Monday, March 22, 2021

Let ‘Em In

Intent on satisfying the blood thirst that the radical left holds for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and his incoming clown show have attempted to dispense with any and all policy that the former President had anything to do with.  The critical point of condemnation is not the existing policy’s record, or lack thereof, of success; rather it is simply a matter of authorship.  In no area of policy has this Biden exercise been more reckless and irresponsible than in immigration administration.

If it was not so fraught with tragedy, incompetence, and lasting human damage, this classic example of creating one’s own dilemma through stupid and thoughtless action would be delicious.   That being said, what IS delicious is watching the mainstream media’s attempt to spin Biden’s southern border fiasco in some way…any way…that might somehow deflect from the indisputable fact that he has stepped in a pile of his own ish.

Satire…good satire…is invaluable.  In a few short sentences, The Babylon Bee summarizes Biden’s border CRISIS (looking at you, CircleBack) succinctly:

To close out the discussion of immigration, here is a great old song that somehow seems to capture the overall theme of the Biden Administration’s philosophy on the matter.  The carnival atmospherics of this song seems so damned appropriate for this bunch of liberal idiots:

President Biden’s appointees that require Senate confirmation are slowly being approved and entering into the service of this Administration.  Woe unto all of us.  Based on their public records of prior service, these people are grossly inadequate to perform the duties that will fall to them and even more importantly, their personal conduct calls into question their good judgment and character.  There can be little doubt that appointments of this caliber will result in dire consequences for our nation.

As our nation painfully witnesses the personal and rapid deterioration of our President, the battle royal that must be occurring behind the scenes for control of our Chief Executive’s marionette twines must be raging intensely.  The contortions that the mainstream media are going through to shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny is truly testing the limits of journalistic gymnastics.  Will they ever tire of playing the role of the Democrat’s useful idiots?

Of course, it should be no great surprise that the mainstream media is propping up the Biden Administration.  They are after all the primary entity that helped deliver him into the White House to begin with.

And speaking of election shenanigans…wasn’t Trump impeached mainly due to his questioning of state-certified election results?  The Democrat’s capacity for hypocrisy is absolutely breathtaking:

Far be it (wink, wink) from Democratic political strategy to jimmy the election rules under the guise of a national pandemic; to politically-weaponize a federal department (defense, no less); and to change the rules of Congress in order to implement their liberal agenda.

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Does anyone really believe for a moment that the sophomoric exercise in reality-disconnected politics that is occurring in our nation’s Capital these days is lost on our international adversaries?  We are truly entering into some dangerous times in the U.S. foreign policy arena.

The Democrat’s spending mania continues unabated as the new Administration and Congress announces almost on a daily basis new and exciting ways to (1) create additional government programs that dole out federal dollars to those who actually pay no taxes; (2) confiscate and redistribute the actual earnings of working Americans; (3) figure out ways to create new taxes that help to fuel that redistribution ideal; and (4) generally wreck a national economy that was on the verge of an historic run of efficiency, fairness, and effectiveness.

Finally, here is another brief glimpse inside the ongoing Officer Chauvin trial in Minnesota that is grappling with George Floyd’s death.  Very soon, this story will be dominating all media outlets:


Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Democrat’s Liberal Ridiculousity

Not familiar with that term?  Read this; you’ll understand.  Joe Biden is 78 years old.  Anyone paying any attention whatsoever to his public appearances both during his presidential campaign, and especially since his inauguration, should be aware of his obvious cognizant difficulties.  Perhaps most concerning among the various circumstances that makes one wonder exactly how serious his mental challenges are is the fact that hardly a public appearance occurs without either the First Lady or VP Harris being present at the event to “shepherd” the President about.  This is not even two months into a four-year presidential term.

Incredibly, more disconcerting than having a flaccid, senile, caricature for President is the fact that so much is happening (executive orders, populating the Administration, ridiculous legislation) so fast that it is abundantly clear President Biden is not the one calling the shots in this White House.  There can be no question that given the pace of events, he is neither physically nor mentally capable of orchestrating these activities.  Therefore, the pertinent question is: Who is in charge of this Presidency?  Of all the myriad reasons to be concerned about this new Administration and its impact on our nation, that is the most concerning.

