Monday, March 22, 2021

Let ‘Em In

Intent on satisfying the blood thirst that the radical left holds for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and his incoming clown show have attempted to dispense with any and all policy that the former President had anything to do with.  The critical point of condemnation is not the existing policy’s record, or lack thereof, of success; rather it is simply a matter of authorship.  In no area of policy has this Biden exercise been more reckless and irresponsible than in immigration administration.

If it was not so fraught with tragedy, incompetence, and lasting human damage, this classic example of creating one’s own dilemma through stupid and thoughtless action would be delicious.   That being said, what IS delicious is watching the mainstream media’s attempt to spin Biden’s southern border fiasco in some way…any way…that might somehow deflect from the indisputable fact that he has stepped in a pile of his own ish.

Satire…good satire…is invaluable.  In a few short sentences, The Babylon Bee summarizes Biden’s border CRISIS (looking at you, CircleBack) succinctly:

To close out the discussion of immigration, here is a great old song that somehow seems to capture the overall theme of the Biden Administration’s philosophy on the matter.  The carnival atmospherics of this song seems so damned appropriate for this bunch of liberal idiots:

President Biden’s appointees that require Senate confirmation are slowly being approved and entering into the service of this Administration.  Woe unto all of us.  Based on their public records of prior service, these people are grossly inadequate to perform the duties that will fall to them and even more importantly, their personal conduct calls into question their good judgment and character.  There can be little doubt that appointments of this caliber will result in dire consequences for our nation.

As our nation painfully witnesses the personal and rapid deterioration of our President, the battle royal that must be occurring behind the scenes for control of our Chief Executive’s marionette twines must be raging intensely.  The contortions that the mainstream media are going through to shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny is truly testing the limits of journalistic gymnastics.  Will they ever tire of playing the role of the Democrat’s useful idiots?

Of course, it should be no great surprise that the mainstream media is propping up the Biden Administration.  They are after all the primary entity that helped deliver him into the White House to begin with.

And speaking of election shenanigans…wasn’t Trump impeached mainly due to his questioning of state-certified election results?  The Democrat’s capacity for hypocrisy is absolutely breathtaking:

Far be it (wink, wink) from Democratic political strategy to jimmy the election rules under the guise of a national pandemic; to politically-weaponize a federal department (defense, no less); and to change the rules of Congress in order to implement their liberal agenda.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

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Does anyone really believe for a moment that the sophomoric exercise in reality-disconnected politics that is occurring in our nation’s Capital these days is lost on our international adversaries?  We are truly entering into some dangerous times in the U.S. foreign policy arena.

The Democrat’s spending mania continues unabated as the new Administration and Congress announces almost on a daily basis new and exciting ways to (1) create additional government programs that dole out federal dollars to those who actually pay no taxes; (2) confiscate and redistribute the actual earnings of working Americans; (3) figure out ways to create new taxes that help to fuel that redistribution ideal; and (4) generally wreck a national economy that was on the verge of an historic run of efficiency, fairness, and effectiveness.

Finally, here is another brief glimpse inside the ongoing Officer Chauvin trial in Minnesota that is grappling with George Floyd’s death.  Very soon, this story will be dominating all media outlets:


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