Monday, December 27, 2021

Hubris Sinks Biden’s First Year

One of my favorite quotes is, I believe, attributed to Carroll Bryant.  While categorizing people into three groups, he said … “Some people make things happen.  Some people watch things happen.  And then there are those who wonder, ‘What the hell just happened?  Over the last 18 months, President Joe Biden has incredibly journeyed from the former to the latter of these three groups. 

At the beginning of 2017, I thought that the luckiest politician in my lifetime was Donald Trump.  He somehow parlayed a starring role in a reality TV show into the Republican nomination for President, squared off in the general election against what was likely (at that time) the weakest Democratic nominee for President in history, and then remarkably eased into the White House with a victory margin of about 107,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.  The margin of victory was truly razor thin:

But three years later, in the presidential campaign of 2020, Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump in the position of luckiest politician.  With President Trump riding high on the popularity and effectiveness of various policy initiatives, he appeared to be a shoo-in for re-election.  The Democratic presidential nominee candidates (all 20 of them) were clawing and gnawing at each other, trying to decide who might have the best shot at toppling the Republican in the White House.  Out of this nomination circus, on the heels of a pandemic thunderbolt that shook the entire planet, rose one of the unlikeliest presidential candidates in history.  The third time proved to be the charm for Biden as he defeated Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, for the Democratic nomination and the right to take on incumbent President Donald Trump.  Not many people saw that coming:

Under the guise of pandemic lockdown restrictions, Joe Biden severely limited his campaign activities to the smallest numbers possible and largely conducted his race for the presidency from his home’s basement in Delaware.  The fact that he successfully used this strategy to win the election likely says far more about his opponent Donald Trump than it does about himself.  The Democratic game plan of permitting Donald Trump to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory proved wise beyond expectations.  The incumbent President repeatedly allowed his ego and excessive pride to rule his campaign rhetoric.  Trump essentially debated himself and lost; exiting the White House amidst charges of Democratic campaign chicanery that, although based on a significant amount of fact, proved to be essentially unquantifiable and largely unverifiable.  History will record that Joe Biden became President by defeating a man that had presided over a remarkable economic resurgence and relative peace in foreign policy.  The dog that didn’t bark became the Top Dog on the block:

More through the good fortune of happenstance as opposed to ingenious planning, Joe Biden walked into the White House in January of 2021 holding a strong hand.  Even though he had promised the sun and the moon and all of the stars in his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination, his ensuing campaign of intentional seclusion allowed him to advance to the presidency with few public promises being made.  With the unexpected windfall of a Senate Democratic Majority courtesy of Georgia’s special elections, Biden settled in as our nation’s Chief Executive with a Democratic Congressional majority and a world of possibilities.   What could possibly go wrong with this picture?

Rather than entering into his presidential term with ease and confidence, Joe Biden inexplicably swept into WDC like a hurricane; a liberal windstorm intent on blowing away any trace, positive or otherwise, of President Donald Trump.  Biden and his ilk chose malevolence over magnanimity.  As Biden issued a weekly procession of Executive Orders to dissemble his predecessor’s accomplishments, the Democratic leadership in Congress began behaving as if they had swept into WDC on the wings of an historic blue wave.  In fact, they had crept in overnight with a historically-thin margin in the House and a literal tie in the Senate that lent itself to Democratic control only through Vice-President Harris’ tie-breaking vote.  Biden himself won by a paper-thin margin quite similar to Trump’s victory over Clinton.

Biden, his Administration, and the Democrats in Congress have striven over the last year to fundamentally alter the way our nation’s government works.  With shameless ambition and political thuggery, they have seized every opportunity to jam down the throats of American citizens their liberal agenda of fiscal insanity, socialist engineering of government programs, arbitrary and baseless misadventures in foreign policy, and have pretty well orchestrated an obvious decay in the moral and ethical standing of this country’s leadership. 

