Friday, December 11, 2020

The Future Looks…Not So Bright

With Election 2020 nearing settlement, Georgia notwithstanding, it might be time to gaze a bit into the old crystal ball.  As it turns out, we don’t really need the old crystal ball.  The future was laid out before us in fairly specific terms months prior to Election 2020.  Now it is simply a matter of watching the words move from the paper into our lives…..

As we approached the final stages of the national party primary campaigns for the 2020 presidential nominees, it became clear that Joe Biden was going to become the Democratic nominee.  In an effort to cement that probability and unite the disparate wings of the Party; the Democrats came up with their Unity Task Force plan.  This plan served two fundamental purposes.  First, it established a 2020 Democratic policy platform because one was not publicly discussed during their 2020 convention.  Carefully read this document and it will become apparent why it was not publicly discussed.  Secondly, the plan was a concession to the liberal wing of the Party (read that “AOC and Bernie”) to gain their support for the general election effort. 

Significant points can be made about this report.  Pay close attention to the authors of each section (listed at the end of each section) and watch how those same names might re-appear as members of the new Biden Administration.  If the Senate races in Georgia go the Democrat’s way, this is the future.  And if these people are the ones inhabiting the key influential roles of U.S. government, it should come as no surprise to anyone that this plan will be the Biden Administration agenda.  Think about what you and your family members do for a living; think about the parts of our culture that impact you significantly.  Then read the section of this plan that pertains to those areas.  Here is the report: .

Next, take some time to read the original version of the Green New Deal.  Here is a pretty good summary from NPR: .  Now take a look at the official Congressional records that list the sponsors and co-sponsors of this proposed legislation.  These are people that are publicly endorsing this plan.  First the House of Representatives: Now the Senate:

Compare the names from all the documents listed above and it is pretty plain that the same people are involved at every stage of this promotion.  Those same people will now be running the big show in WDC, occupying the White House, and calling the shots all the way up and down the Departmental and Agency ladders of our government.  Read this article for some illumination: .  This was all in the public record.  This information was available to everyone well before the 2020 elections.  And if you are expecting a new and refreshing wave of ethical purity in the White House, think again: .  You may celebrate this change in American governmental policies or you may look upon it with dread.  In either instance….We will get the government we deserve.


Did you go to school after graduating high school; attending college, junior college, technical school, or nursing school?  Did you work during your student years following high school?  Did your parents or some other mentor help you financially during this time?  Did you have to borrow money to pay your tuition and buy your school supplies; not to mention coming up with the routine cost of living expenses like eating, putting a roof over your head, and maybe even supporting a family?  Did you push to get your required courses completed because you simply needed to get done as soon as possible?  Did you and/or your parents work your tail ends off to repay those debts?  Well, here is a glimpse into the future that should absolutely light your fuse:

Once again, this idea is not being brought out of hiding.  The Democratic Party has pretty much endorsed this policy for the last several years and Joe Biden campaigned on it.  As a sop to the over-valued, self-aggrandizing, and thoroughly liberal world of academia; this is what the Biden Administration will be promoting in the near term.  I suppose that for those of us mentioned in the preceding paragraph, not only were we fortunate enough to pay our way through school and then pay our children’s way through school; we will now have the marvelous opportunity to help pay other people’s children’s way through school.  We will get the government we deserve.


Heather Mac Donald is one of the premier journalists working today.  Here is a recent piece by her concerning racial bias in our society: .  It is so very refreshing to find a journalist who begins with facts and then writes the story based on the facts; listing the facts and allowing them to shape the content.  This is contrary to the popular journalistic method of writing a story and then cherry-picking facts to support the story-line; or even worse, simply writing a story with no factual basis whatsoever. 

The simple truth is that our society is going through some strange type of obsession with various forms of discrimination and this obsession is leading us into some extremely unfair and carelessly arbitrary habits.  In fact, some of those habits are being codified by regulation and legislation.  Black Americans constitute approximately thirteen percent of America’s population; Hispanic Americans constitute roughly eighteen percent.  Yet based on the emphasis and tone we see in the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, and the Congress of our nation, you would think that Black Americans constitute eighty-seven percent of America’s population.  So exaggerated is our focus on racial discrimination and all of its cottage industries that the proverbial tail is wagging the dog.

