Monday, March 1, 2021

The Perils of Liberal Certitude

With one of the slimmest House majorities in history, a VP-brokered one-vote advantage in the Senate, and an Executive Branch electoral victory that was modest in the kindest of terms, the Democrats in Washington, DC are behaving as if they were swept in with a thundering mandate to rewrite the Constitution of the United States.  They were not.

Any reasonable person will look at our last national election as a repudiation of a polarizing incumbent President.  The deciding voters did not vote FOR Joe Biden; they voted AGAINST Donald Trump.  Additionally, they reduced the Democrat’s House majority to a sliver and split the Senate down the middle.  The Biden Administration, all of its various moving parts and personalities, and Congressional Democrats would be well-served by keeping this in mind. 

They were not put in power to implement and dictate a radical agenda.  They were selected as an alternative to what many perceived as chaos.  The path they are now pursuing will bring nothing but rancor and partisanship.  The Democrats deserve to tilt the board to the left; they do not have a right to kick the Republicans off the table.

Prior to the onset of the covid pandemic, our country was on a very solid footing.  The economy was performing remarkably well; workplace participation was at historic highs, unemployment (especially minority) was at historically-low levels, interest rates were low, productivity was on the rise, consumer confidence was gaining momentum, entrepreneurial enthusiasm was rampant,  and inflation was negligible.  For the first time in my lifetime, our nation had achieved energy independence.  The United States was essentially at peace in regards to foreign affairs.  I say once again…The American voters did not repudiate Trump’s policies that delivered these goods; they repudiated Trump.

The Democrats are likely correct in thinking that most, but certainly not all, Americans would like to put Donald Trump behind them.  The election is over.  Move on.  The Democrats are making a serious misjudgment when they attempt to dispose of Trump’s successful policies along with the man.  That was not what this country voted for.

Without couching it entirely in the realm of faith and religion (where, in fact, a very persuasive argument can clearly be made), there can be little doubt that our nation is heading down a path of moral and ethical decay.  Given its velocity and extremity, that slide should be alarming to all.  The daily briefings and news releases emanating from the White House are indistinguishable from the parodies and satire promoted by Saturday Night Live and the Babylon Bee.   The civilian tolerance for radical liberalism is being tested.  The speed and audacity with which that examination is progressing is breathtaking.  It is anyone’s guess where this journey will take us and what misadventures we will experience along the way.  With this bunch of looney tunes, there is much to unpack.  Where to begin?

With all of the acrimony and venom that our most recent national election generated, one would think that our government (in its entirety) would be interested in conducting a careful examination and reformation of our election process.  One would be wrong.

Under the guise of a global pandemic, liberal leaders in our government from statehouses to Congress to the White House are seizing the opportunity to expand and intensify their authoritarian “Nanny State” philosophy of governing.   One of the long-term damaging aspects of this approach is the terrible burden that will be placed on future generations of Americans as a result of our burgeoning national debt and deficit spending.  A perfect case in point is the spendapaloosa that is taking place surrounding the most recent $1.9 TRILLION covid relief legislation.

And as the “Wokeness Craze” sweeps across our nation, the level of idiocy driving it continues to spiral to the heavens.  In the name of fairness, equality, equity, and tolerance, we are urged…no, instructed…that we must fully embrace and even advocate social, moral, and ethical positions that are anathema to many.

Following up on that last news item and the colorful character (looking at you, Rachel) addressed therein, it is a bit shocking how the attitudes of the Biden Administration nominees are at odds with his incessant messages of “Unity” that have been parroted since his presidential campaign first began.  These people are supposed to be unifiers?

The cold hatred that the Democrats hold for all things Trump is nothing short of remarkable.  It permeates all that they think and do and their obsession with eradicating any semblance of his executive record approaches a comedic level.  Unfortunately, their zeal to cleanse history is a living illustration of “throwing the baby out with the bath water”.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

…and post your comments to spur discussion.

As we continue to dwell upon the so-called “Capitol Riot” of January 6, it is a good thing to consider all things very carefully and recall some scurrilous escapades from the recent past.

Judging from the various immigration-related dilemmas encountered by the Biden Administration, it seems to be quite apparent that criticizing the actions of a government is a far simpler task than actually implementing the actions of a government.  What could possibly go wrong with the Democratic approach to immigration reform?

Racial inequality and poverty in America continue to be burning issues as the upcoming legislative agenda takes form.  Here are some very thoughtful articles regarding those issues and they provide an interesting context in which to consider the Biden Administration initiatives in these areas of public policy.

Returning to the theme of actually being responsible for doing something versus being an observer and Monday morning quarterback…the pandemic fallout continues in America.  Amazingly, we are just over a month into the Biden Administration and there is still covid in America.  People are still dying, businesses remain shuttered, vaccination efforts continue to hit snafus, and the teachers’ unions continue to keep out kids out of school.  Reality bites.

Our nation is in a very dangerous place these days.  Our Commander in Chief is clearly dealing with some cognitive issues and when there is a leadership vacuum, it will be filled.  The very important question is exactly who is filling that vacuum?  There can be little doubt that our allies and adversaries see the same weakness in American leadership that we do and that can lead to some very serious miscalculations when it comes to national security.  Add to this mix the foolish rush to unwind any successful foreign policy initiative bearing Trump’s involvement and we are smack dab in the middle of an extremely precarious position.  Here are some good articles that can give a sense of that uncertainty.

This nation stood at a crossroads in the first week of last November.  A decision was made.  A path was chosen.  That choice can be revised; but not before serious consequences are realized.  Before the next election is held, some serious reflection is called for.

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