Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Welcome to Biden’s America

My, my…how the worm has turned since January 21, 2021….hardly more than six months ago?  Let us count the ways…….

The Taliban controls over 65 percent of Afghanistan and are gleefully beheading anyone who had dealings with the Americans. 

Iran is loud and proud and once again in the international terrorism business.

Israel is hunkering down, rethinking its strategy about how to stay alive, and wondering how it will survive now that the PLO is Joe Biden’s BFF.

With our President’s blessing, Europe is buying natural gas from Russia instead of supporting America’s energy producers.  Instead of working with our nation’s energy industry, President Biden handcuffs them and pleads with OPEC to increase production.

China no longer wants to compete with us.  China wants to own us.

Our kids are wearing masks in school while illegal immigrants swarm across our southern border and are being distributed daily by the Biden Administration all across the country…without any covid testing whatsoever.  Can you say “clueless”?

The Cuban people cry in their streets for Freedom; but their cries fall on deaf Democrat ears in WDC.

Gasoline prices continue their upward trajectory and it is becoming more common to see stations closed because they have no gas.  Wasn’t there a Democrat in the White House the last time this stuff happened?

The head bartender in the White House continues mixing this deadly cocktail….one part profligate spending, one part artificially-low interest rates, and one part that spicy ingredient known as inflation.  Trust me on this one folks; this drink is going to lead us to one bad ass hangover.

There are businesses and factories all over the place begging for employees and paying wages that have escalated significantly, while the Democrats want to put a moratorium on evictions and forgive student loan debt.

I can’t get parts to repair my ATV.  Heck, I can’t even find a used one or a new one in stock anywhere to consider trading up.

My security light went out on my barn, but once again…I have to wait four to six weeks for a replacement.

You want a crisis?  Just wait until harvest time when farmers can’t find combine parts and truckers can’t keep their rigs rolling.  When trucks stand still; this country will come to a halt.  When farmers stand still; people will go hungry.

The Ford Motor Company plant in Louisville has new vehicles parked all over the place because they can’t get a microchip that makes ‘em run.  When they need to move a truck, I hear they put a chip in, move the truck, and then remove the chip to use in the next truck.  Think about that one for moment or two.

I’m no scientist, but I have to believe that some of the same stuff that goes into those microchips also goes in batteries.  If we are having trouble getting enough of that stuff for these small microchips, how are we going to get enough of that stuff for the batteries we’ll need when the Green New Deal becomes the law of the land and EVERYTHING is electric?

And what about all those new charging stations that will fuel up the electric cars and trucks and trains?  Where does that electricity come from?  Not from the wind turbines that freeze up in winter.  Not from the solar panels that are highly inefficient.  Not from the natural gas pipelines that were cancelled.  And it won’t be from all the coal fields and nuclear plants that are being shut down either.

The inventory at the lumber yard is pathetically low, but that’s OK…I can’t afford but a board or two anyway.  Don’t even think about nails.

Groceries are great if you can find ‘em…if you can afford ‘em…and if you’ve got enough gas to get home with ‘em. 

The newest endangered species in America is the truck driver.  Why is everyone’s business inventory so low?  Because they can’t get deliveries.  What can’t they get deliveries?  Because they can’t find truck drivers.  Why are there so many wrecks out there involving 18-wheelers?  Because untrained folks are rolling those rigs.  Freight companies are paying doctor’s salaries, offering unbelievable benefits, and promising to get their drivers home every weekend….and they still can’t get people out of their house and behind the wheel.

While every poll on the subject demonstrates that the overwhelming majority of Americans have serious reservations about abortions; the House Democrats pass legislation to help foreign nations finance abortions.  The irony is that most civilized nations have stricter abortion laws than America to begin with.  I guess the question is….whose babies are we killing anyway?

My granddaughter’s middle school teacher goes by Mx. T and another teacher at the school lectures the kids on how his young child is not certain of their gender…but that’s OK with him.  Oh…and by the way…the students are told that it is just fine to stay seated when the student body stands for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Folks…this is in rural Kentucky. 

The Democratic hypocrisy is becoming more difficult by the day to stomach.  It is really hard to watch Circle Back Psaki and her Administration cronies and not think about the phrase “let them eat cake”.  The worst President in my lifetime, Obama, throws a birthday bash, has all his posse flown in on private jets…maskless…and yet in Democratland, all of that is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, my daughter is supposed to feel guilty when she packs 5 kids and their softball gear in a large SUV to go to the ballpark.  All that gas guzzling and all those emissions and…heaven forbid…no masks at the ballparks?   The leadership elements of the Democratic Party are supremely wedded to a double standard for morality, justice, ethics, and general behavior that places them well above the plane of us mere mortals.  Their piety is psickening.  The liberal elite think their ish don’t stink, but everyone is smelling it except them.

Statues of Abraham Lincoln are torn down while new statues of George Floyd are erected.

According to Critical Race Theory and the Democrats, the only solution to discrimination is…you guessed it…discrimination.

The National Football League has further beclowned itself by announcing that it will play both a White National Anthem and a Black National Anthem before each game.  Who knew we had two national anthems?

At Olympic medal ceremonies, black Americans are draped in Old Glory and shedding tears of patriotic joy while right next to them, some white pink-haired bozo is kneeling and sticking her fist up in the air.  And what is she protesting?  Racism.  Does anyone else see the irony in this?  The majority of people at many Black Lives Matter events are white, virtue-signaling Karens.  Most black Americans are doing the same thing most white Americans are doing.  Working, trying to build a better life for themselves and their families, and simply wanting to be respected, left alone, and allowed to go about living. 

