Sunday, January 9, 2022

2022: A Year of Decision

The annals of Democratic ridiculousness continue.  Invading Washington, D.C. with illusions of an electoral mandate and super-infused with their fantastical liberal agenda, the Joe Biden Administration and the Congressional Democrats have spent a full year now attempting to re-invent this country in their foolish vision.  Needless to say, the results have been less than satisfying….for all involved.

In my initial post for 2022, I am going to take a somewhat lengthy approach to laying out many of the issues that will have a significant impact on exactly what this country becomes.  The lack of success and enthusiasm the Democrats have managed to generate for their specious policies can perhaps give us hope that a gradual public realization of their implausibility will soon mitigate their realization.  However, there are many months until the mid-term elections that might neuter our runaway Congress and it is essentially a lifetime until our next presidential election that might result in a sea change of national leadership.  The struggle for the soul of our nation is fully engaged and the outcome of that struggle is far from certain. 

Each one of us could affect this result.  We will either engage…or we will sit idly by and let others decide for us.  A neutral position is no longer acceptable, because both national parties have learned to parlay that neutrality to their own advantage.  It is essential that when the future of our children and our children’s children is determined, it can be said that we each stepped up and spoke; that our voice (or vote) was heard.  Our silence simply feeds the beast.  Here is a collection of national subjects that largely determine how that struggle will play out.  Consider how you feel about each one.  Inform yourself as to the policy positions of each candidate and each national party.  And once you know where you stand, channel that resolution into action.  The politicians in our world are willing, even anxious, to commandeer your rights and privileges in pursuit of their agendas.  Don’t give them up! 

One of the areas where Biden’s arrogance and obstinacy has been so damaging is how his Administration has handled the pandemic.  When campaigning for the presidency, Biden essentially laid every…single…death resulting from the pandemic at the feet of Donald Trump.  He railed about how incompetent the Trump Administration was in combating the pandemic and how, if he were elected, he would quickly put an end to it.  He was elected.  Reality is a bitch.  More people have died as a result of the pandemic under Biden than under Trump.  And Trump left Biden a vaccine to fight with.  Now Biden, his liberal fraternity, the Democratic Congress, and the mainstream media are all dealing with the stark difference between criticizing those in charge and being the one responsible for making the calls.

The liberal community in America has controlled higher education for decades.  That element in our teaching and educational administrative departments has indoctrinated graduates in irresponsible and unrealistic social policies that have eroded the integrity and effectiveness of our culture and society; most notably in appointed government positions.  That decadent influence has now seeped into our high schools, our elementary schools, and yes…even our kindergarten and pre-K education processes. 

There are encouraging signs that parents across the nation are now paying attention to exactly what is being taught in schools and how it is being taught.  This attention must translate into parents taking effective control of their local school boards so that education can return to its fundamental roots and the social engineering that poses as Karen-parenting can be eliminated from our children’s curriculum.

President Trump was on many occasions an arrogant, combative, egotist whose abrasive style often overwhelmed his substantial substance.  This reality was quite prevalent in the implementation of his foreign policy.  His “America First” and nationalistic tendencies offended many in America and many others in foreign lands…both allies and enemies.  But the one thing that Trump restored to our foreign policy that had been sorely lacking for quite some time was the clarity of exactly who was an ally and who was an enemy. 

Foreign leaders might not have liked him; but foreign leaders respected him.  He restored America to the eminent position as chief defender of freedom, liberty, and human rights in this world.  Four years of relative peace was the result of that policy.  In less than a year, the Biden Administration has decimated that progress and turned our foreign policy into a mush of ever-changing positions, conflicting principles, and weak-kneed rhetoric.  Biden has made this world a very dangerous place.

No single policy area more directly hits home with the average American than economic policy.  There are many factors that go into determining what will be the quality of life for us and our families; but at the end of the day, the amount of disposable income available to us has a huge impact of that quality.  In no single area of our lives were Donald Trump’s policies more effective than they were in economics.  Immediately prior to the onset of the pandemic, the U.S. economy was functioning at a high level of historical success.  Unemployment was low, inflation was well under control, upward mobility in the job sectors was reaching all people in every demographic and income strata, and job participation was at an historical high level.  Wages were experiencing real growth for the first time in decades.

And even though the pandemic threw a wet blanket over all of this, the fundamentals that led to this thriving economy remained in place and were poised to once again rise to those high levels and pick right up where they left off before the global illness swept in.  All Joe Biden had to do was “do nothing”, sit back, and reap the benefits of a vigorously rebounding national economy.  But no…he did not do that.  Blinded by an inexplicable drive to abandon that which had worked, he replaced it with illogical, impractical, and fundamentally flawed liberal economic principles, Biden abandoned all policies that were remotely associated with Donald Trump and began implementing the social policies held in such high esteem by the Democratic Party and the liberal community.  We are now reaping that whirlwind.  The economy is in the toilet.