In his brief and strangely weird press conference, President Biden repeated the word “truth” several times.   The frequency with which the term is used makes it obvious that someone, somewhere, intentionally inserted it in an attempt to emphasize a point.  Perhaps they are attempting to make some type of contrast with the prior President and his tendency to play fast and loose with the facts.  That’s a low bar.  Perhaps they are trying to create an atmosphere of despair that will enhance the prospects of continuing their pandemic-induced reign of authoritarianism.  They may simply be trying to burnish up the Administration as the sole arbiter of all things wise and real.  It is a curious and transparently-thin effort.

Whatever the motivation might be, the net effect (at least to me) is to expose them for the colossal hypocrites that they truly are.  Beginning with their mouthpiece Jen Psaki (aka CircleBack) and following through every single Administration representative I have encountered, this bunch truly and sincerely believes that the American public is a bunch of dolts who will believe anything … lock, stock, and barrel … that this Administration tells them.  With their deserved confidence that the mainstream media will parrot their preferred spin on all things, the Biden Administration is establishing an imperious pattern of lying without reservation and with no shame whatsoever.

With a world of advantages they hold in their hand, President Biden and the Democrats are so full of themselves that they appear giddy at the prospects of reshaping this nation in the context of liberal principles.  The best illustration of this intent is a thoughtful examination of the people they are placing in positions of authority.  They are replacing people like this: with people like this: .  Why would they go out of their way to fire someone who appears to be doing a very competent job?  One wonders:

If further explanation of this effort is needed, we need look no further than the recently-passed Covid Relief legislation.  There is so much to unpack from this monstrosity that it is daunting to know where to start.  Read the bill: .  Here are three things to keep in mind as you peel away the byzantine layers of this abomination:

First off, it has very little to do with covid relief or anything associated with the pandemic.  It is plain and simply a gigantic payoff orchestrated per the Democrat liberal agenda.  Do not take my word for this; READ IT.

Secondly, there are still literally BILLIONS of dollars unspent from the previous covid relief bills.   Has anyone considered the possible negative consequences of dumping more federal money into our recovering economy than it can effectively absorb?

Thirdly, it passed Congress without a single Republican vote.  Keep in mind that the Democrats won the White House with a handful of votes in a handful of states (much of which still remains questionable).  The Democrats split numerical representation of the Senate with the Republicans by virtue of the special elections in Georgia and with VP Harris representing the tie-breaking vote; they have a ONE PERSON Senate majority.  The Democrats have a historically-narrow margin in the House where all things are determined by a simple majority.   At best, they ideologically represent perhaps half of the country.  Apparently, the other half is irrelevant.   

Rebuffing repeated Republican attempts to influence the content of the legislation, the Democrats have rammed this bill down the throats of America using extraordinary legislative procedures and stuffing it with items that make it little more than a liberal agenda wish list.  This is NOT how democracy was designed to work.  ALL of the previous covid relief legislation passed the Republican-controlled Senate with strong, bipartisan support.

Keep this in mind…The mainstream media has been harping incessantly about how popular this covid relief bill is with the American public.  Sending out TRILLIONS of dollars to citizens, non-citizens, special interests, and lord knows who else is hard to argue with on a self-serving basis.  The fact is that essentially ALL Democrats favor the bill; about HALF of the Independents favor the bill; and about 40 PERCENT of Republicans support the bill.  Would you consider that overwhelming national support or the expected result of suspiciously-biased polling data from a bitterly partisan-divided country?

Nothing screams out UNITY and BIPARTISANSHIP like a White House lawn, spike the ball, end zone dance celebration of “signature” legislation that features only one national party: I suppose to the victor goes the spoils; but it might make it tough to govern for the foreseeable future.

French dramatist Jean Racine is quoted as saying: There are no secrets that time does not reveal.  Here are some of the dirty, little secrets of the aforementioned covid legislation that we know about.  As Racine said, we will have to wait for most of it to come out later.  There is much here to digest; consume as much as you can stand.  Remember that this is all being done in name of pandemic relief.

