Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Bad, the Badder, and the Ugly

First…the Bad.  Joe Biden is President today and the Democrats control the Senate with the VP tie-breaking vote because of Donald Trump.  Was there cheating in last November’s election?   Yes there was cheating in last November’s election.  Was it sufficient to tilt the election to Joe Biden and away from Donald Trump?  No one knows and no one will likely ever know. 

But we do know this.  If Donald Trump had campaigned on his policy and accomplishments as opposed to his ego, he would still be President and the Republicans would still control the Senate.  The clown show that is the Democratic Party run amuck in Washington, DC would not be the daily attraction and the world would be a safer place.  All Trump had to do was keep…his…mouth…shut.  He would not.  He could not.  He did not.  He lost the presidential race and took the Senate down with him.  And now he gives us this: .  Give it up. Shut up and go away.

Not content to take his licks and go back to the good life of having more money than one can spend in a lifetime; he is now sucking all of the oxygen out of the Republican room and leaving little space for whoever the next presidential candidate will be.  He is playing with us; he is teasing us; he is dangling his intentions before the media in a craven cry for attention.  He is deep-sixing the Republican Party’s chances to both regain control of Congress and make a strong run for the White House.   Look at the effect his behavior is having on selected and prospective Republican presidential candidates: and this: 

In the Chief Executive Poker game, he held a royal flush and lost to candidate Joe Biden, who thought they were playing Rook. Trump is now treating the Republican Party as his own private playground and fiddling while the Democrats burn down America.  The sooner he announces he will not run again for President, the better.  If he does not announce this soon, then the Republican Party had better move on past him and start the process of selecting his successor.  If this dalliance with Trumpmania continues, it is quite possible that the Democrats will remain in power in spite of their idiocy.  The Republican Party must come up with sane and responsible candidates that offer a ray of hope in this sea of chaos. Otherwise, our future is dark.

Alas…the Badder.  Did you vote Democrat last November?  How do you feel about the party you voted for treating you like you are stupid?  Oh…you don’t believe that?  Let us do the math.  The current Supreme Court stands with a conservative tilt at a 6 to 3 count.  The Democrats want to add 4 seats to the SCOTUS.  The Democrats hold the White House and control the Senate; thus permitting them to confirm any SCOTUS nominee(s) of their choosing.  3 plus 4 equals 7 and 7 is greater than 6.  That is the end of this week’s class… “Math for Democrat Voters”.  

The insatiable Democrat appetite for power and control is simply out of control.  Their bald-faced grasping for every…bit…of…process that will serve their glory quest is squarely in the center of the table.  Do not listen to what they say or what their media henchmen write; pay attention to what they do.  In pursuit of their goal for total and perpetual political domination, they will sacrifice anyone, anything, and any principle for the sake of victory.  They are literally shameless.

One has to wonder exactly what has changed in the world.  The Democrats used to be against court packing.

But now…with caution thrown to the wind, the federal purse strings shredded, and liberal lunacy the flavor of the month…why not go for it all.  Ah yes…that old lust for power and control.

Now some will say that this is nothing more than the radical elements of the Democratic Party feeling their oats.  Read this excerpt from the head Congressional Democrat and see if it sounds like an emphatic “NO” to you. .  It sounds to me like Pelosi is saying “NO” to court packing…as long as the Democrats don’t have the votes to pass it; but if that changes…we’ll reconsider.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

…and post your comments to spur discussion.

And finally, the Ugly.  In Biden’s world, it is “all race, all the time”.  Race hustlers prosper.  Rioting and looting become commonplace.  The identity politics of the Democratic Party is ripping and tearing this nation apart.  The media is complicit in what they report, how they choose to report it, and what they choose not to report

The Biden Administration and the dim-witted Democrats see racism in the clouds, in the water puddles, in the forests, and in every aspect of American culture and society.  I would imagine they see it in their bowl of cereal every morning (Woke Flakes).  This madness must stop.

What has our nation come to when we dismantle, disparage, and defund the very people who protect our families and our communities?  Are there bad cops out there?  Of course there are a few bad cops out there!  Should we judge all cops by the bad cops?  Of course not!  If you are a bad cop, you should face the consequences of your bad actions.  On the other hand…if you are a criminal and you break the law, should you expect to be handled with kid gloves, held up by the media as a hero, and settle law suits for large sums of money with woke city governments?  Kind of looks that way doesn’t it.

Exactly who are these people and organizations driving this anti-police sentiment all across our country?  How do you suppose they are managing the millions of dollars that bleeding-heart liberals (and our federal government) are sending their way?

Isn’t it amazing how some stories just never seem important enough for the liberal media to cover?  I guess if it doesn’t fit their agenda, it simply isn’t worthy.  Never forget Orwell… “Propaganda is as much a matter of what is left out, as of what is actually said”.  Censorship, journalistic misinformation and political bias, and news without ethics are cancers that will destroy our nation.

You probably did not hear about this one either: .  It is interesting how the cast of characters often determines the amount of coverage.

Turmoil spreads in America, while unrest builds across the globe.  In a world full of questions, does our President have the answers…or do our enemies look at us and then decide…NOW is the time to move?\

If you made it this far, here is your bonus…. .  My goodness, it still sounds good after all these years.  



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