Nowhere is the liberal detachment from reality more evident than in their blind obsession calling for the immediate destruction of the U.S. energy sector and its replacement by all things green.  Their naïve attitude of “if it feels good, do it” drives their idiotic pursuit of inefficient and unreliable electric power and it is at the expense of national energy independence that has helped to make our nation safe, secure, and free-standing.

Rather than strategically and intelligently integrating innovative and alternative energy sources into our culture while maintaining the solid and existing foundation that currently exists, they insist on throwing fossil fuels overboard and making a blind leap into the deep and icy cold waters of green energy. Unfortunately, this foolish escapade will likely be met head-on by the harsh realities of the world as opposed to the political solutions of the ballot box.  It’s gonna leave some scars.

The liberal demagoguery being practiced in the area of immigration reform is so thick it could rival peanut butter in the sandwich-making department.  Carelessly and irresponsibly tossing aside a successful and fully functioning immigration operation upon his arrival in the White House, Joe Biden had essentially abandoned our southern border and opened up America to illegal and uncontrolled immigration from all nations and peoples of the world, good and evil. 

Much as they have done in so many other policy areas and upon discovering that their ill-conceived and simplistic solutions to common problems were wholly inadequate and wrong-headed, the liberal community has simply thrown up their arms in total surrender to the challenge of controlling illegal immigration and created a free and unfettered passage way that is hundreds of miles wide.  Common sense and reason screams that it is only a matter of time before the undesirable elements that have so easily infiltrated our nation through this abdication of responsibility will execute a deed of truly evil intent and proportion.

The Democratic Party and the liberal community love to ascend to their self-righteous pedestals and arrogantly lecture us on ethics and morals and how they undoubtedly know what is better for us than we know for ourselves.  It is sickening that so many of these people who function at the level of snakes presume to lecture others who, while being flawed and imperfect themselves, are attempting to create a good and decent life for themselves and their families. 

Both national political parties are corrupt and are driven mainly by inflated opinions of their value, worth, and wisdom.  But beginning with Obama, the Democrats and the liberal community have taken their higher-than-thou Karen attitudes to new heights and obliterated any semblance of ethics in governing.

With Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the liberal community…it is “all race, all the time”.

It is truly tragic to watch the evolution of our Department of Justice as it turns into nothing less than a political appendage of the Democratic Party and the liberal community.  The liberals run about pounding their chests and screaming at the top of their voices about JUSTICE; but it is “justice for me and not for thee”.   In liberal orthodoxy, if you are one of them, there is understanding and forgiveness for most any transgression.  If you are not one of them and dare to speak contrary to their liberal mantra, there is absolutely no margin for error in action, judgment, or opinion.  In their minds, the U.S. government exists for the sole purpose of aiding the liberal community in its attempted transformation of this nation into a petri-dish, social experiment of life as they envision it.  Their desired “ends” justifies any “means” necessary and they shamelessly, and increasingly, use their power, authority, and discretion in bald-faced efforts to change the fundamental nature of our Constitution and government.

This implementation of Democratic liberal justice runs the gamut from lax District Attorneys at the local level who ignore crimes of a certain nature, through the pretensions of election reforms that in fact lock in polling advantages for those who would subvert the election process, and all the way up to the blatant malfeasance of elected officials who pursue self-enrichment through the abuse of power and authority.

The January 6, 2021 event at our nation’s Capitol is a perfect platform to illustrate what our political world has come to.  Every politician, every Party, every person willing to express an opinion on the matter…EVERYONE wants to spin this event in such a fashion as to support their personal agenda. 

Whatever that opinion might be, there are two elements that must be strongly considered when examining that day.  First…what are the facts?  How many people were involved?  How much actual damage occurred?  How many people were injured?  How long did it last?  Was it spontaneous, or contrived, or agitated by outside/inside parties?  And secondly…what is the context?  How do the facts of this event stack up against the facts of other similar, but distinctly different, events that had previously occurred in the last couple of years?  Is the number of participants comparable?  Is the amount of material damage comparable?  Is the number of personal injuries/fatalities comparable?  What are the apparent motivations/causes for the events?  And perhaps most importantly…are the transgressors of this event being treated equally under the law as compared to the transgressors of previous and similar events?

January 6 was a bad look for everyone involved.  There is abundant blame to go around.  It was a dark moment in our nation’s history.  But the blatant seizure of that day and its shameful use to promote various political and social agendas is just as despicable as the event itself.

How are the liberal, socially-centric policies of the Democrat Party, President Joe Biden, the mainstream media, and the intelligentsia complex of this nation working for you and your family?  If the stories you have read above lend you comfort and optimism for America’s future, then you are in a good place right now.  On the other hand, if you are concerned about the future these policies will create for you and your family; if the fundamental logic and reasoning of these agendas confuse you and lead you to challenge their soundness; if you find the ethics and morals woven into these ideas inconsistent with your personal beliefs…then the time has come for you to decide how you can best impact the change of course necessary to combat, mitigate, or eliminate these efforts.





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