Tuesday, September 7, 2021

CenterlineRight Buffet Lite

Following a Labor Day Holiday weekend, it is a good time to go light on the servings.  Without setting out a full table, here are some good articles of interest that are flying around out there.

The Texas abortion law that was recently implemented is just the opening act for the upcoming SCOTUS decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.  With the potential for Roe v. Wade being overturned, keep your focus on the two main questions that will be answered with this case.  First…is abortion a constitutional right? Second…who should regulate abortion: the states or the federal government?



The wokening of America continues unabated.  Is there no end to this madness?




Has any particular segment of our population taken a more direct hit to their reputation than our teachers?  Based on my knowledge, experience, and friendships with teachers, I have to believe that the majority of teachers across America do not agree with the policies advocated by their liberal leadership.  If they do not want to continue to be ill-served by them and see their credibility wither away, they had better speak up and put some new folks in charge.


While we are on the subject of working…how is Joe Biden’s handling of America’s employment picture playing out? 



Our nation’s justice system has some serious issues it needs to address.  One is the speed in which justice is dispensed and another is the social experimentation taking place in that dispensation.



Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

Here are two clear, concise, and important articles relating to the Biden Administration’s Afghanistan fiasco.



Is it any wonder that Biden and the Mainstream Media are doing everything in their power to divert attention away from Afghanistan?  If it were my fingerprints all over that gun, I’d want it thrown in the river too.


Speaking of the Mainstream Media…here is a good article on an issue I have addressed before.


There are a lot of smart people who believe that the man inside that empty suit and mask posing as the President of the United States is Ron Klain.  If that is true, talk like this should frighten the ish out of us.  Keep in mind, the $3.5 trillion bill he is talking about is in addition to the trillions already spent on covid relief and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package awaiting House approval.  Hey…in for a penny, in for a pound.  What color do you suppose the sky is in Klain’s universe?


Oh…by the way…just a reminder: https://www.truthinaccounting.org/about/our_national_debt?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvt3EnrmQ8gIVdQaICR1KeQKdEAAYAiAAEgLOv_D_BwE

Conrad Black has a way of cutting right to the heart of the matter using plain and easy to understand language.  Here is a prime example of that talent.




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