Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Welcome to the Saddest Show on Earth

We are all now sitting in the bleachers at the “Democrat Follies”; that slapped-together carnival that is, in its own mind, contending for the Greatest Show on Earth title.  Realistically, it is less of the Barnum and Bailey variety and more of the Podunk County Fair flavor.  Now some people paid for their tickets by campaigning for or voting to bring this circus to town; while others simply had the tent thrown up around them.  Either way, we are all in it together under the big top at this point.

While it is clear that the Ringmaster is that man with the Joker Grin, that glad-handing personality, and the entourage of handlers and lackeys…Joe Bald Faced Biden himself.  But we should never forget that this traveling road show has an unlimited number of certified, qualified, and bona fide liberal loonies to back up our Ringmaster at every stop on the circuit.   In fact, this particular Circus has far more than three rings and each one has its own Clown in Charge. 

Most notably, there is the Ringmaster’s right hand gal Jolly Jen Psaki.  She’s always there with a bolstering comment or two reminding us precisely how magnificent the Ringmaster truly is.  Jolly Jen looks down her clown nose at anyone who offers a comment or opinion that might be contrary to the Circus mantra.  She is unbound by reality and quite comfortable with dispensing a peculiar concoction of fact mixed with fiction.  The difficulty of Jen’s job following the Ringmaster around and cleaning up his messes is second only to the one who follows the elephants around and…well, you get the picture.

Over in the Legislative Tent, we find Chuckling Chuck and Fancy Nancy.  These two are pretty much in charge of the largest Clown Corps in the outfit and really have their hands full trying to keep Outrageous Ocasio and her Squealing Squad in check.  That bunch of renegade clowns seems to be dead set on having their very own tent.  Chuck and Nancy’s red-nosed army never seem to lose their spirit of la Vida Loca and operate by the slogan “If It Feels Good…Do It”. 

The Merry Alejandro Mayorkas is in charge of the Border Security Tent and they are all pretty much unscripted.  Their motto is “Open the Door and Let ‘em In”.  The performances in this venue are pretty much spontaneous and the jovial cast of entertainers is not too intent on accomplishing anything of real substance.  After all, it is just for show.

Here is a short list of just a few more of the other Clowns in Charge…

Kackling Kamala Harris is always laughing and you can certainly count on her to never take anything too seriously.  She stands ready to take up the cane, don the top hat, and assume the Ringmaster’s duties out there in the middle ring spotlight.  Actually…she is more than ready.

The whole outfit counts on the Mystifying Merrick Garland to keep some level of law and order in the caravan; but no one has quite been able to understand exactly what he stands for.  Rather than rely on a widely-accepted source document or a specific list of laws, he simply mandates that the rules are what he says they are.  He sure keeps everyone guessing…and wondering.

Xavier Bodacious Becerra loves to get his picture on the advertising posters; but he also gets on a lot of the clowns’ nerves by insisting on gender-neutral costumes.  It is really, really difficult to do the humor thing without having the boy/girl or man/woman dynamic working.  The audience has to have something they can relate to…don’t they?  He insists on editing all dialogue that will take place during performances and is very selective regarding what is and what is not acceptable language.  He is really crimping the style of the company clowns.

Then there is Jennifer Grinning Granholm (not to be confused with the aforementioned Jolly Jen, they are distinctly different clowns); the chief clown in charge of maintenance.  Nobody likes Grinning Jen.  She insisted on converting the entire circus over to electric and now it is a constant routine of rides stopping because batteries run down and lights going out because of too much power being used.  Don’t even mention that there is never hot coffee when you really need it.  Oh…and the roadies really do hate toting those windmills and solar panels all over the country.

