Saturday, August 7, 2021

We Are Swirling Above the Drain

Most of us are eternally amazed…or perhaps more accurately, dismayed…about the news stories that continue to be placed before us on a daily basis.  The looney tunes repeatedly seem to be topping themselves in lunacy…day after day after day.  You think you have seen it all and then, as my niece Jayme says, there is always someone standing by to say “hold my beer”.  The control that the liberal left holds over our President continues to strengthen and they are apparently not reluctant to openly display that control. 

The minority Republicans in the House are irrelevant because that is the way the House does business; and Nancy Pelosi knows how to do that business.  In the Senate, the only way the Republicans can accomplish anything is if they remain unanimous….fifty strong.  They are not fifty strong.  They are somewhere around 35 to 40 strong with the remaining Republican Senators playing the role of dupes for the Democrats.  Here is a closer look at some of the…things…that are swirling in the basin around us…..

My prior post addressed the runaway spending in WDC.  It is nothing short of breathtaking to view all of the stuff that has been included in the current Senate infrastructure bill.  This is a joke; a very bad joke at that.  As we close in on the apparently inevitable passage of this bipartisan/infrastructure light legislation, consider some its elements:

Do not forget that the partisan/infrastructure heavy legislation is cued up right behind it:

Just take a moment or two and consider some of the things that the Biden Administration and the Democrats in Congress want to spend your tax dollars on and how they go about doing it:

But hey…it’s just money…there’s plenty more where that came from:

Let's consider for a moment just  how the Government pays for this new spending.  No matter what they say, there are really only three ways to pay for new spending.  The first one is to raise taxes in order to increase the size of the money pool (general fund) that you use to pay for such things.  The second one is to assess user fees on the people who utilize the new program upon which you are spending.  The third is to actually cut spending that has already been approved for something else.  You might wonder...what about earning interest...doesn't the Government earn interest on some of its money or assets?  No; when you spend over twice what you make (like they did last fiscal year), the interest thing works in reverse.  They actually pay far more than they receive.

These are hard choices and our elected officials do not like to make hard choices.  They don't want to raise taxes (at least some don't) because they have to own it.  They don't want to assess user fees because then it is not really a gift or a giveaway.  And goodness knows they don't want to cancel the promises they have already made to spend your tax dollars on this or that.  They are in the business of spending more; not cancelling what they have already approved.  So rather than make hard choices, they come up with gimmicks.

What type of gimmicks?  There are two main ones that strike me as dramatically insincere and border on the ridiculous.  They think we are stupid and most of the time, we are.  If you or I tried these tricks in our private affairs, our banker would laugh at us.  In order to gain what they call new capital to spend, the Government will claim they are going to cancel payments that were going to be made in another program.  OK, that sounds reasonable.  The problem is that those payments they are cancelling were never actually approved; they were payments they intended to approve  and make.  I know, I are thinking that ish don't fly.  You are forgetting who is making the rules and who is reporting the news.

The other gimmick commonly used is the credit they give themselves for the economic growth that will be generated by the new spending.  OK, what is wrong with that; won't investments in infrastructure and other things generate growth?  Sure it will; but that growth is already spent on the escalating costs of promises that have already been made.  Costs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  You only get to spend that growth money once and it has already been promised many times over.  

Needless to say, with bookkeeping practices like this and with spineless elected officials who will run ten miles in a sprint to avoid a hard choice, it is no great mystery why our federal debt is astronomical and the debt ceiling must be continually raised.  This is  not sane.  This is not normal.  This should not be acceptable.

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

It certainly appears that President Biden misunderstood how the pandemic might impact his Administration.  Things are not working out quite like he anticipated.  It is far easier to yip from the sideline rather than sit in the top chair and have to lead.  Reality bites…and Biden is being bitten:

As if there are not a sufficient number of serious issues to grapple with, our society and government continue to succumb to the idiotic ideals espoused by radical elements advocating Critical Race Theory and Wokeness in General.  People…you need to wake up.  Take back your country and your communities.  Take back your schools.  Take back your lives.  Do not allow this liberal foolishness to thrive while you sit idly by.  Look at what is going on all around you:

So much Democratic idiocy and so little time to comment upon it:

Before closing out this piece, here is a cold, hard reminder of exactly what is happening in WDC these days…as the swirling continues:


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