Friday, April 9, 2021

Democrats: Spending YOUR Money and Screwing Up the Game

Banzai Biden and his Bumbling Band of Bureaucrats are continuing their carnival antics in our nation’s capital.  The biological, philosophical, and realworldalogical connections between their brains and their mouths have apparently been severed, neutralized, or totally removed.  They have somehow entered the transporter mechanism of the Enterprise and reassembled themselves in a parallel universe from whence they just departed.  What is happening?  This:

Unbound by any reasonable thoughts of statesmanship, diplomacy, or bipartisanship, they are barreling full-bore ahead with a plan to transform this nation into a vision of liberal lunacy.  What just a few months ago seemed like a bad dream that dissipates after waking has now become the nagging and constant pain behind the eyes that could easily be mistaken for a migraine or a sinus headache.  But it’s not; we are well into the….Democrat Zone.

What exactly is the Biden Administration up to?

And here, my friends, are exactly the kind of people that inhabit the Bizarre World of Biden:  These people are totally clueless; how stupid do they think we are to pull a stunt like this and expect us to believe it?

Boondoggle the Sequel (otherwise known as The American Jobs Act) was all teed up and ready to launch…then a strange thing happened.  People began to read what was actually in it!   Remember…this is INFRASTRUCTURE legislation.

Now Biden is backpedaling, looking for compromise, and throwing excess baggage overboard in an effort to save this ridiculous piece of legislation.  On the heels of one federal spending drunken craze that was the result of Senate reconciliation action, we are now looking down the barrel of more unbridled federal spending.  Not satisfied with passing a coronavirus relief bill that featured very little effective relief for the pandemic, the Congressional Democrats are now seeking to repeat their performance with an infrastructure bill that has very little to do with infrastructure.

If you do not believe that this so-called infrastructure bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, read this:

Introduced in the House in February of 2019, this was the sweeping transformation that the liberal community dreamed of.  Look at the sponsors of this legislation.  Read this legislation.  Then carefully consider how much the Biden Administration’s infrastructure bill resembles the New Green Deal.

It is like walking into a time machine and being transported back to the early days of the first Obama Administration.  The Democrats could have passed in bipartisan nature 85 percent of Obamacare; but NO, they had to pass 100 percent.  They shoved it down the throats of Republicans and the nation and paid a heavy price for it; and so did we.

If they would simply propose an infrastructure bill that actually addressed infrastructure, this too could be easily passed with bipartisan support.  But the Democrats prowling the streets of WDC these days are in no mood to listen to Republicans.  They have dumped galaxies of liberal foolishness into this legislation under the guise of infrastructure.

Our President is looney tunes and the whole world knows it.  Presidents have always played fast and loose with the truth, but Biden has taken a comfortable lead in that contest just a couple of months into his term:

Our government simply cannot continue to print money and spend it like there is no consequence to that irresponsible practice.  Once again, the Biden Administration has put this pattern on steroids.

And while we are spending federal money (that we don’t have) like it is burning our pockets, why not just go ahead and cancel legitimate debt that might somehow support in a fiscally-responsible fashion legitimate federal spending:

The Democratic obsession with guns has risen to a level that is surreal.  The way they drone on and on about assault weapons and magazines and military applications, we could almost think that they are getting some type of biological or supernatural thrill simply from the discussion of firearms.  Perhaps there is some type of masochistical thing going on between firearms and Democrats; some type of love/hate relationship?

As has been pointed out several times in previous posts, what could possibly go wrong when we take guns out of the hands of private citizens; thus making them totally reliant on government and police departments for the security of themselves and their families:

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

…and post your comments to spur discussion.

Journalism in our nation, most of it anyway and certainly that which is regurgitated by the mainstream media, is a farce of monumental proportion.  When the so-called elder and award-winning leaders of the profession cop this type of attitude, what should we expect:

Here is a perfect example of how our journalistic community performs its business these days.

Unbridled ambition can put you in bed with the wrong partner sometimes.  Just might be the case here:

NPR used to be a standard; now it is a joke.  And their liberal arrogance won’t even allow them to realize that everyone is laughing at them.

Is it not fascinating to watch how the media have handled Biden’s unforced error when engaging the state of Georgia about their state-run election business?  The media, Major League Baseball, and so many others are being exposed for the hypocrites that they are in this episode.  Find out what all the fuss is about.

Whoops!  Might have jumped too soon on that one:

The suits at MLB have certainly succeeded in making themselves a fat, juicy target for the Babylon Bee:

As we continue to observe the devolution of the journalism profession and how it has sold its soul to the liberal element in our country, there is a growing concern about how our vacancy in the Commander and Chief category places our nation’s security in jeopardy.

A handful of quick closing notes.  Here is an interesting article on the reconsideration that is taking place regarding our nation’s approach to the pandemic.  I fear that history will record that even though “science” was the most repeated word in the discussion of pandemic measures; it was quite likely one of the least relevant in their applications:

The Chauvin trial continues with the prosecution soon to wrap up their case; then it will be time for the defense to take the stage:

Do you ever marvel at the different ways a news story is presented based the content of the characters involved?  Like…what if George Floyd had been a white man?  Or, in the case of the linked story here…what if Phillip Adams had been white?  In a perfect world, we would lose our emotions tied to race, gender, religion, etc. and simply judge the story on the basis of the facts, knowing that human beings were involved. 

Perhaps Newsmax is attempting to apply that principle here.  I could be wrong, but the race of the victims in this crime is never mentioned in the article.  Would that have been the case if the shooter had been white?

Here is a closing note on the Biden Administration’s maddening quest for clean energy.  As embarrassing as it is to see Joe Biden perform as our President; it is perhaps even more troubling to know that John Kerry is parading around the globe in his new role as (yes, this is the official title)  United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.  If you lived in a foreign land and the only American you ever came into contact with or read about was John Kerry, you TOO would likely have a very low opinion of Americans.

In their liberal fantasy world, electricity is plentiful, free, and absolutely pure; unfortunately, reality has a different take on the subject.  Have you filled up with gas lately or glanced at your electric bill?

This globalist tendency exhibited in the quest for green energy is little more than a symptom of the liberal desire to be part of a larger, more intelligent entity that rules the earth.  Their goal is to subjugate America to the international intelligentsia.  This agenda will be the driving force behind many of the policies that the Biden Administration introduces.  If we are not careful, we are going to lose our country:

FWIW....Today I slept in late and had an extra cup of coffee out on the front porch, watching the world wake up.  There's plenty of young deer this year and lots of turkeys; they'll make good targets here in about a week. 

I mowed the yard, performed annual service on the ATVs, and then fed the cattle and the horses,   The lilacs and the fruit, pear, peach, plum, cheery... are all full of blooms this year.  Really looking forward to the dogwoods; they should be glorious. I got the grapevine pruned last week and here's hoping for a good enough crop to make some jelly and maybe a jag of wine. Pastures have come on real good and the cattle are backing way off the hay rings...about time.  New calves are hitting the ground and here's hoping the cattle market prices keep pace with the grocery store beef prices.  Weather permitting, we'll be putting out the garden in the next couple of weeks.

I sat down at the shop this afternoon in my old rocking chair, drank a cold Bud Light, listened to a great classic rock radio station out of Bowling Green, and watched a beautiful sunset on the western horizon.  Our Good Lord sure did make a magnificent world, didn't he?  Praise....His....Name.

Life down here on the farm is good...regardless of who is in charge of WDC.  As long as they stay out of my face, I will damn sure stay out of theirs.  


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