Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Consequences of Denial

The cluelessness of the Democrats’ “Alice in Wonderland” and “Lollipops, Rainbows, and Unicorns” governing philosophy was mildly upsetting, marginally annoying, and somewhat entertaining in a quizzical sense when they were (A) out of majority status and (B) still had a few people in their leadership that knew the difference between fantasy and reality.  (A) and (B) have both changed.  Our nation is swirling down the toilet.  The world is a very dangerous place.  The detachment that exists between the Democratic Party and the pain, danger, and turmoil directly attributable to their policies is immune to the cold, harsh light of day.  They don’t get it; they don’t want to get it; and they don’t give a flip about not getting it.

My grandchildren are aged 12, 11, and 7.  Anyone of them can, at certain times and on certain subjects, exhibit greater wisdom and common sense than the Democratic leadership that currently runs this country.  That is not hyperbole.  That is not overstatement.  They are literally more intelligent than the doddering old fool that sits in our White House as the Chief Executive.  If you voted for Joe Biden or any Democrat in Congress last November, you should figure out some form of self-punishment and execute it upon yourself.  The tragedy that is playing out today in our nation was foretold, was entirely predictable to anyone willing to think about it, and is on the verge of jeopardizing the future of our nation’s young adults and children. 

Joe Biden, his Administration, and the Congressional Democratic Leadership continue to pour gasoline on a raging fire...then mystifyingly gaze at each other and wonder why the fire is growing. Their response to the global and tyrannical ambitions of Russia and China continues to be appeasement and groveling.  Their reaction to a failing economy that desperately wants to literally explode from its pandemic prison is to throw innumerable roadblocks up for our industrial development, confront our essential and critical energy sector in an adversarial fashion, and hamstring the business environment for the entrepreneurs among us.  They are intent upon implementing a moral decay upon our citizenry as they gut the decency and constitutional foundations of our country with their “anything goes” positions on wokeness, abortion, and law enforcement in general.

It falls to the Republican Party to put up candidates that are intelligent, responsible, sincere, honorable, and worthy of votes when they stand in opposition to this Democratic Madness.  It also falls to the Republican Party to find someone other than Donald Trump to seek a different direction for this nation.  America should not be faced with a “least of two evils” election in 2024 when they vote for our next President.  If the Republican Party fails to coalesce behind a new and capable presidential candidate in 2024, then they will be as much to blame for the consequences of another Democratic Catastrophe in the White House as the Democrats who will celebrate that opportunity. 

The only rational solutions to the civic idiocy that is sweeping our country is the election of a Republican congressional majority to mitigate the awesome power of our senile Chief Executive and his sophomoric Administration…and…to elect a Republican President in 2024 that will be begin to unwind the devastation wrought upon our nation by the first two years of Democratic government rule under Joe Biden and his next two years as (hopefully) a lame duck President.  I will not even entertain the chilling possibility that might lie ahead if the Democrats somehow manage to maintain their Congressional control in 2022 and then maintain control of the White House in 2024.

Turning to the Republican Party for salvation from our current malaise is thin gruel indeed.  The thought of turning to Donald Trump for that redemption is nothing short of pure desperation.  The unfortunate truth is that the Republican Party performs far better in a position of opposition than it does in the position of control.  But even a marginally-effective Republican Party is far more preferable to the Democratic Party rule that we have witnessed over the last year.  I shudder to think of the dilemma voters will face if the Republicans stand Donald Trump up against the Democratic presidential nominee in 2024.  We can only pray it does not come down to that.

Why do I paint such a dark and dismal picture of the greatest nation in the world?  Why am I so pessimistic in a world that is so full of wonder and goodness and daily miracles?  Why continue my attacks on and persecution of the Democrats who control our government?  Here is why….

Be Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright

What is the perverse logic that drives the Biden Administration to shut down our energy industry while kowtowing to Russia and their energy industry?

And why…WHY…do the Democrats continue to pump federal dollars into our economy when inflation is such a clear and present danger?  Ever wonder why all the trail lawyers and the mainstream media fall in step behind the Democrats?  Here is why…

The Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Obama Administration was corrupted beyond anything seen before in history.  Following Obama’s departure, that corruption burrowed in and continued into and throughout the Trump Administration.  That same corruption has once again found firm footing under Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland and is now brazenly out in the open.  We should pay close attention to what our nation’s, our states’, and our local communities’ top law enforcement agencies and leaders have done, what they are doing, and think seriously about what they might do if they remain in power.

Some of what they did….

Some of what they are doing…

Just as the DOJ sets the tone for law enforcement at all levels throughout our society; so do the other Federal Agencies that administer our federal government.  Consider the people that Joe Biden has selected to run those departments and agencies and the manner in which they are using their positions.  Is this the direction you want to see for your families?

Juxtaposition how the Biden Administration’s DOJ has handled the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill protests compared to the way the Trump DOJ handled the September/2018 Capitol Hill protests.  Were these two events really that different from each other?  Are we really going to accept the premise that the Halls of Congress are more precious and sacrosanct that the Halls of the Supreme Court of the United States?  Once again … Really?

Look at the punishment meted out to the September/2018 protestors while considering the vilification of the January/2021 protestors and the fact that many of the 2021 protestors are still in jail awaiting their justice (I use the term lightly).  Is this equal justice?  What about all of the lives and properties and communities destroyed by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter protests that have occurred all across our country?  How severe was the punishment for those actions?  If you do not see the agenda bias being displayed by law enforcement throughout our nation, you must be wearing blinders.  Or perhaps you are relying on the mainstream media to inform you about these stories?  How’s that working for you?

Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have been shameless and contemptible in how they have handled the covid pandemic.  Failing at every opportunity to credit any previous initiative or action taken by the Trump Administration to battle the pandemic and exercising every chance to exert federal authoritarian actions in the name of pandemic mitigation, Biden and the Democrats have taken Executive Actions far beyond any previously pursued and have damaged the President’s leadership powers for decades to come.  Their lust for power and control is insatiable.

And how are these Biden/Democratic heavy-handed, extra-constitutional, and autocratic power plays working out?

Are the policies of Joe Biden and the Democratic Leadership good for America?  Do their policies and the stories linked above reflect your vision for our country?  Actions have consequences.  Look at what your Democrat and liberal agenda votes have wrought, both at home and abroad …

And lest you forget…the Democrats control the White House and the Senate as a direct result of how Donald Trump handled his 2020 Presidential campaign.  All Joe Biden had to do was sit in his basement and watch Trump self destruct.  Then…having flamboyantly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory…Trump helped to insure Democratic Senate control by involving himself in the Georgia special Senate elections.  Remember…the Republicans only had to win ONE of those TWO Senate seats to retain control of the U.S. Senate.  Ask yourself…how much bad legislation would not have been passed; how much irresponsible federal spending could have been prevented; how many ideological and radical Biden appointees would have failed Senate confirmation…if only Trump had kept his mouth shut and stayed out of Georgia’s business?  Some people never learn.

Enough of the poison of politics, the wackiness of wokeness, and the frustration of everyday life in America; let us celebrate two of the greatest ladies in the music industry.  Melding together a dynamic and unique vocal style with wicked guitar licks, the Wilson sisters have established a permanent place in rock history for Heart.  Enjoy…


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