Sunday, August 29, 2021

Take a Breath….Take a Deep Breath

As bad as it is, it is likely to get worse.  The reality is that Joe Biden is President through January of 2025.  If he vacates the presidency, Kamala Harris will ascend to that position.  Joe Biden has seeded his entire Administration with the same manner of incompetents that we are watching manage the Afghanistan fiasco.  The end is not near; the pain is just beginning.

Some people are looking forward to the 2022 mid-term elections as a salve for this terrible Biden rash that has affected our nation.  There are two things wrong with that assumption.  First, the 2022 mid-terms are still fourteen months away.  In the big scheme of things, that is not far off at all.  In the world of politics, it might as well be a decade away.  American voters are notorious for short and forgiving memories.  Only time will tell how responsible Biden and the Democrats will be held for the damage they have inflicted on our country.

Secondly, if the Republicans regain majority control of the House and Senate, it is true that they will be in position to stem the tide of bad policy; but they will be powerless to unwind any of the damage already absorbed by that date.  If that happens, President Biden will no longer have the option of pushing radical legislation through Congress using extraordinary means.  He will instead have to rely on his Presidential authorities and Executive Actions.  Now those can be hurtful, but their reach is limited and they can be uneasily undone by the next president.

It is highly likely that even if the nation repudiates Biden and the Democrats at the ballot box by putting the Republicans back in the position of Congressional majority, they will still be well short of the two-thirds mark necessary to override a Presidential veto.  Therefore, they will not be able to proactively pass new legislation; they will be limited to preventing bad legislation from ever reaching the President’s desk.  They will not be able to reverse the legislation passed in Biden’s first two years; they will only be able to prevent more bad stuff from becoming law.

We are stuck with an imbecilic President for the next three plus years.  Even worse, we are stuck with the idiots he has sprinkled throughout federal departments and agencies that will administer federal programs for that time also.  And for those who take solace in the possibility that Biden might somehow vacate (or be vacated from) the Presidency, you had better realize that as bad as it is…we are now only in the frying pan.  If Kamala Harris becomes President, we are leaping into the fire.

Suck it up, America.  I fear the worst is yet to come and even the mid-terms can only offer partial relief from the liberal lunacy we have placed in control of country.  The pathetic weakness of American leadership is on display for the entire world to see.  Vladimir Putin watches as he gazes towards the Ukraine; dreaming of the old Soviet Union.  Xi Jinping observes as he calculates extending his Chinese empire towards Taiwan and even further.  Kim Jong-un looks longingly over the 38th parallel and dreams of one Korea.  Meanwhile, our NATO allies shake their heads in dismay and search for the answer to national defense without America. 

May the Good Lord keep his hand on the shoulders of our leaders and help them find the strength and wisdom to make good decisions.  Therein lays our only hope.  And Lord, if it is not too much to ask, please give us two or three good presidential candidates next time around…candidates not named Biden, Harris, or Trump.  Now…on to some current events and short comments.

There is not much to say about the catastrophic events in Afghanistan that has not already been said.  Trump’s deal with the Taliban was an embarrassment, but Trump and Obama both realized that they simply could not abandon Afghanistan without a plan of some type.  Biden was not smart enough to realize this.  Hindsight and time will reveal the full story, which has not yet fully played out.  But it certainly appears that the pivotal decision that sent events spinning out of control was the decision to abandon Bagram air base.

House Speaker Pelosi and her Democratic mates are obsessed and determined to paint the January 6 events at the Capitol as something multiple times larger and more ominous than it obviously was.  I suppose they figure that if enough stuff gets thrown against the wall, eventually something will stick.  Who knows…if they turn over enough rocks, they might find out why some of the Capitol Police were so “welcoming” to the protesters.

The Senate has approved the Democrat’s infrastructure light bill with a price tag of around $1.2 trillion.  You can read for yourself what is in the bill and then decide for yourself how much of this is absolutely essential to our nation at a time of record federal debt, record federal spending, increasing threats from inflation, and an economy that is clearly struggling to break out its pandemic funk.  It is especially rich to hear what some of the Senate Republicans had to say about voting in favor of this atrocity while at the same time bemoaning federal spending abuse.  Such hypocrisy is really difficult to stomach.

Please remember that this $1.2 trillion monstrosity is only the opening act for the Democrats in Congress and their Clown in the White House.  The Senate has now passed the infrastructure light bill and sent it over to the House, where Speaker Pelosi is trying to figure out how to hold it hostage until she can guarantee Senate passage of the additional $3.5 trillion bill that is waiting in the wings…that would be infrastructure heavy.  Who knew there was $4.7 trillion worth of infrastructure out there just begging to be bought?

Just a reminder: 

Here is a brief glance at some of the Democrats’ brilliant ideas about how this country should be “woke”.  I think I will call it the “Democrat Follies”.  These are efforts being made to normalize behavior and change our lives in ways that simply were considered preposterous no more than five or ten years ago.

And just to help sum it all up and put in some perspective:

Our President is steadily being revealed as a zombie.  The terrible events in Afghanistan have helped to expose this reality, but the dangers emanating from it have yet to be fully realized.

He is not just a fool; he is a dishonest fool:

Some days, I simply have to wonder…. “Are there really this many stupid people in America?  Who would trust the government to do this? …

Perhaps the Supreme Court is beginning to find its backbone and the need to restore some Constitutional order to our government.

And just when Republicans thought it was safe to go back in the water:

Here is a nice piece that asks a really important question in regards to what we are witnessing in our country these days:

In closing, it is perhaps only appropriate that we take a listen to Mr. Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame.  His message affirms the tone of this piece:




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