Thursday, April 1, 2021

How Long Has This Been Going On

The echo chamber that is liberal groupthink in this country is surely on the verge of collapsing upon itself.  One has to wonder how long such idiocy can be maintained without any tangible benefit to support it.  The giant bubble of the radical left which contains all of the Karens and Snowflakes and Naïve Re-creators has swelled up to proportions heretofore unseen; but the thin membrane that surrounds this environment of fantasy and wishful thinking must be stretching close to its point of rupture.

Even though the liberal element in our political and societal realm has always been with us, its present seizure of extraordinary rule through minimal majority representation has pushed its presence far beyond the rational consideration of its viewpoints and policies into a reality where it is in our face every day, all day long.  It seemingly permeates every nook and cranny of our lives.  How in the world has such a slim slice of idealism managed to obtain such a foothold on our culture?

This extreme and nonsensical element has always been with us; just like the ultra-conservative tilt, its influence grows and wanes as the years pass.  It has, at times, provided a useful counter-balance to extreme conservative views that reach beyond reasonableness.  It has, at other times and when it was undiluted, led to poorly-considered actions that have wrought serious damage upon our nation and its people.  Why today, with a Democrat President, a marginally-Democrat House, and a politically split Senate has the Democrat party with the temporary upper-hand decided that it is time to parlay minimal partisan advantage into seismic cultural and societal change; change which is undisputedly opposed by at least 45 to 55 percent of the American citizenry?  On the wings of their disposition of Trump and their surprising Senate victories in Georgia, the Democrats have apparently decided that the iron is hot and NOW is the time to strike. 

It is tragic that many voters have relegated their concern for our government to the lower tiers of daily worries; that is understandable given the world we live in today.  But the idiocy being illustrated by the Biden Administration and the Democrats in Congress did not just arrive on the scene with the January 20 inauguration.  Biden and his primary opponents clearly told us what their intentions were and no one has the excuse that this madness has crept up on them.   It might be true that it is just now manifesting itself in a volume of such magnitude; but it has been around for a long time.  If you did not see it coming, you simply were not paying attention.  This song is for you:

The Biden Administration continues to grapple with the dire consequences of its ill-considered and hasty destruction of President Trump’s immigration policies.  The immigration crisis at our southern border is escalating on a daily basis and all the denial in the world from the President and his lackeys in the mainstream media will not make it go away.

It sure sounds like our Vice-President who wants to take charge of everything doesn’t want anything to do with this border crisis.  Can you say “hot potato”?

There is so much more to be said about this catastrophe, but until Biden can at least acknowledge the problem, its solution must lie in wait.    Thoughtful, considered, disciplined immigration is an essential part of our nation’s fabric.  Open, unregulated, and chaotic immigration is nothing short of a national crisis and poses serious threats to our nation’s security.  Somewhere in the middle must be a common-sense solution to this emotional, political slugfest.  Closing out this blog’s remarks on the border crisis, we will leave with a song.  Here’s hoping that that middle ground might be found:

Over two months into his term, our President decided to hold his first press conference.  If you are one who did not witness the event and relies instead on media accounts, you might think it was either a tour-de-force or a colossal embarrassment…depending on your journalistic source.  If you did witness it, there can be little doubt in your mind that regardless of the grade you might have given the event, our President is little more than a hollow man fronting an ensemble of manipulators who hover behind the scene while he stumbles and mumbles in the spotlights. The whole world is seeing what you and I are seeing.  It is truly a frightening time for America.

Among the many “duh” moments Biden’s press conference presented was this one about the Senate filibuster being a relic of racist intent.  I suppose it is true that when age begins to assert its dilatory spells, memory is one of the first things to be attacked.

As have the last several Presidents before him, Biden is showing early and troubling signs of being in love with the Executive Action when he cannot persuade Congress to do his bidding.  I am not certain that two months is anywhere near adequate time to debate serious issues; but that is in the eye of the beholder.  In this particular area, Biden and his Democrat friends are chomping at the bit and can barely contain their enthusiasm for the fight.

If, in the Democrat’s perfect world, all of our guns are somehow confiscated and disappear; I suppose we would be totally reliant on our government and police departments for the safety and security of ourselves and our families.  Let’s see…how might that work out?

Do you suppose the fact that Mrs. Mosby is encountering some legal difficulties has anything at all to do with her recent “high profile” news conferences?

I’m no mathematical genius, but I am pretty certain that in a place like Baltimore, if you stop making arrests for drug possession and prostitution, the number of crimes statistically recorded will in fact…go down.

Here is another unique spin on crime from another liberal official:

Speaking of policing, the Chauvin trial in Minnesota has commenced.  Here is a short preview and a wrap-up of the recently completed jury selection and pre-trial motions.  I have sat on a few (minor case) juries in my time and believe me when I say this: this one will be no picnic.

I realize that I have been ripping on the Democrats incessantly for the last couple of months and that is an awkward position for a blog with Centerline in its title.  The truth is that as bad as the Republicans can be at times, the Democrats have simply outdistanced them in that category.  It is not even close.  Perhaps it will even up before too long.  For now, the Democrats richly deserve all of the ridicule I can heap upon them. 

One bright note for the Democrats came this week from one of their leaders that I have both disparaged and complimented.  Bernie Sanders holds some policy ideas that I personally consider nothing short of looney tunes; but as I have written in the past, he has been sincere and consistently true to his beliefs over the course of his political career.  That cannot be said for very many practicing politicians today; our President foremost among them.  I salute Sanders for his recent remarks on censorship and hope that some of his colleagues join him.

Speaking of looney tunes….there was this remark by the President and the wonderful follow-up by the Babylon Bee.

There are some people out there who are willing to serve us in Congress and do not agree with this type of liberal pabulum.  This just might be one of them:

Here are three quick notes to close out this piece.  First up is Biden’s faux outrage at the totally sensible election reforms recently passed by the Georgia legislature and signed by their Governor.  If the vote is so precious to Democrats, then why not insure its validity?  Think about all the times in this world that you have to present a personal ID and ask yourself: are those things more important than your vote?

Secondly, here is some more perspective on the lockdown actions taken across our nation in reaction to the pandemic.  Hindsight and time will no doubt change many of the perceptions we all hold regarding this time in our lives; some of those changes will be damning.  I wonder…are the “vaccine police” just around the corner?

Thirdly and finally, here is a good article about what will likely be the next spending monstrosity passed by the Democrats and Republicans in Congress and signed by our President.  When you take into account that President Trump persistently promoted and supported passage of a huge infrastructure bill and couple that with the fact that it could likely be passed through the Senate via reconciliation, the odds are pretty good that we will soon be seeing a huge influx of money for roads, bridges, and who knows what else. 

Do not be fooled.  They buy you off with so-called stimulus payments and then raise taxes and fees to levels that far exceed any amount you might have received.  They just love to spend your money.  They love to spend it in ways that they think is proper and correct.  It is called redistribution.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

…and post your comments to spur discussion.


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