Saturday, December 26, 2020

Making the Sausage and Other “2020” Notes

Our President and Congress have completely become immune from any dilatory effects emanating from deficit spending.  What had become a significant and increasingly serious problem in our pre-pandemic times has now become a full-blown monstrosity that lies in waiting to devour the economies of future generations.  The only things that make it tolerable is the attitude that any amount of federal money spent on COVID relief is money well spent and the fact that the carrying cost on the federal deficit is mitigated due to bargain basement interest rates.  Woe is certain when those interest rates once again begin to escalate and the tax man comes to call.

The irresponsible process we are witnessing in the crafting of the current COVID relief bill in Congress is so very typical of how our legislative system has devolved.  In order to achieve sufficient support from both parties to insure passage, they have thrown everything but the kitchen sink into the bill.  And on top of that, there are the added dynamics of a lame duck President wanting to go out with a bang and the pending special elections in Georgia that might very well determine the direction of our nation’s future. 

The intersection of the COVID relief bill, the defense department appropriation, and the FY21 fiscal year budget has created a mishmash of legislative shenanigans that is somehow appropriate in this strange and bizarre year we have just experienced.  Here are some very good insights into exactly how this legislative theatre (tragedy, satire, comedy?) is playing out.  Please…inform yourself.  This is what your tax dollars have wrought.

The voice of reason:

The voice of the absurd:

On top of this Congressional spectacle is the unfolding transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration; which is dramatically illustrating the Democratic Party’s nearly complete detachment from reality.  The memory chords have apparently all been severed in the liberal community and the incoming new year of 2021 (according to them) is the beginning of a nirvana such as we have never before experienced.  What other explanation could be adequate?


Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Have you had the feeling lately that something in our world was just a bit…out of wack?  Well, don’t be concerned about your mental state; you are correct.


The election is over and done.

Reality demands that we must move on.

But the question remains…was it a fair fight?

There were certain things about it that just don’t seem right.

If you enjoy that particular genre of entertainment, the FX series “The Americans” is a fascinating show.  It is based on the premise that the Soviet Union (now known as Russia) embedded spies into American culture by seeding our society with seemingly innocuous citizens that were normal Americans by day and scheming espionage agents by night; all the time under the guise of being the family next door.  As entertainment goes, I find it quite interesting and fascinating. 

It is one of those shows that makes you wonder how far it might be removed from reality.  Does this stuff actually happen in the real world?  Well, apparently this stuff does actually happen in the real world:

Is this the future of international warfare?  If so, then it might actually be a step up from where we have been thus far in history.  After all, hacking into personal identifiable information and state security secrets is far preferable to slaughtering humanity on the battlefields.  Engaging our enemies with our minds might be a better way to settle cold war disputes.  No doubt, the little secrets of our bank accounts and spending habits are far less precious than the lives of our children.

One additional note regarding the coronavirus madness…can there be any doubt that at some point in the foreseeable future, we will all wonder: Why in the world did we lock ourselves away in our illusory cocoons of false security when simple observation demonstrated how futile and damaging these actions were? Read this:

Finally, and as we approach the end of a year that can best be described as “the other side of the looking glass”,  I will end this piece with a good article that presents our soon-to-be past year in review:


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