate sacrifice and those they left behind: .

On occasion, we all look for that safe place to hide: .

Yeah…I know it is corny and sappy; but it is so very beautiful and what a great love story: .

Leaving can be a celebration of life: .

It seems to hurt the most when they are very young: .

As Ronnie Dunn and Craig Wiseman wrote, “ …more to life than just what I can see.  Can’t tell me, it all ends, in a slow ride in a hearse.  This can’t be all there is.  If death is the end, then what are we anyway?

Thanksgiving Prayer: Dear Lord, 2020 has been such an uncertain time; full of loss, sorrow, and uncertainty.  Yet, through it all, we have experienced a life of such abundance.  We are humbly grateful for all of the many blessings you have bestowed upon us.  As we ask for your love and forgiveness, may we freely give love and forgiveness to each other.  As we seek peace and understanding, may each of us do our part to achieve peace and understanding.  And Father, may each of us truly walk a path that makes us worthy of a home with you in Heaven when our time on this earth is done.  In the name of Jesus…Amen.



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