Friday, January 28, 2022

Fly Into the Danger Zone

The really dangerous thing about Democrats is the fact that they do not realize their hair is on fire until their scalp begins to sizzle.  Needless to say, it is too late by then for the realization to help much.  At that point, when all about them is laid to waste by their foolish behavior, they shamelessly capitulate to the common sense warnings that others had been noting.  The fact that they…THEMSELVES…essentially brought down this havoc upon everyone; that they were repeatedly told in the simplest terms what the damage would be and then chose to ignore that information; the reality that the essential truth of life itself…history, tried and true policy physics, common sense and reason…flew in the face of their simplistic fantasies and they were therefore doomed to failure; all of these things are wasted on their dangerously naïve natures and self-righteous attitudes of infallibility.  Once they have brought the kingdom down and inexplicably view the ashes as nothing more than collateral damage, they idly look over at one another and pose the idiotic question: Now what do we do?  This is where America sits today.

At some point in most of our lives, we begin to realize that very little of what we might affect or accomplish in a lifetime has much impact beyond our days.  However, there are areas of culture and society where those impactful opportunities exist and many extraordinary people find ways to change the future far beyond their final days on earth. 

One of those areas can found in the education of our children.  How we teach our children; how we prepare them for the future; how we inform them honestly and transparently about our mistakes of the past; these are the foundations and pillars upon which future civilizations will rise.  Whether we be a parent, a teacher, an administrator, a grandparent, an uncle, an aunt, a mentor, an informed observer, a school board member, or just a single swimmer paddling along in our life stream…we EACH have an opportunity…yeah, an OBLIGATION…to have some thoughtful input on the education of our children.

America was born on the hope and promise of equal opportunity for all; not the privilege placed by birth circumstances on selected individuals within our society.  Do not be fooled by Critical Race Theory; equity is not equal opportunity. 

Beginning with the Obama Administration and now once again fired up under the Biden Administration, the Democratic policy of allowing race to be the primary driver in all public policy is driving our nation and our country to ruin…at the expense of ALL citizens. 

Until we can become a truly colorblind culture; ably and honorably adhering to the first ten Constitutional Amendments (i.e. the Bill of Rights)!/amendments;  refraining from constantly dividing our people and placing all emphasis on their differences rather than their similarities; …we are condemning ourselves to a future nation status of artificial privileges, false promises, rank hypocrisies, and gross injustices.

The philosophy that President Biden has expressed about limiting his first SCOTUS Nominee to black females is a perfect example of how the Democrats have corrupted once-noble notions and turned them into shallow virtue-signaling.  You disagree?  Then answer this…Why should the first black woman to ever serve as a Justice on the SCOTUS have to carry with her, for her entire career, the qualifier that she was chosen only after excluding all qualified white women and all qualified males?

Here is a copy of the Democrat’s Voting Rights Bill.  Read it for yourself…then re-read the above-noted Bill of Rights.  Which document best preserves equality?

Consider the overall effect of Biden’s first year on our nation’s domestic welfare.  Think hard about it.  This is liberal, Democratic group-think government in action.

Be Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright

About that equal justice thing we discussed earlier… the next two links and see how that is playing out with our new Department of Justice…

Every day on the world stage, an American adversary is looking closely at Joe Biden and wondering….Is this the time for us to move?\

I will close with some satire from the champions of such behavior, the Babylon Bee:


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