Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Democrats Have No Clothes

The bald-faced hypocrisy of the Democratic Party is breathtaking; but the acquiescence of the mainstream media to their charade is even more shameful.  Who knows how history will look back on the elections of 2020; that will certainly depend on who is writing the history.  But there are some things that are beyond denial; election 2020 was a perfect storm of dynamics that resulted in an incumbent President who actually increased his vote tally from his previous election, presided over an historically-booming economy, had engineered historically-significant Middle East peace agreements and presided over a status of relative planetary peace, who had clearly energized the citizens of America with his rally-style campaigning, and who was opposed by a sentient-deficient doofus who chose to quarantine in a basement rather than actively engage him in campaigning…all of these things ultimately leading him to losing the election in a year plagued by an uncontrollable and universally-confounding global pandemic.  I should also mention that oftentimes, he was an arrogant and offensive ass.

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a total of 77,736 votes in a handful of key states.  Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden in 2020 by 43,809 votes in a handful of key states (reference: ).  By any stretch of reasonableness, this election was decided by a margin small enough to have been influenced by election irregularities.  By any stretch of reasonableness, sufficient evidence has surfaced, along with the obvious realities mentioned in the first paragraph, to establish that election irregularities did quite likely occur.  What has not yet been, and not likely to be, determined is exactly where and how much of a quantitative impact those voting irregularities influenced the final vote counts in that infamous handful of key states.  For Donald Trump and the Republicans, the cold reality is that the overwhelming majority of Americans will have lingering doubts about the authenticity of his 2020 presidential election loss; but they will nonetheless acknowledge that the horse has left the barn and it is too late to close the door.  Now perhaps it is true that the horse should never have left the barn; but that is presently beside the point since he is out there in the field.

In spite of over four years of unified Resistance and active sabotage efforts by the Democratic Party, the Democrats in Congress, the mainstream media, selected and powerful Democratic Deep State holdovers in various governmental Departments, and a significant portion of the Republican Party; there is little doubt that in lieu of the coronavirus plague, Donald Trump would have been resoundingly re-elected.   However, the truth is that in the world that we inhabit, what-ifs simply don’t count for much.  Their pursuit is an exercise in futility. 

As so aptly depicted in the afore-mentioned link from Michael Barone (who, for the record, was clearly not an enthusiastic advocate for all things Trump), it is the absolute height of hypocrisy for Democrats to now plead for unity and reconciliation in the transition to the Biden Administration.  The fact that Democrats can stand before the public with a straight face and seek unqualified support for the sake of national security and stability is beyond farcical.  Whether it is productive or not, be it right or wrong; for Joe Biden and the Democrats, the cold reality is that pending the Republican effort to maintain majority status in the Senate, they are in for four full years of Resistance, the Sequel. 

That they can even pretend sincerity in seeking acquiescence to their agenda by those who voted against them is astounding.  And even though the ability of the mainstream media to influence and manipulate the thinking of the American voter is incredibly efficient; this pathetically-transparent effort by the Democrats to persuade the public of their new and humble style of dress is doomed to failure.  Any person, even loyal Democrats who have not become drunk with the liberal kool-aid, can now appreciate that the Democratic Party has been exposed for the cold-blooded, massively-hypocritical, unprincipled, power-hungry, ethically-challenged, and ruthlessly efficient political machine that it is.  They are remarkably similar to the Republican Party.  Even though they will soon occupy the pinnacle of the high political ground; they now stand before us naked to the world. They have no clothes.

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Just like the foolish people in the media, entertainment industry (ah…but I repeat myself…), sports world, and academia; the inhabitants of the liberal community live in a bubble where they only have meaningful conversations with each other.  They choose to avoid, tune out, or disregard any opinion or philosophy that is at odds with them or their community of thought.  They consider themselves to be superior beings in all ways to those that do not ascribe to their self-professed enlightenment.  They delude themselves into believing beyond any doubt that the way they view the world is reality; that the words they speak are without challenge; and that their agenda for America is wise beyond reproach.  They are so effectively detached from the real world that they are truly clueless when it comes to grasping the essential concepts of tolerance and diversity.  They are capable of total shamelessness because they have no inkling of self-concept.

Anyone of faith and even those who prescribe to alternative philosophies embrace the mantra that things happen for a reason.  Yes…it is true that the pandemic opened the door wide to Donald Trump’s vulnerabilities as a candidate.  It also created a fertile opportunity to set the stage for rampant ballot harvesting through the various mail-in initiatives that occurred nationwide; leading to a diluted and comprised national election process.  But at the end of the day, it is what it is.  While those of us who viewed a Donald Trump Presidency as a superior choice to a Joe Biden Administration will now inevitably move on to accepting political realities; is it really too much to ask that Democrats to drop the pretense that they won the White House because they are so pure and wise and benevolent and generous and well-intentioned and principled and scrupulous and ethical and genuine? 

They defeated the Republicans in a knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred political fight to the death and for that they stand to reap the rewards of the victor.  What they do not deserve is the right to magically and instantaneously transform themselves from the creature that wrought pestilence and destruction on President Donald Trump into an angelic figure that will now gloriously and nobly shepherd the United States of America into the future.  Come on, Democrats….Really?

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