Perhaps you are thinking…Come On, Man… everything the fault of the Democrats?  Well…yeah…it kinda is.  We can blame the Republicans for letting them take control; but you have to admit….Trump had things going pretty good before the covid hit.  Had he been re-elected, how much of this foolishness would have occurred?  He was loud, he was a boor, his ego was supersized, he wore his character flaws like a badge of honor, and he had a terrible tweeting habit…but he did have his policy ish together and things were revving up nicely for the good ole USA.

The Democrats now control the House by 5 seats, split the Senate 50/50 with the Republicans, and have a President in the White House who is there by the skin of his teeth (most days he can’t even find his teeth).  With this miniscule political advantage and representing a bitterly divided country, they intend to pass the Green New Deal in sheep’s clothing on a straight party vote.

We have all heard the old saying about squeezing a size 9 foot into a size 7 shoe?  That is kinda where the Democrats are these days.  They know that the crap they are promoting is not supported by the majority of Americans.  They know that they have an idiot in the White House who offers little, if any, leadership or resistance to their agenda.  They know that the woke Democratic idiocy that is spreading throughout our country like a cancer is becoming increasingly unpopular and that resistance to it is growing.  They know that the November/2022 mid-term elections are getting larger in the front windshield.  They know their window of opportunity is shrinking rapidly.  They are desperately trying everything possible to foist their liberal madness upon this nation as quickly as possible. 

There are rumors swirling that House Speaker Pelosi will not run again for office.  How motivated do you think she is to get her licks in before the last day in the office?

You know all those post-apocalyptic movies where the remnants of mankind struggle to survive in the deserted rubble of urban America and the barren wastelands of our rural plains?  Do you remember seeing all the abandoned cars, trucks, and empty buildings?  Wait until the Democrats outlaw the internal combustion engine and the electric car/truck batteries give out between point A and point B.  Driving down the road will be like running an obstacle course.  And with the popular protests, rioting, and looting that has become so fashionable…the urban blight is beginning to get that apocalyptic glow.  Imagine rural America littered by abandoned solar panel farms.  Imagine our beautiful coastlines desecrated by wind turbines.  Look there…down the road…is that??….yes, it is….it’s Mad Max.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Big Tech in general have jumped into bed with the Democrats and are actively censoring free speech throughout our culture.  Add in the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, and the publishing houses and who can be blamed for seeing Big Brother around every corner.  Free speech…what’s that?

And election integrity…that is a thing of the past.  The only concern now is making government more vertical, more autocratic, more monolithic, and reducing any philosophical turnover that might possibly create robust debate.  You can vote, vote often, vote anywhere and anyhow you like.  Go ahead, you can vote before the election or after the election.  In fact, if you control the precincts, you can even examine the ballots and decide what to keep, what to throw out, and what to alter.  Heck…you can even create some of your own if you are willing to stay up that late.

My friends…we are this close to the ruination of our country.  If the Democrats succeed in passing their $3.5 trillion Green New Deal re-imagination legislation through Congress and send it up to the zombie President in the White House, we are all going to be in a deep, dark place. 

Democrats have lost their minds.  Americans were stupid to put them in control of our Government.  Republicans continue to bring knives to political gunfights with the Democrats.  And the wheels on the bus go round and round….

It pays more to stay home and draw Government checks than it does to choose from a multitude of jobs paying $14 to $15 dollars an hour….plus a signing bonus…plus benefits. 

The Democrats message to our youth: Graduate high school and spend the next 6 or 7 years working on a liberal arts degree (working on, not obtaining).  Borrow all the money you need; you likely won’t have to pay it back.  And forget the dorms; get a nice apartment.  The rent is optional because the landlord can’t evict you anyway.  Rent is now on the honor system.

For all of you who voted Democratic…what the hell were you thinking?  I know a lot…a whole lot…of good people who happen to be Democrats.  But my friends…my Democratic friends…have been reckless with their votes to the point of ignorance.  They had better connect the dots between the liberal lunacy unleashed in our nation and the Democrats they voted for last November…and soon.  The Democrats I know do not believe in nor support this woke attitude; and yet most of them will continue to vote for Democrats.  It is enough to drive a sane man crazy.

For all of you who voted for Republicans…please, find better candidates.  They campaign as Republicans, but when they get up in Washington, DC…they turn into Democrats.

And for those of you who voted for Donald J. Trump and are still running around saying the election was stolen….just shut up.  You might be right.  There was some screwy stuff going down last November.  But everyone knew that storm was coming and they still left the windows wide open.  You kinda look foolish now complaining about everything getting wet.  And your boy Trump…if he had the discipline of a 12 year old and could have kept his arrogant mouth shut, he would have won the election anyway and we would not have this clown show in the White House and Congress. 

Obama was the worst President in my lifetime.  His two Administrations were loaded with radical ideologues, incompetent idealists, and corrupt people who profited by race-baiting.  He set the country back years in many areas of policy and drove a huge wedge into the racial factions of our nation.  The Joe Biden Administration is Obama the Sequel.  It is the same circus in a different tent.  Biden is an idiot who is filling his Administration with idiots.  They have somehow emboldened the Democratic Party leadership in Congress to go places where even Obama’s Administrations dared not go.  Stupidity is run amuck in the Executive Branch and they are absolutely clueless as to how damaging it is to our country.

We get the Government we deserve.


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