You would think that $1.9 TRILLION would be sufficient to effectively stem the tide of a national pandemic that already appears to be in its waning stages.  You would be wrong.  The governmental control that has grown exponentially during the pandemic has proven addictive to the Democratic bureaucrats across America.  Pay attention now….Joe Biden might let you have a cookout this July 4.

Since the pandemic-induced electoral process rules implemented in our last national elections proved to be quite favorable to the Democrats, they are apparently making an effort to get them codified on a permanent basis.  I suppose that once you get in power, your primary concern is staying in power.

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De-Nile is a river in Africa and not an effective strategy for obfuscating the current border crisis that the Biden Administration has created.

A short, quick roundup of a few more idiocies from the Biden Administration, our fearless mainstream media, and the woke culture that we must all endure on a daily basis…

How about a quick glance at some foreign policy?  Here’s a good article on the continuing tenuous relationship between the United States and Germany…

And a glimpse at how the Republican Party might evolve in the post-Trump presidency…

A self-induced scourge has been unleashed upon our country.  Post-election 2020, I honestly wondered how I would possibly continue blogging after witnessing a repudiation of that which I thought wise, replaced by that which I am convinced is foolish.  As sad and tragic as it is, I have found that the lunacy of Democratic leadership provides a humorous elixir that somehow numbs the reality of the damage that is surely being done to our nation.  I will choose comedy over despair.  Unfortunately, I...we...have no choice.


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Our Nation is Our Home

I am going to attempt the construction of an analogy between America and illegal immigration on the one hand and our homes and rain on the other.  I suppose this might sound quite strange at first blush, but it is an attempt to inject some practical perspective into an issue that is spiraling out of all control and reason.  Please bear with me as I venture into this exercise.

Rain is a natural occurrence.  It is also a double-edged sword.  The right amount of rain at the proper time puts food on our tables, water in our faucets, greenery to our planet, and relief to millions of people.  Too much rain at the wrong place can result in catastrophic flooding and terrible loss of lives.  It can wash away generations of accomplishment in the blink of an eye.

Because of this inherent contradiction in the receipt of rainfall, we have developed ways to deal with it.  We have umbrellas that keep us dry during showers.  We have windshield wipers to clean the moisture off our windshields so we drive safely in the rain.  We have gutters on our houses, ditches on our roads, and canopies over our patios and porches.  In the country, we build watershed lakes to replenish our reservoirs and control flooding along our creeks.  And most important of all, we build roofs on our houses.  The roof does not stop the rain, it redirects it; it manages it in a way that allows us to coexist with something that is fundamental and necessary.  It protects our families, our belongings, and allows us to function in a normal fashion.

Much like the rain, immigration along our southern border is natural.  It too is a double-edged sword and can be both a valuable asset and destructive problem.  Too much unregulated immigration can result in criminal activities ranging from human smuggling, drug running, and illicit espionage from terrorists and unfriendly foreign nations.  It taxes the resources of communities where illegal immigrants settle, putting stress on health and education institutions.  Once it reaches the point of occurrence, it creates human tragedies which have no simple solutions.

On the other hand, humane and responsible regulation of our immigration systems allows the reasonable flow of new citizens into our nation.  This influx of non-American people into our country provides a valuable human resource to our communities, creates a healthy diversity in our social consciousness and fabric, and injects our society with some exceptional people who make invaluable contributions to our lives.  Immigration itself is not the problem; controlling the process in which immigration occurs is the challenge that we face as a nation.

Just as the roofs on our homes control and protect us from rain, so good immigration policy can control and protect us from the potentially pernicious effects of unmanaged and excessive immigration.  Like our roofs, good immigration policy controls a natural occurrence that can prove destructive if not managed properly.  We would never wish upon ourselves a cessation of rainfall because of its bad effects; we instead attempt to mitigate those adverse effects.  Likewise, we can have a sound and healthy immigration system in America that bolsters our communities and mitigates the perils of rampant and unconstrained immigration across our southern border.