Every…single…American…citizen…has…the…right…to…life…liberty…and the pursuit of happiness.  They have every right to expect equal treatment under the law and equal opportunities in all aspects of life.  What they do not have is the right to dictate to others how they should think, behave, or live their lives.  Minorities should be heard; minorities should be respected; and minorities should be represented.  But all of these aspects should take place with the clear recognition that we are talking about the minorities of our populace and not the majorities of our populace.  A rational discussion of representation cannot take place without the consideration of proportionality.


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The New York Times, the old liberal gray lady herself, recently published an interesting book review about how the general well-being of black Americans was perhaps gaining ground before the institution of government social justice programs: .   Following the implementation of those programs, certain aspects of that well-being began to lose ground. 

Human pride has no regard for skin color.  Human initiative and ambition have no regard for skin color.  People of every size, shape, color, gender, and whatever other identity you want to cite need to be held accountable for their actions on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.  Every American deserves and should receive a fair opportunity at a good education, a good job, a good life, and free rein to live in the fashion they desire…assuming it is legal and does not infringe on the rights of others. 

It is way past time for government to cease trying to mandate their own personal concept of fairness and equality and instead focus on creating a nation that provides an opportunity for all to achieve fairness and equality.  Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.  Government handouts that become institutionalized do not promote a better standard of living; that is accomplished by a hand-up.  And that support and encouragement, regardless of who is receiving it, should be delivered with respect, dignity, and sincere compassion.

Whether it is a racial, gender, religious, ethnic, income, intelligence, nationalistic, or regional delineation; our American differences should be a cause for celebration and not a reason for division.   Unfortunately, our government does not adopt that theory and that situation is not going to improve any time soon.  We will get the government we deserve.


I see the main distinction between Independents and Libertarians in their differing views of government.  A significant number of Libertarians would shrink government down to a paltry status that would essentially give it little, if any, control over the states.  Independents, while certainly agreeing with Libertarians that government has become bloated and supremely invasive and that federalism is a critical part of our democracy, can clearly see an essential role for government in fulfilling certain security and social program tasks that are uniquely suited to our federal civic entity.  I celebrate the Libertarian disdain for excessive federal government; but they tread much too closely to anarchy when they begin whittling it down to a hollow figurehead.

You know…most folks in this world are decent folks.  But there is no denying that there are some indecent folks among us; and they do their damage and cause their hurt.  We need just enough rules and regulations to encourage decent folks to behave decently.  We need just enough law enforcement to protect the decent folks from the indecent folks.  And we need just enough military to protect the decent countries from the indecent countries.  Even though most of us would struggle with the task of writing down exactly what we mean by decent; we know what it is in our hearts and in our minds.  We DO NOT need a government to tell us what it takes to make a decent person.  We don’t need their lecturing and their instruction.  We just need the chance to prove ourselves and decide for ourselves.  We will get the government we deserve.


The economic gains that were so prevalent in America prior to the coronavirus pandemic were disproportionately lifting the lower income and working classes of our citizenry.  It is tragic that this hugely-beneficial and long-awaited trend will now likely regress and perhaps even be reversed by new fiscal policies that will shepherd our national economy in a different direction.  Just as the pandemic shutdown efforts have disproportionately and adversely impacted small business and lower-income workers in a negative sense; this same group of people will also be the last ones to regain their lost economic gains when we begin to crawl out of the coronavirus madness.  In the course of dealing with this plague, we have somehow managed to penalize those among us who work the hardest and contribute the most to our society.   We have hammered the most those who demand the least. 

If the liberal vision of nanny-state America is realized in the coming years, the percentage of those taking from our nation’s product will grow while those contributing to our nation’s product will shrink.  Government involvement in our lives will increase while the reliance of people on their own initiatives will decrease.  Overall dependency on government will spike as those who were crushed by the pandemic’s economic woes are either unable or unwilling to get back up on their feet.  And while all of this occurs, the people who control our government will do little if anything to slow down that motion.  The power of government will blossom and those who hold the power of government in their hands will prosper.  We will get the government we deserve.


And since we are to some degree discussing the future, what better way to close than a thoughtful article about one of the most prescient authors ever, George Orwell.  I have referenced and quoted him often in my years of blogging.  His best known book “1984” was published in 1947.  It is nothing short of remarkable to read it today and consider his foresight.  As this article by Mark Falcoff so well explains, his book “Animal Farm” presented some revealing insights also.  Enjoy: .  One might say that in his own way, Orwell was telling us…We will get the government we deserve.

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