Imagine for a moment that Joe Biden had arrived in WDC as the seasoned, moderate Democrat Senator he billed himself to be?  While respectfully bringing attention to his policy differences with those of his predecessor, what if he had simply permitted the successful illegal immigration actions begun by Trump to continue?  Rather than sell his soul to the green idiots of the global warming clan, he could have embraced America’s newfound energy independence and used that position to further his global aspirations and to beef up his economic bona fides.  While slyly allowing his vanquished opponent to stew in his own juices and be publicly judged for the irresponsible rhetoric flowing from his mouth, Biden could have simply ignored Trump and focused on his own agenda.  Instead of joining with the Congressional Democratic leadership in a zealous attempt to re-invent our culture and society, he could have engineered a calm and rational legislative approach that could have built on the positive accomplishments of the previous four years and pointed that hard-earned momentum in the policy direction of his own agenda. 

In other words, all Joe Biden had to do was NOTHING.  By cultivating a perception of an experienced and seasoned legislator that could possibly bridge the deep chasm between our two national parties, he might have become the poster child of empathy for pandemic concerns, the beneficiary of a rebounding economy, the master of a powerful and restored global presence, and a highly popular President viewed largely as a grandfatherly presence in a White House full of competence and calm.  Unwilling to graciously embrace the good fortune that had inexplicably fallen his way, Joe Biden now stands unsteadily astride a nation divided, a citizenry at war with itself over raging social issues, a global environment that is full of danger and uncertainty, and a national economy that is clearly running off the rails and threatening to pile up in a stupendous crash that will yield catastrophic damages. 

Along with his handlers…candidate Joe Biden made things happen in his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination.  He was successful.  Having obtained that opportunity, he retreated into his basement and watched the 2020 presidential campaign unfold to his benefit.  Having come out on top of a tumultuous, treacherously-close, and undoubtedly controversial presidential election, he now sits dumbfounded in our nation’s White House and along with his ill-chosen Administration and political appointees, he wonders…what the hell is happening?  He is not the only one wondering.  Consider the following….

Disingenuous, deceitful, spiteful, inept, bumbling, hypocritical, foolish….all of these terms aptly describes the Biden Administration’s approach to the covid pandemic(s).  Just consider…

And the economy?  If there is one thing that Trump did right, it was his economic policy.  Why in the world did Biden feel the need to take a wrecking bar to an economy that was simply bursting at the seams to explode into a post-pandemic, robust recovery?

The Democrats…all those new taxes…the exploding federal debt…the yawning federal deficit…the endless procession of federal spending bills………..AND FOR WHAT?

Be Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright

With the Biden Administration, everything is “all race, all the time”.  How can we, as a people, ever get past our racial issues if all we ever do is emphasize them?

Over the last couple of decades, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been progressively trending towards an unholy political consciousness.  It has been used as a political tool by many presidents; Obama taking it to new and shameful heights.  Joe Biden and Merrick Garland have thrown aside any pretense towards restoring and maintaining any degree of ethical, politically-neutral, professional, and competent operation of that Department.  What should the media be reporting on these days?  THIS is what the media should be reporting on these days.  We must always remember that when the DOJ can do this to any of us…they can do it to all of us.  The Justice System in our nation is slipping into dangerous territory.

The Biden Administration’s meddling in Supreme Court matters should be concerning to anyone who respects our Constitution and expects equal justice for all in America:

So…how has Biden’s “scorched earth on anything Trumpian” worked out for him…and us?

Rather than face their mistakes and errors in judgment in an honest and meaningful fashion, the Biden Administration, through its useful idiot Jen Circle Back Psaki, puts forth pabulum of misdirection, disingenuousness, outright lies, and shameless denial.  No one handles this tomfoolery better than the Babylon Bee.  Check out some of these highlights:

To wrap up this year-end post, I present for your viewing pleasure a great discussion of the year 2021.  Both political sides are marvelously represented by competent journalists in this review of the past year.  This is how political conversation should be conducted.  Your time will be well spent watching this respectful and serious discussion:


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