In his infantile and partisan attempt to airbrush away any trace of Donald Trump from American history, President Biden has rashly and unwisely eliminated many of the positive steps that the Trump Administration had taken to bring immigration under control, attempting to mange it in order to yield positive results.   To put it in plain terms and frame it in my analogy, Joe Biden has ripped the roof off of our homes and exposed our families and all we have to the perils of unrestricted rainfall.  Some may not like the roof that Trump built.  They may have preferred a hip roof rather than a straight gable roof.  They may have wanted a dormer or two put here or there.  Some folks like shingles and some folks like metal.  But at the end of the day, the roof was put in place to protect our nation.  Before we start tearing the roof off our country, we had better have a sound plan in place to keep us safe and dry.  I fear that plan is not in place, was never anticipated, and we are on the verge of sitting in our homes with no roof whatsoever and the forecast is for severe thunder storms.

Here is the real tragedy in this story: A solution was in hand…twice.  A bipartisan group of Senators proposed a compromised comprehensive immigration bill during the Obama Administration.  It passed the Democratic Senate and was not even considered in the Republican House.  President Trump, along with a handful of Republican Senators, proposed a compromised comprehensive immigration bill a couple of years ago and the House Democrats refused to negotiate.  BOTH NATIONAL PARTIES have failed miserably when dealing with this issue.  I predict right now the bill that ultimately passes Congress (if?) and is signed by President Biden will be neither as effective nor as friendly to liberal desires as the one proposed by Trump.  Time will tell.

The characters that Joe Biden continues to select for positions of power, authority, and influence in his new Administration are quite unusual (I am reaching for a kind description here).  These articles might be amusing if these people were not going to be placed in offices that have tremendous impact on our daily lives and puts them in control of millions in tax revenues.  What possible good can come out of putting folks like this in charge?

A person can’t write anything these days without some mention of the pandemic.  I celebrate with the “Neanderthals” in Texas and Mississippi and salute the Democratic state of Connecticut for taking a huge step towards a return to normal life and personal freedoms by “opening up” their states.  Once again, the Biden Administration belittles itself with its petulant attitude towards all things Trump.  Biden’s press mouthpiece Jen Psaki is proving to be the gift that just keeps on giving…at least until she is gone.

As teacher associations and unions all across America celebrate the goodies they will soon be receiving in the Democrat’s upcoming Covid Relief Legislation, our children and grandchildren continue to suffer the consequences of losing an entire year of essential education.  That particular loss will never be recovered.  It is gone forever.

As our nation’s Capitol continues to look like a war zone compared to Russia’s Red Square (think about that for a moment), the liberal Democratic clique that controls much of our society continue their hysterics surrounding the so-called January 6th insurrection, idiotic wokeness, election reform that actually dilutes the integrity of our electoral system, and abandonment of our dedicated frontline American law enforcement officials.  Welcome to Oz.

Note: this is satire.

Finally, here is a note on the misadventures of the National Football League (NFL).  Having reaped its riches and influence from its protected position as a monopoly in professional football and a fearless and foolish social warrior, the NFL has stumbled into a situation that I find extremely interesting.  I suppose I should first admit to the disclaimer that having been infuriated by the Black Lives Matter worship and the kneeling debacles contained therein and sworn to never again watch another NFL game, I pitifully surrendered to my desperate need for the sport and have returned as consumer of professional football.  I just try my best to avoid and ignore all the bullshit that surrounds it in the form of prima donna players, ridiculous commercial sponsor messaging, and stupidly feeble attempts by the NFL to influence the social fabric of our country. 

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Through their implementation of the salary cap arrangement that loosely regulates how much a particular team can collectively pay its players; the NFL has stumbled into a mechanism that has created a parity across the league that has heretofore never existed.  As evidenced by the following news item, the salary cap structure has created a situation that can allow any team the opportunity to piece together lower-paid draft picks and role players with carefully selected free agents to form a team that is capable, under good coaching and a break or two here and there, of reaching the playoffs and being extremely successful.  The end result is an entertaining product that most often features impressive displays of athletic talent and an extremely competitive atmosphere where most any team can win on any given Sunday.  With a menu like this to select from, almost any NFL team can build a very appetizing meal.

Top 101 NFL free agents of 2021: The best players available








Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...