And let us not forget a very special, part-time Clown in Charge.  The riotous Rochelle Sneezy Walensky, whose daytime job is Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is in charge of the First Aid Tent for this circus.  You might think that keeping all the other circus clowns healthy and performing would be a sufficient chore…but no…ole Sneezy takes time out to make certain that everyone in this traveling road show is sufficiently woke:

*Reality Break: Really…just take a moment to think about this one.  Everyone you meet is tore up about having to wear a mask, whether or not to vax, and the general authoritarian crap relating to the covid pandemic.  THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS OBSESSED WITH COVID…and THIS is what the CDC is doing.  Give me a freaking break

There are many more Tents in this expansive marvel of merriment and mayhem; but the one we really want to take a closer look at goes by the name of The Democrats’ Foreign Policy Pranks.  This particular tent in this particular circus is a veritable Hall of Fame for the clown profession.  Barack I’m So Pretty Obama came out of retirement to make a couple of guest appearances for this contingent.  Blundering Blinken is the lead clown; but he has lots of solid support from the likes of Silly Susan Rice, John KlutzO Kerry, Jake LaughAMinute Sullivan, and Avril Hilarious Haines.  To get a real sense of the comedic greatness found in this group of Midway Elitists, let’s consider some of their more recent performances…

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was Obama’s gift to Iran.  It essentially gave Iran, the world’s foremost benefactor of international terrorism, a green light to develop nuclear weapons:  Since Obama was unable to get Congressional approval for this ridiculous agreement, it lacked legal standing and was promptly shelved by President Trump.  Now Biden is resurrecting it.

Not content to simply allow Iran to go their merry way in nuclear arms development, Obama inexplicably financed the terrorist misadventures of that nation by shipping them cold, hard cash.  THIS is really difficult to believe, but it is true:

Joe Biden, not to be outdone by his predecessor and mentor, decided he would one-up old Barack.  He managed to equip Iran’s “Triple A” farm team (aka the Taliban) with a complete set of “state of the art” military equipment, literally making it one of the world’s largest armies…

These short, simple, FACTUAL articles really tell you all you need to know about our current President and his Foreign Policy Team…

With his ingenious supporting cast, President Biden has within a matter of months inflicted decades of damage to American foreign policy.  As bad as his decisions in the Middle East have been, he has not been deterred from liberally (no pun intended) spreading his irrationality around the globe.

While doing all he can to destroy the gas and oil industry in America, he gifts Russia with Nord Stream 2:

China is doing everything within its power to destroy America and become the pre-imminent nation and military presence in the world.  In every conceivable fashion, they are malevolently insinuating themselves into American technology and culture.  How does Biden react to this?  He opens the door for them to come right in:

The Rocket Man in North Korea had pretty well been placed in a box by Trump.  You have to believe that what he is seeing out of the White House these days isn’t making him too reluctant to flex his muscles a bit:

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

Every good carnival has its sideshows.  Unfortunately, these sideshows are showing up on Main Street instead of the Midway…

Our American education system is in serious trouble from K thru 12 and upward.  If rational and responsible people do not reclaim our kids from the liberal mob that has confiscated them, our future is very uncertain indeed.  You cannot make this stuff up…

Have you entertained the thought that maybe federal government fact-checkers or big-tech censors might not be such a bad idea?  Think again…

The hypocrisy demonstrated by Democrats and the mainstream media in all things race-related is nothing short of breathtaking.  Here is a case in point:

And if you think that all of the Russia Hoax nonsense perpetrated by Congressional Democrats, the mainstream media, and Obama holdovers in the Department of Justice has been remedied…if you think that the exposure of the bias, lawlessness, and corruption in our government departments and agencies has led to new leadership and better policies…then you better think again: where art thou, John Durham?

The Biden Administration is a tragicomedy.  This term is generally defined as a situation having both tragic and comic elements.  In this particular instance, I fear the comedy is front-loaded and the tragedy will be back-loaded.  During all of the many moments that we feel the urge to laugh at Biden and his Clown Show, there is that nagging notion in the back of our minds that is telling us that all of this stupidity has consequences…tragic consequences. 

I am closing with a video that fits the theme of this post.  I really wanted to use an old Emerson, Lake and Palmer tune, but there were a couple of lines in the lyrics that I was reluctant to post online.  You can’t go wrong with a Beatles tune.  There is just somethingsomehowI can’t quite put my finger on it…about this clip that reminds me of the Biden Administration.  Could it be the fact that all those clown things dancing around behind the Ringmaster are BLUE?  That just might be relevant:





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